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Posts posted by Security

  1. Oh gosh.


    Not really, though. Muslims are some times extreme but so are Christians and Catholics, and even Gravitians.


    Haha. The loud minority always makes everyone look bad unless you have people that speak out against the loud minority that the loud minority claims to represent.


    This does happen with Muslims, they are afraid of the crazy terrorist Muslims, but in this case of the African American community, it seems like there is no need to speak out because they believe they have been wronged.


    One black friend of mine is getting killed by many other black posters on facebook because he said to a degree that Brown influenced his own demise directly. This is not a welcomed thought process it seems to me in that community.

  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/25/george-stephanopoulos-darren-wilson-interview-abc-news_n_6220492.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000018


    George Stephanopoulos interviewing Darren Wilson!


    How many violent protesters were there last night compared to peaceful ones? The looters were by far in the minority.




    :lol: :lol:


    Not in Ferguson. Even the "peaceful" ones appeared to be taunting the police trying to provoke them to break rank and maybe attack someone.


    When they saw the police would not make a move they kept the insults flying.


    Kind of my point.


    The outnumbered are being out shined by the minority. The majority need make a more consciousness effort to make their voices louder then the violence.


    Kind of like Muslims...

  3. I had a gf in college who wanted to be a cop until she learned from play wrestling with me how effortlessly a man could render her completely helpless. She sells insurance now.




    Brian Nichols overpowered a women and killed a bunch of people.


    This was a dangerous guy, can't believe they let 1 woman try and be in charge of this dude. Just nuts. Had the city of Atlanta in terror when this happened.


    This Wilson is not a big dude. When someone points a gun they somewhat expect people to stop.

  4. McCullogh (a Democrat) has been the prosecutor in St Louis since 1991. I seriously doubt he has aspirations for a higher office or he'd have left already.


    They announced it at night because they wanted to let all the children get home from school and parents get home from work. They didn't want this to happen while there were millions of people who needed to commute. Get a clue you !@#$ing shrew.


    I also heard it was because they thought there would actually be less people because it was supposed to be cold out. They did have a reason, I guess.

  5. I also hear people complaining that Wilson should have been able to subdue this guy.


    I also hear people mad Wilson chased Brown......I flat out do not understand this, at this point he is a criminal suspect, it is a cop chasing a robber, kind of his job.


    Imagine if the cop was a woman!


    I actually do not think there should be woman cops allowed, only as desk duty cops to frisk arrested women.

  6. So Obama will accept incompetence (Kerry), blatant agendas (Holder), targeting political opponents (Lerner), negligence (VA), and dereliction of duty (Clinton).


    But in no way is he willing to tolerate criticism


    Kathleen Sebelius thanks you for not even bringing her up.


    He did let another minority, Eric Shinseki fall on a resignation sword.

  7. They fear them being shot by street thugs or the police? If it's the later, they can't be that smart or educated.


    Seems to me more worried about the police, but if it is a street thug, it is still the system, and in reality the police and society's fault for not doing anything to protect them because they are viewed as not important.


    it becomes the police regardless.


    The officer gave four hours of testimony to the grand jury.


    And his clothes, his police car, his bullets, his own physical medical diagnosis, there is plenty of testimony it seems without a word spoken.

  8. I think it is sad that some black friends of min that live in the suburbs and their children have no no wants or needs feel like their sons are in danger of being shot.


    There are smart, educated, fairly well off black people that think their children are at great risk of being killed.

  9. I just don't get why these star athletes, even Pulitzer prize winning journalists on MSNBC, and leaders who condemn this verdict, why don't they just come out and say the 12 people on the Grand Jury have to been forced to vote in a particular, the jury was stacked with whites, and on top of it, they have to be racists then? The whole system is a fraud because there is no actual day in court.


    This counted as a day in court, correct? It was determined that many people lied and there was not enough evidence to prosecute, and based on science, they can tell the kid was never shot in the back.


    I don't know how this Grand Jury thing all works, but I am also hearing that if are a prosecutor, and you want an indictment, it is not hard to obtain.


    It is the turn of others now to "interpret" what the black leaders have "interpreted".


    If you don't believe in science and you cannot accept a jury of your peers, I have no idea why you stay in America. If you do stay, I have no idea how these riots don't happen with more frequency. Lots of dumb people out there.

  10. Of course it's always that way. The Rodney King riots saw them loot their own neighborhood businesses. That's got to be great for their local economy. The issue is many of the looters don't live there so they don't give a ****. The locals that joined in are just not very smart. Protest, yell, have sit-ins carry signs. When did looting help their cause at all. All this says is "see, this is why the police act the way they do sometimes."


    Disrupting commerce in any way is not constructive, I mean, standing in the middle of highways and not allowing trucks or whoever to drive to where they are needing to go.


    There is no greater good when this crap is done.

  11. Just my opinion, but their 'hard news' shows like Special Report and Fox News Sunday aren't bad. It's the Hannitys & the like that tilt the content so much.


    Hannity just repeats his same words over and over again, they should have let him go when they gave Megyn Kelly her show and kept Greta where she was.

  12. Fox was the only station that managed to interview anyone of Brown's family. Their reporting last night was actually...competent.


    I did see that, Shepard Smith interviewing the cousin. Shep pressed him for answers, but gave the fellow the time to explain what he felt he needed to.


    Brown's cousin too reiterated, the looting and violent demonstrations are not warranted. Most seem to want to just have this case go to a real trial. Shep pressed him into almost seeming to say he knows the cop would not be convicted in a trial, but he just wanted a trial.

  13. Fox at least puts people on with different perspectives, they do in every segment on every show.


    I watched a lot of MSNBC during this, and they are really twisted.


    They tell their audience things like, "and we all know most everyone in this entire country disagrees with verdict", and most everyone knows this is a miscarriage of justice.

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