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Posts posted by dezertbill

  1. Currently, according to Spotrac the Bills have $7,062,000 in remaining cap space this season.  Their dead cap is astronomical for a reason, to eat as much dead cap this year in order to free up as much space as possible for 2019.


    With an estimated $196 million cap ceiling next year,  Beane has set up the franchise to have close to $89 million in free cap space entering into 2019.


    Obviously, one name that seems to be a cap casualty no-brainer next year is Charles Clay, who would only cost us $4.5 million in dead cap next year and a $4.5 million savings off his $9 million salary in 2019.  


    My question is why didn't they cut him this year?


    Prior to cutting Kelvin Benjamin, the Bills had $15.5 million in cap space.  Charles Clay dead cap number this season was $13.5 million.  They could have cut him this year and taken his entire $9m salary completely off the books, giving us an additional $4.5 million next year.

    Instead, they cut Benjamin and his $8,459,000 dead cap number.  Benjamin is a free agent after this season, and his cap number in 2019 is $0.


    Now, with a shade over $7 million remaining in cap space after waiving Benjamin, they can't cut Clay.  


    Benjamin was let go days after the Miami game in which Clay failed to come up with the last second catch to win the game.  Beane and Co. had to know by then that Clay's days in a Bills uniform were numbered.  Why not cut a guy that's on our books next year instead of a guy who isn't?


    Some will say "How much cap space do you need?".  I would say you are always trying to maximize your roster and cutting dead cap as soon as possible.  The $4.5 million difference could mean an extra stud OL or WR. 


    Plus, If that's your plan, be consistent.  Wondering if they knew what they know now (deactivating Clay), in hindsight would the cut Clay instead?



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  2. The Bills will sign Tyrell Williams.


    Chargers already have Keenan Allen and Mike Williams (if they pick up his 5th year option) until 2021.  Travis Benjamin is signed through next year.  No way they pay this guy what he's worth.


    26 years old.  He is 6'4 and can win jump balls (what we thought we were getting with Benjamin).  He is a hands catcher and can take it out of the defenders grasp.  Can stretch the field and go deep (caught a number of long ball TDs).  Has great speed to get past defenders and gain valuable YAC.  His 63.3 catch % is tops among FA WR's. 


    He's on the books for $2.9 this year. 


    He will be in a Bills uniform next year.  

  3. 2 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    Ok so


    Clay really only costs 4 million dollars next year......after years of overpaying this guy he actually is dirt cheap going into this next season......just get a BETTER TE to be the number 1 and he can be the number 2


    I would keep Shady but draft a RB

    I would cut Clay period.  He is not a productive player, a liability in the passing game, and regardless of how much cap you have I'm always looking to maximize value.  $4.5 Million is 4.5 Million.  You never know what player may become available that you want to sign.


    As for Shady, I'm on the fence.  One the one hand, he isn't a fit for our running game (perhaps due to our faulty OL which maybe fixed this offseason), on the other hand he is a team leader and can be dynamic in the right situation.


    If our cap space was a problem Id say cut him.  But with over $100 million after cutting Clay, and there isn't any reason not to keep him for his final year (which he'll be playing in a contract year) and see what he can do with improved Offensive weapons around him.  

    7 minutes ago, offyourocker said:

    I think they will go get an OLB also to replace Lorenzo.  There are a lot of free agents at that position.  He might be back for a year to play a limited role but I  think this is the right time to get a long time starter.

    Lo has another year left, maybe too.  I see his replacement coming in the 2019 draft. 

  4. Williams would have to sweep the rest of the season to be considered.  The Browns have made so many bad hires, they can't risk screwing this up.  Dorsey has an opportunity to hire the next "great" coach. Just going with a retread isn't exactly what one looks to do in this situation.  His performance has to be overwhelming.  A 6-2 finish after a 2-5-1 start will be enough.  Not sure 5-3 does.

  5. 1 hour ago, Magox said:

    I also actually believe that they will try to make a run at Julio.  I am certain that Beane will do whatever he can possibly  with reason do to get him elite talent at the pass catching level.

    If they do it will be to bring an elite veteran receiver that can help the young core.  I see our future WR including Zay Jones, Robert Foster,  Ray Ray, and either a 1st or 2nd round WR in next years draft along with a veteran stud like Jones. 


    Im for it. Although a 30 year old receiver isn’t ideal. 

  6. 1 hour ago, PaattMaann said:

    All joking aside that was a TERRIBLE one sided called game.


    Josh Allen was hit at least three times in the pocket late. The one sack his helmet was almost literally ripped off. On one of his slides a dolphins LB literally clotheslines his head. 


    Blatant PI on Zay Jones on the final drive goes for a no call. 


    That personal foul taunting call on phillips was ridiculous.


    Im not much to argue about holding calls not being called because holding happens on every NFL play BUT MY GOD JERRY HUGHES WAS RAPED all game long and drew one flag (I think). 


    It was a bad bad bad day from the officials yesterday and it did very much contribute to costing us the game. Even so Josh still put us in a position to win the game. 

    Phillips had the RB's foot in his hand when he got excited.  Honestly I thought that was a good call.


    But the holding calls were just ridiculous.  I saw Bills defensive jerseys getting yanked a half dozen times, and no penalties, yet that holding call on Teller was really bad, as well as a few others.  The PI on Milano was horrible.  Players are taught to cut the field off for receivers.  His play was textbook.  He even looked back once the ball was coming.


    Dolphins almost took Allens head off on one sack, and hit him in the head a couple other times.  Overall it was just a really bad day.  But we are the Bills, and I'm sure the league couldn't give a rats a$$ cuz we aren't the Patriots.  We just have to deal with bad officiating until we get good. 

  7. Everyone harps on the accuracy thing.  They overlook all of the amazing physical tools he has.  Even if he never becomes the most accurate QB in the game, he still has enough tools to be a great one.


    What the Bills bet on from day one was his work ethic, and his desire to be more accurate.  He may never pass for 70% in a season, but he is going to work his butt off to get there.  If he gets to 64%, he'll be a stud QB.  He's a rookie, and  young.  As time goes and he gets reps and is put in situations he will only grow. 


    What he has on the field is incredible confidence.  Whether it's running with the ball, or scrambling to make a pass, his body language screams, "I got this".  We needed a QB like that to lead this team for the next 15 years.  The accuracy thing will improve.  But he has other things you just cant teach. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Juice_32 said:

    I loved Zay's postgame interview. Coming off of the best statistical performance of his career, he was pissed as hell that they lost. 

    That screams leadership.  As time goes, he is going to be the one that holds players accountable.


    The Bills knew he was that type of person, which is why they dealt with the off season stuff.  He's an emotional kid. But on the field and in front of the press, he keeps it together.



  9. Benjamin with a drop.  Clay could have played hero but he hasn't caught much of anything for his $9 million.  Zay Jones with a miscommunication on the route.  The game was filled with a number of almosts, with a foot here or there that could have brought a different result.  Its' not like the guy was 5 of 19 for 34 yards and 2 picks.


    Anyone who doesn't see Allen's positive influence on this team is blind.  He is a rookie only 7 games in, and he has already made a mark with his leadership, arm, and legs. 


    No, he didn't play a perfect game.  But neither did Roethlisberger today, or other QB's who are held to a higher standard than he is.


    His confidence on the field is unmistakable.  He acts like a 10 year vet.  I love his moxie.  He may never be the most accurate QB in NFL history, but he has enough tools to be a great one.  That's a helluva lot better than what we've been used to seeing over the last 20 years.



  10. I really see Zay not only growing on the field, but also growing off.  I'm officially become a big fan of his. 


    I loved his post game interview.  He couldn't even really focus cuz he was soo upset about the loss.  Just by his answers you can tell he is going to be a leader of this team moving forward.  He is going to start calling guys out (IE mom's post about Benjamin) and start holding guys accountable.  We need guys like that.  At the end of the conversation he was asked about Charles Clay and his response "Charles is a grown man you can go ask him" speaks volumes about his compete level and how he holds guys accountable. Especially guys who are more veteran than him, and make a lot more money.  


    I think this is a game this team will look back upon down the road and will be used as a measure of how fast they grew up once we get more talent and more experience.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    Today was the most upset I have been after a loss in a real long time. It just sucks knowing how long the offseason is and how long it will be until a game matters again. The Bills had plenty of chances to win today. I was never in the camp of just writing an entire year off. There are to many factors from year to year. I know the Bills weren’t going anywhere but it would have been nice to get a few more weeks out of this season. Now there is an entire month worth of meaningless games. It’s a shame.

    Myself included. Even in the blowouts you just accept the fact your team wasn’t better that day.  But to lose like this Pissed me off, especially when players like Clay and Benjamin keep letting the team down.  Not to mention the horrible refs. Horrible 

  12. Bottom line Allen’s contribution this year has far outweighed what Clay has contributed. Allen’s lack of plays has to do with him being a rookie. Clay is veteran well paid TE. Sure, wasn’t a great throw.  But as your highest paid skilled position player outside of Shady you have to come down with that. You have to make your QB look like a hero. Clark did it on the catch with Montana.  Clay had to do it here 


    With everything Allen has done this year,  all the fans wanted was Clay to finally make one play and earn his contract.  


    He Didn’t.  


    So yes he deserves the brunt of what he’s getting.  As a man you have it take responsibility. I give him credit for that. But it’s not like he’s going to throw Allen under the bus. 

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  13. This game is all on the players.  Stupid penalties again killing gains.  ST players running into the returner like it's their first game.  RB tripping over himself and fumbling like it's the first time he's ever carried the ball.


    Players seem like they are thinking about the beach..  They are playing like s***. 


    And yes, I don't think we can get ride of Clay and Benjamin soon enough.

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