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Posts posted by billsgpr88

  1. Can the mods just kick Caesar outta here? I’m cool with fans of other teams posting on this board, but this persistent trolling warrants censorship. It’s hard to comprehend how pathetic a person must be to devote so much time and effort to annoying other people.


    I rarely post anything here, just like reading the thoughts of others, but I feel compelled to speak up on this.

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  2. Have you watched him play this year? I'd rather take a late round flyer on someone else than bring him back, he is exactly what we saw in Edwards, Manuel, and to a lesser degree, Tyrod. I can't imagine Beane wanting him back based on his play this year.

    • Disagree 2
  3. Just putting it out there, he's the greatest receiver the Bills have ever had. Reed and TO may have accomplished more up to now, but I've never seen a Bills wideout perform at this level. He's so consistent highpointing the catch that I feel at ease when I see the ball going in his direction, and watching him run routes is like watching Muhammad Ali box.

  4. I'm no scout, but if Cook becomes a weapon for the Bills he has a very obvious nickname lined up: Captain Cook (or The Captain). Same name as the explorer, alliterative, and figurative meaning. Anyway, looking forward to seeing how Josh and Ken Dorsey use his skill set. GO BILLS!!!

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  5. Another detail to keep in mind is the very noticeable fatigue of the defense beginning early in the second half. I can't speak on the x's and o's of what was happening on the field, but the incessant pressure brought on by Henderson and the successive long drives completely gassed the defense (the commentators mentioned it at one point). They are pros, but anyone who's played sports knows all too well how ineffective you are when your body is exhausted. I attribute their breakdown to this more than anything, but perhaps more insightful viewers picked up on other issues.

  6. 5 hours ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    No not at all.


    Every lottery ticket initially has "value", it CAN win you whatever, odds of you cashing in are way against you put it does have value.  6th round picks have some "value", the odds of getting a good players are 2 way against you but it is possible.  In the Brady instance possibly the GOAT.


    So let me ask you a question, if 6th rounders have "no value" does that mean you stop watching the NFL draft after the fifth?  Or you dont know who the Bill s pick in the 6th or 7th, and you could care less about any UDFA they sign.  Is that accurate?

    unless I am missing something, you say they are not at all similar and then proceed to describe how they are in fact similar (both have some value because they can turn out to be winners). This was part of the point I was making: a lottery ticket and a 6th rounder both have potential when you first get them, but the probability that you win big on either is highly, highly unlikely statistically. Tom Brady is the powerball winner; for every hall of famer picked after the 5th rounder, there are hundreds of players who barely make the team (ok, so 6th rounders are not AS unlikely to hit on as a lottery ticket). But the point is that 6th and 7th rounders are 2nd stringers or special teamers like 95% of the time, and another thing to consider is that you are just about as likely to find a similar level of talent from the UDFAs or free agency at that point. 

  7. 1 hour ago, WhoTom said:

    As I mentioned just a few posts before this one, the term redskin initially referred to the use of red clay that certain tribes used to paint on their skin. It wasn’t always a racial slur.


    It was acceptable to the oppressors but not to the oppressed. The same is true of the word "Redskin" - it doesn't matter whether white people find it offensive or not, it is and always has been a racial slur.


    Slavery ended not because black people protested it, but because enough white people developed a conscience and saw it for what it was: racial oppression. The same goes for segregation. Minorities will never have enough power to change things on their own; they need allies in the majority, because the majority has the power.


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  8. Not sure if anyone mentioned this in the thread yet, but they were actually originally called redskins because of the red clay that they painted their bodies with, not because of their actual skin color. Not sure how much of a difference this makes, as at some point it presumably took on the meaning we assume it has now.

  9. I think the bar has been set a bit too high for Allen. The recent examples of near immediate success by qbs (mahomes, jackson, watson, wentz) has set lofty, and frankly, unrealistic expectations for young qbs. There are a lot of metrics by which a qb can be assessed, but to me the two biggest are total touchdowns and total turnovers. I haven't checked, but I believe Allen had 29 tds last season and only 12 or 13 turnovers. Compare that (again, I haven't checked, more diligent posters can confirm/disprove this) to the second seasons of HOF qbs like Brady and Brees, and I bet they are comparable. Allen definitely can work on certain things such as long ball accuracy, reading the field, accuracy, and adjusting velocity, but I don't think his performance last year warrants the concern that many fans have.

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  10. I'll take him over star any day. He's hungry, still pretty young, and a legit force. With him, Harry, and Oliver, we got a bright future on the interior. Who knows, maybe Darryl Johnson becomes a legit end opposit Jerry? I digress, the point is there's no need to look beyond our roster for the present and future at DT

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    But it might affect the rest of the band and the performance itself.  You wouldn't be concerned if that was the case though, no?  Even if his bad headache was a hangover form the drugs and booze that might turn him into an old age David Crosby in 30 years, or worse?


    I would be concerned if that Band's drum solo for their biggest hit required the drummer to repeatedly smash himself in the face with a foldable chair.


    The drugs and booze may have inspired the songs, but they aren't a requisite of the performance itself. I want the Bills to win. Bad. But on some level, we understand these guys are risking their mental health for our entertainment. The thing that is hurting them is the very same thing that we cheer them on to do. I think this is where your analogy falls short

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  12. 22 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:


    Tannehill's teams win at a higher % than do Fitz's. As far as mobility, neither is what I'd call a mobile QB but Tannehill averages more yards per rush.


    I never said Fitz is a better runner, I just described what I see in Tannehill. Again, you are using statistics in a misleading way, as Fitzpatrick has been on some terrible teams. Dak Prescott has a higher winning % than Aaron Rodgers, does that mean he is a better qb? The point I was trying to make is Tannehill cannot put on a team on his back; there may be some advanced metrics that quantify this, but conventional stats won't show it. 

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