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Posts posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY



    It was noted in an earlier thread, of course. The poster was roundly chastised. Perhaps a bit unfairly I think as I saw it as a (weak) attempt at humor.


    But you are now an unwitting copycat of that. So I'm not giving you the same break. :lol:

    You must be the judge AND jury. Wow pretty impressive !

  2. You can say it was a different era, but was the field still 100 yards long? Was Kelly's line and coaching staff better? Was Kelly actually older and more experienced?

    The comparisons are still legit, and then some.

    My eye test is sceptical too, but we need to get off EJ's back and give him this year (and get a legit backup).

    I love Jimbo as much as the next guy, but the meeting with Bon Jovi, and now calling out EJ? C'mon.


  3. Well they have him there now, I'm sure they will get his big but moving and he'll have another productive season.

    Big daddy, that loveable under achieving lug nut that he is. I'm sure every team has a guy or two like him.

    What can ya do?, really. Get even at contract time obviously or try to trade him, good luck with that. At least he's no Aaron Hernandez.

  4. I'm all for expansion in the United States only. This is a huge country and to say that the talent would be diluted significantly if they had 36 teams instead of 32 is hogwash. Just more opportunity for the underdog stories that Americans love.

    Let Canada and Europe grow their own leagues. If some years down the road their Eurocanuck champion wants to showdown with our Super Bowl winner I'll be watching.

    Let Los Angeles and Portland have teams so Seattle and the other west teams don't have to travel as much.

    As long as the Bills are left alone, who cares?

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