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Posts posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY

  1. Well, the fact that he's in prison for a different violent offense makes it easy. As does the fact that he was found responsible in a civil trial for the deaths of two persons. I don't want to be all sanctimonious about this, but I think if in your place of business -- whatever it might be -- one of the former CEOs who guided the company through a profitable period was found responsible for killing two people and is currently serving a long sentence for robbery, you wouldn't think twice about renaming the "OJ Simpson Conference Room."

    Surprised this poll is so one sided. I believe removing his name reverses the curse.


    The offense is Marrone's. Everyone bashes Hackett but I would put just as much (if not more) blame on Marrone. As far as physicality, that's on defense and credit would go to Schwartz and Pepper Johnson.

    It would be interesting if there is a rift between Marrone and Whalley to see Marrone/Hackett gone. Schwartz HC, Pepper DC and bring in a OC. We might get the best of both worlds. Continuity on D and a competent offense.

    Logical, but doesn't explain Schwartz failures as HC Detroit.

    Maybe it helps Schwarts having Marrone to talk to the press, take the heat and let just him coach D.

    In a bizzare way they need St. Doug to be the whooping boy. And he's gettin good at handling it.

  3. SF beating San Diego is huge for us, no doubt about it.


    Our path gets much easier if that happens. And, frankly, coming off a game where they quit against Denver, and San Fran just got elminated? It wouldn't surprise me at all that a Rivers-led team goes out and chokes, and with 0 pressure, the 49ers go out and win. I still remember a few years ago when SD had the Pats beat in the playoffs, and found a way to lose.

    Stevie owes us a favor...




    Huh? Orton has more turnovers per game than EJ.....for this season, as a Bill, and for their careers. He also has a much higher sack/game number.

    Though I appreciate the fact that any athlete who gets to play the QB position in the NFL has achieved a difficult and rare thing, regardless of their success......I am finding it impossible to appreciate Orton playing for the Bills.

    I always enjoy your posts from down under Dibs...

    Do you think EJ should replace Orton immediately?

  5. I probably would be less pissed if a bad call lost us the game at the very end.

    Was looking forward to a good football game win or lose this afternoon and those idiots ruined it.

    It's a great game going down the crapper because the league wants them to be over officious jerks.

  6. Ya know I have never complained about the refs on this board but really? Every critical third down stop they flagged... Then on both interception returns for huge yardage..

    I understand the game needs officiating, and by all means be ticky-tac on first or second down.

    But for Pete's sake can they make it blatant in critical situations?

  7. This is all the Federal Government's fault. When paying for college your parents income is considered part of yours until you reach 23 or 24. Mommy and Daddy make a bunch of money but won't help contribute? Sorry kid, but your yearly income is in the six figures and we can't give you any grants or subsidized loans.

    This is exactly it and was the same 20 years ago when I was in school. Getting the big fat bill when working part time and going to school quickly sours the college ambitions.

    And it doesn't always mean that the folks are cheap or make anywhere near six figures.

    Parental contributions to a child's education should be verified and should be tax deductible to discourage cheating the system, and the student.

  8. I would relish a Hackett firing. Don't see it happening though. I'm realistically hoping for a Marrone statement to the effect of "I'll be contributing more to the offensive playcalling" etc

    A Hackett firing during the season would put the team in a pickle.

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