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bill in Livonia

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Posts posted by bill in Livonia

  1. :rolleyes: I'll bet you are going to be Just a Barrel of Fun! Relax, you will really enjoy it.


    Well I'm interested but in light of so many attacks from so many of the ass clowns that frequent the sight, I need to know how many people are usually in the group so that I can buy half as many tickets because thats all that will be needed to trample the ignorant minority.

    Actually strike that. I look forward to meeting some of these a holes in person and doing it by myself. Too bad as we are all Bills fans. But count me in.


  2. From dictionary.com


    resign( P )  Pronunciation Key  (r-zn)

    v. re·signed, re·sign·ing, re·signs

    v. tr.

    1. To submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable: I resigned myself to a long wait in line.

    2. To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.

    3. To relinquish (a privilege, right, or claim).


    v 1: leave (a job, post, post, or position) voluntarily


    re-sign    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (r-sn)

    tr.v. re-·signed, re-·sign·ing, re-·signs

    To sign again: re-signed the lease.


    Someone please pin this one.  :lol:



  3. Pete Metzlaars, Ernie Warlick, Seymour, Costa, Remiersma?  I'll go with Ernie Warlick, who was on a line that led Sports Illustrated to conclude that Jack Kemp was the most protected quarterback in the history of football, and in the championship game against San Diego based on a beat up offensive line, Warlick starred as a receiver in a two tight end offense.




  4. OK guys and gals.......There has been a lot of information out there.  A lot of rumors and reports that will turn out to be fact or fiction.  With early next week (Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday) likely being the day we will all find out, I am asking all TBD posters to state their final predictions as to who the Bills' new Head Coach will be.  If you want to show off and predict the assistants as well, that is more than welcome.


    But it is time to put up or shut up.  Take a stance now!  Remember, this is what you think WILL happen, not what you HOPE will happen.  GOOD LUCK!



    HC - MIKE SHERMAN (Although I am not ruling out Jauron here....BUT, Sherman is my guess)






    IT'S Sherman!

  5. Seriously, what is the big hold up? There are just too many reasons to hire Sherman:


    1) Record

    2) Gets respect of players

    3) coached Favre who some experts were comparing to young Losman

    4) Is fond of Losman right off the bat

    5) Could bring in Bates as DC

    6) coming from a town that rotates around football just like Buffalo

    7) He is a PROVEN WINNER

    8) The bills play Bears, Green Bay, Detroit and Minnesota next year (hey it's a stretch but it is a positive)


    #9 HE IS THE BEST REMAINING TALENT OUT THERE!!!  Just hire him already.......




    #10 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    Will Ralph go for it?

  6. :doh: The Bills win on New Years Day and then the speculation starts.

    It is most likely that Ralph will keep Donahoe and Mularky. What would Mularky have to do/change to make him exceptable and sucessful? How can we find enough players to fix our OL?

    GO BILLS!!

    DUMP DONAHOE!!! :w00t:

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