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bill in Livonia

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Posts posted by bill in Livonia

  1. I'm having a little problem liking Lynch now. The rest of the team were not in on it, but even spoiled atheletes have to face up to answer for their part of accidents. It was an accident and it sounds like it was not serious, but comon Lynch MAN UP!

  2. Aw lighten up, radio stations have been overstating their themes for more than 50 years. If you don't like it, smile and pass it by. if enough people have a similar opinion to yours the station will be forced to change. If you're not with the majority, .... write an enraged letter to TSW.... see what that will bring you.Presonably I find the station useful in keeping up with the Bills.

    GO BILLS!!

  3. :lol::blink: I think the O-line signings are going to provide us with a stronger higher scoring ofense. N ow all of us who have been carping about the O-line will have to shut up and see what happens in training camp. OK now let's start carping about the d-line. We can't allow teams to run up the middle. It's time for Marve to work some magic on that. What do we do to replace Clements? What about running back? Are our line backers good enough?

    The braintrust has alot on it's plate. It will be real interesting to watch from here on.


    GO MARVE!!

    GO BILLS!!

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