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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Yes, you understand what motivates those autocrats
  2. Tough day for you? Losing a capital ship is a big deal. Sorry for your loss boy
  3. Saudi Arabia refusing to pump more oil. Now who is there good friend?
  4. How and why will this make me angry? Love how how you people just create narratives that are nothing to get rattled over
  5. The Russians are driving over bridges that they don’t even check for explosives? My God, no wonder the troop moral is low, this incompetence is stunning
  6. A publisher does not have to publish your article, book or tweet. Cry all you want, free speech does not mean you have a right to others publications, platforms or pages
  7. Maybe Hillary’s emails are on it The stupid crap you guys go on about. Did you see Jared Kushner made Billions from the Saudis? Now the6 are keeping oil prices high. Hmmmm
  8. **** Twitter not allowing a lying jack ass to post on their site is like a publish8ng company not agreeing to market a book by Nazis Whats the difference?
  9. Biden admin sending more aid. Big howitzers! That’s a big deal. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-announces-additional-800-million-military-aid-ukraine-2022-04-13/
  10. Ukraine is claiming to have hit a Russian warship in the black sea https://ukranews.com/en/news/849331-russian-warship-moskva-is-on-fire-in-black-sea-media
  11. Really? You see no difference between our country and Russia on a moral basis? That’s uncredible! what elections are you claiming we interfered with?
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