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Posts posted by Braedenstearns


    The Bolts game was a classic trap game for Seattle. They opened on a huge high at home on the season's opening game on national tV and handled the Packers - one of the teams most likely to challenge them as the NFC entrant in the SB this year. Next up for them is Denver. I have to think that players were not looking at The Bolts as a huge game compared to the Pack and Broncs.



    Gugny! Oh Gugny. We've got ourselves another TBDism!


    Oops. Lets go Buffalo! Auto correct stinks.

  2. For everybody who knows how this works, I could use some help.

    I was asked by a friend to join his league at like the last second. Needless to say I have never played fantasy football before. So if anyone can give some tips that would be great! ( sleeper players, which round to pick which player In, top players, etc.) And for goodness sake! Just how does this all work! My draft is soon...

    Thanks guys

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