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Everything posted by BillsfanAlberta

  1. I hate having to buy for both, the NFL extorts fans. I pay 39$ canadian to watch it during the offseason, every year. Since i buy it during the season too should they not give me a discount or something. I watched the condensed film, agree with most parts. Levitre will be missed, but was paid way too much in Free A. Never was a fan of Fitz, Chan made some horrible play calls period. Spiller better be the number 1 back next year, I still Love Jackson but we can also extend his career by not making him a feature back he is after all over 31. Mario better play better, I was so excited when we got him but knew we had vastly overpaid for him,because alot of players dont want to play in Buffalo. I do not understand why. I would love to live in Buffalo, if I could stay employed in my chosen career.
  2. I was born into it as well.. My first game my Grandfather took me to in 1980.
  3. I think no matter what others say Nix is set on drafting a QB in the first round If we do not I will kiss my cats behind and send you guys the pic. Just becasue I say he will draft a QB in the first round does not mean I agree with it.
  4. Trying to remeber no news can be good news with regards to the overpaying free agent market

  5. Well i suppose I will go and watch that game, having Gamepass. I can watch games from the previous 4 seasons usually I just try to watch the wins or games that were close. i just find watching the game they lose too painful to watch over again. One i continue to watch over and over again is when they beat the Pats with the Lindel kicking the winner.
  6. I have never been ashamed to be a Bills fan, you stick with your team through thick and thin. I wear my Bills gear with pride. I suppose you could say I do have a lowered expectation of how each season is going to go due to many times the team being so poorly mismanaged. I have witnessed this team before the Jim Kelly era, we were pretty bad then, I have witnessed this team lose 4 Superbowls if that did not break me nothing will. I would like to say I think we have heard this same song and dance for longer then 13 years, if you exclude the 90s, we were promised many times before that they were going to turn around this franchise.
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