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Posts posted by KGUNBILLS

  1. You misspelled "whiners."


    And I wouldn't. I want football players on my team. Not prancing little girls who after an interception turn to the refs for a flag. Or does this:



    If Brady had a purse in his hands, that runner would have been beaten severely with it. LOL. It would be interesting to know the whole inside story with the Wilfork deal. Money? Injury? Conflict? We will never know the truth.

  2. You mean the jets game. You know the one where he got a 15 yard penalty and where the Bills lost.

    Even if we won that one, still NO PLAYOFFS. At very least, he has some feistiness in him, that a lot of our boy scout types don't have. Every team has that one guy that has that fire in him, and Stevie is our guy. Try to see the positive in him and enjoy what he is trying to convey. It's actually a little humorous considering we haven't had a lot to be happy about in over a decade.

  3. I can't recall the whole interview, but Byrd went on to say that you only have so much time to leave "your stamp" on this sport. When he said that, I took it to mean that he wanted to be on an instant winner, not the BILLS. I think it was pretty obvious that he knew way back that he wasn't staying in Buffalo. I also believe the FO could have offered him 10 mil a year, and he would have refused it. We don't know for sure all the ins and outs of the situation, but one thing is for certain.... it wasn't good no matter who was to blame.



    Why would you wonder who Buffalo is calling after saying stuff like this?


    "I really need for fans to please, PLEASE after all these years and ralph owning the team for 50+ years to finally come to grips with something. Even if we had 100 million under the cap, we won't spend it. Ralph and more importantly Jeffery Littman will not allow it. and when the cap hits say 160 mill in 3 years or so it won't matter if we have 10 million under or 50 million under, Buffalo won't have the money to spend that much. I still think the league is going to rid themselves of teams that have proven that they can't stay competitive in today's market but increase the number of roster spots per team. I can easily see us going back to 28 teams. If a team is costing the league money (extra revenue sharing but not putting much if any back in) then the right business move is to cut those teams."

    Do you have anything to back this up, or is it speculation? Maybe a little frustration coming out as so many of us have felt over the years? Either way, I hope it's wrong. I for one kind of like that under dog role on any given sunday. It would be nice to start beating the Pats on a more consistent basis.


    No way he takes a 1 year deal, he will be in demand and IMO out of the bills price range for the two down rub stopper the defense needs

    I was more worried about any attitude issues that may arise. We don't need any bad locker room personalities. I know he would perform on the field.
  6. My sight is just fine as far as the Bills go, it's funny how some teams can make proper adjustments to negate the success another team may have over them. It's about countering exploited weaknesses. I truly did not mean to offend with my questioning, we all root for the same team. I've seen a few times trolling fans on here so the question was genuine. Not meant offensively.

  7. The second SB against Dallas the Cowboys were playing like absolute s**t. Thurman Thomas was running with the ball and Cowboys Leon Lett stuck his hand in and barely touched the ball that Thurman was carrying. Thurman Thomas fumbled the ball and a Cowboys player picked it up and ran it in for a TD.


    The momentum was clearly in favor of the Buffalo Bills but it then went against the Bills after Thomas' fumble.


    It was NOT Marv Levy's fault that the Bills lost that Super Bow.


    It WAS Thurman Thomas' fault that the Bills lost that Super Bowl.


    The only Buffalo Bills from the 4 SB era who belong in the Professional Football Hall of Fame are Head Coach Marv Levy and General Manager Bill Polian.


    Screw everyone else. They don't deserve the time of day.

    Are you a Patriots fan trolling Bills country or do you really believe this to be true?

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