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Posts posted by KGUNBILLS

  1. It's so hard to tell what is really going on. They are not going to tip the cards as to who they rally want. They bring in all of these guys maybe leaning towards defense, and then they'll draft an offensive player. It's hard to tell with all the smoke and mirrors pre draft games.



    The Bills finished in last place in the division. Is this some sort of inside joke between you guys? (The Bills haven't been idle, obviously. But driver's seat?)



    The way to beat the Patriots is to have an offense that can pile up points on their feeble defense. Although watching Blount run for 28 miles a game hurts.

    It's coming man. The day we don't suck any more. When we're not the doormat of the AFC east. Miami isn't going to be great, the Jets I don't believe are going to be much better than last year. The Pats good fortune is about to run out, and if we can only get the Oline straightened out, and maybe have a little consistency at the QB position, ( you know not signing 18 FA has beens, or never will be's ) and 1 year behind us with a new coach, new ideas, and some new players, yes I believe things are going to be a lot better than last year. I don't think a super bowl win is coming this year, but challenging NE for the AFC is a good possibility. We can't be bad forever can we?
  3. I think all the Ebron chatter from OBD is just a smoke screen. Whaley wants trade back offers, and the Giants, Eagles, Lions and Panthers are all paying attention.


    <puts tin foil hat on>

    A smoke screen with a few mirrors involved to add to the illusion.
  4. Jim Kelly is truly my hero, and will be forever. I had never met him before, and always wanted to. A very close friend of mine invited me to go turkey hunting with him down in Ellicottville. We got up early and headed out. We were both hungry so decided to stop at a truck stop diner. There were a few turkey hunters sitting in a corner booth having some breakfast and a few laughs. I really didn't pay much attention to them, until they started to get up to leave. One of them was having a real hard time getting up and walking. It took him a minute or two to get upright. That's when I noticed it was Jim Kelly and a few friends. I was going to go over and say something to him, but he looked like he was in a lot of pain, so I let him slip out without bothering him. He looked like he was having enough to deal with at the time. Now looking back 14 years on that May first morning, I wish I had at least told him good luck hunting, or something along those lines. He is a true warrior.

  5. I wasn't always happy with his performance on the field, however, he was the only QB we've had in nearly a decade good enough to be the Pat's even when they were at their best. Not banged and beaten up like they were last season, and we still couldn't beat them. Anyone who played for the Bills in that game that beat the Pats, I wish them well.

  6. Respectfully disagree. We are actually dictating the moves by the Jets and Pats. We signed Corey Graham out from under the Jets. Then they wanted Dom Crom for CB and they got snubbed. Rex is peeved that they have no CB's. Then the Pats responded to our picking up Graham with Revis and Browner because they know we have speedy WR's and will get a taller WR in the draft. Then we signed Spikes and the Jets re-signed their LB in response. We are the team everyone is watching and they are responding to our moves.

    I agree with you. I think we are in the drivers seat. I am positive that our defense will determine our success this year, but it would be nice to have a decent offense to follow up with.

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