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Posts posted by KGUNBILLS

  1. He could come out of this draft looking like a genius if the cards fall right. IMO, select another wide receiver with the 8th. We'll say Patterson from Tennessee for arguments sake. This does a couple of things. If Fitz is the starter this year, it gives him another option. It could help lessen the exploitation of our QB weakness, while affording the luxury of another offensive weapon for a replacement (franchise) QB to utilize for years to come. Assuming that some of the higher rated QB'S go in the first round, Nix could make a bid in the second for one depending what is available. If Bray is available, draft him. If not, look at a linebacker. There is a lot of concern with Brays maturity level, however that is not something new as far as QBS go. Jim McMahon had similar issues, and had arguably a decent career until his body couldn't take it anymore. Even Jim Kelly was a bit of a woman chasing partier early on. I had read an article once talking about John Elway shooting rabbits out of a moving vehicle when he first went to Denver. These guys were excellent QBS but didn't always do the mature thing. Don't let the maturity issue get in the way of winning ways. He will come around. If Bray is gone by the second round take a look at a QB in the third. Possibly Alex Carder. Not real tall, but plays with heart. He missed five games with an injury, and didn't have a real impressive record, but did well with what there was to work with. Give him a supporting cast and a learning curve, and he could possibly be a diamond in the rough. IMO.

  2. This is an awesome post. The right amount of fact mixed with the perfect amount of opinion. I would not want to be a GM in this multi billion dollar industry. So many things to consider when taking on new players. A player may excel in one system and fail in another. A GM would really have to read a players ability as well as their personality. You could have a great player at any position, but if they are bad locker room guys, it defeats the purpose. There are so many aspects to grade on athletes. Personality, intelligence, strength, stamina, you can go on and on. Take all the information gathered, try to make an intelligent decision, and hope for an insane amount of luck. Either way one can look like a hero, or just as easily a heel.

  3. I was going over QB's in past drafts, and wondered what Happened to Levi? I remember looking at his stats when he was drafted and thinking how impressive. He threw for a ton of yardage in a bowl game. It seems like he was never given a legitimate shot after Brohm was acquired. Just looking ahead a little bit, might be just the kind of QB Buffalo might be looking for once again. Maybe he was never any good. I'm not really sure. Anyone have any thoughts or comments???

  4. I honestly believe looking at all aspects that another speedy wide receiver would be a world of help to the BILLS. Every team in the league knows that the BILLS are for the most part a one dimensional team. Besides Stevie, the only effective thing we have is the run game. Stop the run, beat the BILLS. Spread the field out with another capable wide receiver, now we got something to put on the table.

  5. Looking at the draft class for QB makes me shudder. I say we hold out another year, and see what may develop from there. It would be nice to draft someone with a strong accurate arm, that might actually want to play for the BILLS. I wonder how serious the Alex Smith thing is. I just don't see someone leaving warm sunny California and headed to western New York, being happy and effective. Let's face it, not everyone can handle that harsh, tough climate. it's not for the weak and weary. I would rather wait (at this point what is one more year) to have a possible chance at 8-10 years of what the Pats experience, than to pick up someone that we hope works out for us. Plan it out. Don't just grab anyone because of disappointment with Fitz. Who knows, maybe he will shake it off and play this year. You just never know. A lot of the failure of last season in my opinion was terrible play calling.

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