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Posts posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. Can we please just get Kyle Shanahan to come in and make a simplistic offence. Manziel might not be able to do 1 read, but Manuel can (it's 2 reads or more that he slows down). Also Zone Blocking is like the perfect thing to do for us. Pretty sure Shanahan could draw up plays to get spiller in space as well.

  2. Everyone is assuming Schwatz is leaving and that they are changing D.They aren't. Its been confirmed that Shwartz is staying, and if you're Rex Ryan how sweet is it that you don't even have to lift a finger and still have a top D.


    I'm more concerned with the OC position. There is a lot of reports saying it's going to be Roman out of SF....... I have not thought of SF as having a good attacking offence, i'd much sooner have Kyle Shanahan in here.

  3. So i had read somewhere that Rex wanted Marc Testman from the bears as his OC.


    Either way, so long as we keep Shwartz as DC and Rex doesn't try to change everything D wise, i'm slowly....... slowly becoming ok with it. Lets remember, Rex is a media hog. More Media = more national attention = more coverage = more popular to talk bout. Having Rex (yes it still makes me shudder a little bit) would at least make us a team that's talked about. I know a lot of us here feel that we are almost completely ignored b the media, even when we are doing well.


    so overall, i'd be ok with the hiring.

  4. I won't lie, initially the thought of the Shanahans becoming our coaches scared me a bit. Then I saw the numbers that the redskins put up in a simplified offense that was built around what his team could do, not what he wanted (no square peg in the circle hole).


    I however am not really a fan of getting Cutler, unless the price is right. I don't know his contracts full structure, but the 15 million 100% guaranteed is way to much for someone who, while they are able to put the ball down field can really over value his own ability. He's a poor mans version of Farve without the magic. Now if we can trade for him and get the bears to eat some of the money, welllllllllll then maybe, I could probably be persuaded to be ok with it.


    I would be entirely ok with having them come in as HC/OC.


    My next tier of wishes has to be the OCs out of Indy, Cincy, and Seattle with all being roughly the same. This would also include Schwartz being promoted to HC, although honestly i hope we can convince him to stay as DC and just take a raise.

  5. So we have the best D-Line in football. Is what this really comes down too. We have kept the pressure on the QB we had last year but improved miles and beyond from what we did last year in Run D.


    That being said, it is curious to see essentially a team that is a Polar Opposite of the Bledsoe Era team that was the only team in NFL history with a 3,000 yd passer, 2x 1000yd receivers, and a 1000 yd RB that didn't make the playoffs. I suppose the question for us if we don't make the Playoffs will be the What IF Orton had all training camp and had started and we let EJ learn from the the bench like originally intended.


    Signing Hughs and Dareus is no problem. The NFLs Team Cap is raising 30 million over the next 3 years. We will have room. Also remember that the FItz contract will be completely gone (hit us for 7 million this year). I can honestly say something that worries me is who we will eventually have to put in to replace Kyle Williams. He can't be the ageless wonder forever.


    For those that "don't want to burst our bubble" about how well we seem to think our D is he's something for you to think about.


    We have NOT had the easiest nor by any means one of the easiest schedules of the NFL. Looking at our schedule it's easy to see that only 6 of our 16 games will end up being against teams that are NOT playoff caliber ( 2x games at the Jets) That would mean that 62% of our games will be against teams with winning records or at least even. You can say the Jets padded our stats..... but then why didn't every other team they faced get ~4 turnovers and ~7 sacks in there games?


    Lets not forget that our O is , well probably right around the 20-25th in the league in terms of how it's played this year. So our D has had to be out there more than most of the other Top D. Think about it. Detroit, Miami, Denver, Seattle, San Diego, Arizona, all have Offences that stay on the field longer, put up more points and keep their D's fresh. Want even more proof our D is really good? If the Bills score 21 points in all of there games, and you adjust the opposing teams scores, we end up with a 10-1 record. 21 points, that's all we need to put up week in and week out to 100% in. You know what other team needed just that type of production? The 2000 Ravens. I know we aren't 10-1, and theory and number adjustments mean little to nothing, but Our D is literally the ONLY reason we are even in the hunt.


    This D is special. I'm so excited to see what happens next year with players coming back, another draft, and a second year with the same scheme. That in mind if we can make the same offensive jump next year that we did this year, roughly 5-6 spots better, we will absolutely be in the playoffs no questions asked. We don't need a top 10 Offence. But a top 15-20 would probably be enough to make us serious contenders that are talked about every week.

  6. The season will be determined by the next 3 weeks, not this week. This loss just makes life that much harder. chiefs don't exactly have the easiest schedule in the world down the stretch and if nothing else we proved that they are not that impressive of a team when we aren't handing them the win.


    We do however need to beat the phins and the browns and the jets to end the month. If we can go 3-1 for Nov we are very much in the race for a playoff spot.

  7. Just for the record, the 2000 Ravens had a belief that if they could score 20 points, they could consider the game a win because opposing teams weren't going to score more than that.


    As for the rankings of passing and rushing D, those don't matter. The points allowed however do.


    Team Points Allowed per game:


    2013 - 24.3 - Rank #20


    2014 - 17.3 - Rank #8


    If that held true for the whole season, and we stayed in the top 10 for least amount of points scored, then the D is not our problem. Long drives are our D's fault? how about the Offense having a long !@#$ing drive so the D can rest. The only thing that bothers me is how often we let teams out of 3rd and longs.

  8. i don't know about you guys but I feel that, in all honesty, we are a decent coach, QB and possibly interior lineman away from being a team that puts out winning seasons back to back and contends for playoff spots.


    That said, by next season, you will get to see the future of the team completely unfold. From coaching, to front office, to owner and players that are supposed to lift the team. We will have our answers in the next 10 months.

  9. I know its early, so super, stupid extremely early to even be thinking about this.But i feel like we could all post info about intriguing guys in CFB that might help the team.


    To start the show, i'll say that Inside LB is still a concern to me, since Spikes is on a 1 yr contract. I would like to nominate Denzel Perryman



    Have yet to really do much looking into his entire game, but he was a runner up for the Butkus award i think, and he does seem to play well against the run.


    Feel free to add others you think could be good additions to the Bills.

  10. I can see us going anywhere from 4-12 to 10-6. A lot of those games I feel are swing games.


    imo we should beat the phins twice. I don't think the hype around that team is warranted. I also feel we are better than the jets and really should beat them twice. We won't, but should.


    Bears, honestly a good team, had a down yr last year D wise., and I think they pop back. I expect to lose.


    Chiefs we almost beat last year. I see no reason we don't put up a fight this year. I actually think we should win this one.


    Vikings. Toss up. Imo on paper, we should win. Then again it's the Bills. We never win give me games.


    Texans. They are not looking good. I feel like we should win this. Then again see above ^


    Browns. We should win. We would have won last year year, and we should win this year. They have no WRs.


    Chargers. I don't know. They always seem to start slow and finish strong. I feel like they are better than their records have shown, and Rivers rebounded nice last year. IMO we lose this game, however it's not an easy win for them.


    Lions. For a team with so much talent, why are they so bad. Even I suppose, however i feel like the Bills drop the ball here, something stupid costs us the game.


    Raiders. God knows we should beat them.




    Breaking it down a little easier:


    Games the Bills should win, but could break our hearts with:


    Phins x 2

    Jets x 2







    Games that are 50/50 or at least I could see us winning:






    Games we have no business winning:


    Pats x 2





    That makes 4 loses at least for the season, and 12 that could swing either way.

  11. I just saw that my one post seems to have no quoted correctly, an i apologize for that. I was extremely confused because I try my best to not use ALL CAPs.


    To go over a few things here:


    "No personal offense meant, but I stand by my statement above about "everyone cheats" as an excuse saying more about the person saying it than the reality of the situation. That's been my personal experience in academics, sports, politics, etc. Viewer experience may vary. Everyone needs to be the hero of their own story, and so it's sometimes amazing what people can tell themselves to justify their actions."


    RK - Would you rather that I state a large majority of people cheat, and that in professional sports people are more willing to cheat? I would bet a lot of money that every single member of TBD has lost to a cheater that they knew cheated, but nothing happened to said cheater. This is life, not a fairy tale. You can only hope to raise your kids better than those that condone and teach cheating to the next generation.



    "Another thing is that if "everyone was [truly] doing it," the NFL could have come out and said so and thus diffused the situation entirely. Because if every team was breaking the NFL's own rule, no one was really being hurt by it and it would have then just needed a "clarification" or whatever going forward. Hurriedly destroying the (obviously incriminating) tapes and hitting them with the maximum penalty says they were acting alone. "


    RK - Yep, lets tell the whole world that every team is ignoring league rules and is cheating. Lets tell little kids that it's ok to cheat until you get caught. Let's tell the whole world that every game prior has been won by those who cheated the best. Then, since everyone is doing it..... we can't actually penalize them anything outside of money. What are you going to do.... have no draft? Fine multi-billionaires a value that they consider chump change?



    "Since when it picking up players on waivers :"cheating'"? LOL"


    RK - Oh but stealing a play book is cheating? This is different how?




    To go back to the original question at hand. Once again I will state that the spygate scandal had 0,zero, NO influence on the Pats. It actually made no difference even during the season it happen. The Pats should have 5 titles. You could maybe convince me that they would have lost the second superbowl against the Gaints. In no way should they have lost the first though. That game was won on the most unlikely play in the entirety of NFL history, between Eli somehow getting away, the play not being whistled dead, and a third string WR making the catch of his life The Pats should have gone 19-0 that season. As a matter of fact if you will remember, the Pats after the spygate thing exploded after week1 of that season played hard no mercy football for then entire season. They ran up the score on teams, and kept Brady in well after games were put away just to prove that the whole scandal about cheating was not the reason they were a good team.


    If spygate had mattered, the Pats would have suddenly stopped being a perennial playoff team. It never happened. Why? Because although they cheated, it made no difference to them. It simply made them more prepared.


    I'm a Bills fan, have been since I was born. I got to grow up watching Kelly, Bruce, Thurman, and Andre light it up on Sundays. I remember when I saw us lose to the Patriots for the first time in like forever, and being like, who the heck are the Patriots. Some of you here are just on the hate wagon towards a team that has pummeled us for years and are using something that had no impact on the end result. The Bills have been woefully terrible for over a decade, and in that time, the Patriots have been for the most part, solid gold. I despise the Patriot way because you are supposed to be a nameless cog in the machine as well as emotionless, and to me that's not sports. But i'll be dammed if I don't agree that it hasn't worked.


    As for the Patriots, and their dynasty. Everything they have they lucked into. Bledsoe getting hurt and the Tuck Rule (which, technically was called correctly, the fact that the rule was a stupid rule that was not commonly called is besides the point.) This followed by the fact that Brady is actually a brilliant, talented and driven QB (still a whinny, classless douche). What more could you ask for? I mean ****, Jimmy Johnson was probably the next closest coach in terms of lucking into greatness. He gets to come to a team that was able to gain an absurd amount of picks for Herschel Walker and parley them into rings.


    Finally i'm going to leave off with this:




    Everyone is looking for an edge. They will tiptoe the boundaries of what is legal and not, and in some cases just strait up cheat. They will do so until caught, or until it's illegal. That is the truth about professional sports, stop living in whatever make believe land you dream about where everyone is good and honest. It'll save you heart ache.

  12. You can't throw out there something like "all teams cheat" without backing it up with facts. I've gotten really sick of that ridiculous argument from Pats* fans over the years.


    Farve vs Bears, Fave states that he knew the Bears had stolen their audible signals .... I stated this before. Also lets see where do I begin. Every coach covers their mouths with their play sheet so they won't be Lip Read (because people with camera's were zoomed in and teams would be able to get plays that way.)


    Teams are constantly coming up with new ways to hide plays and signals in an attempt to throw off the enemy team that somehow, magically (cheating) have their calls and signals or even their snap count on a certain play or formation.


    Stolen and missing playbooks (ipads in this generation)


    Signing players from opposing teams, just to ask them questions about the team they came from and ultimately cut them because the roster spot isn't there (yes this happens).


    The league also chose to destroy all records regarding the matter, because it was a league wide issue and would have tarnished the sport much like the PED scandal did for Baseball.


    All the crap that happened between the Raiders and the Steelers?


    Do I need to go on?


    And i'm no Pats fan. I'm simply pointing out that the majority of you guys are being overboard with your conclusion.

    This whole matter is like speeding. Pats* get caught and say: "Well everybody else cheats." Then the judge says: "Well nobody else got caught, only you did." "But judge, I was going with the flow."


    One is innocent until proven guilty in this country. Pats* got caught, they are guilty. Nobody else got caught, they are all innocent.


    And, anyway... Where did this whole business of "everybody doing it" start... Nobody else was doing it or they would have been caught too.


    The first part of your statement is correct. It's just like a speeding ticket. Everyone speeds, you just happened to get caught doing it. Moving to the last part, others were doing it, several players have come out and said it was the norm, it was especially easy to find people commenting on it at the time.


    And if the refs had called the tuck correctly, we likely never hear of the dynasty.


    Lets go one step deeper shall we? Bledsoe never gets injured. Brady never starts. The pats probably get to 1 more Superbowl, but Bledsoe is no Brady. He lives out his carrier and Brady loiters in backup limbo, maybe gets traded, who know's if he starts.



    Back to other teams doing so. The Bronco's has a scandal surrounding it as well, or did we all forget about that? And it was after spygate. What was the teams defense? Oh we didn't ask the guy to do it and we didn't watch the tapes..........




    moving on to some more interesting facts:


    Prior to Goodell taking over as commissioner of the NFL in August of 2006 there was NO rule in place regarding videotaping.


    The rules about taping have been added and edited since the event. But then, what about all the footage that teams watch as game film. Are you tell me, that teams don't have someone watching coaches for patterns or signals. Or that players aren't telling assistants to take note after a play when they come off the field. How many times do you hear a player say something like, "oh o saw him do this and it was the same as in a tape I watched, so I knew what to do" But hey, that's not cheating. Or, "I saw him call and audible in the first game of the year, and when we checked it out over all the games, we found a pattern and knew exactly where he was going to throw"....... Eagles after they raped Romo and the Boys.



    This means video taping was essentially like PEDs. Is it cheating? Sure it is. Was it illegal before rules stated they were? NOPE. How many times have players been caught using new and strange methods to give themselves the edge. Look at the Tour de France. Blood doping has been out of control until recently. Hell it's technically good for you. But until you put it in the rule book, after 1 person gets caught, everyone and their mother is doing it. I mean look at the Dear Antler Spray crap with Ray Lewis.


    While we're on the same note of cheating and PEDs, what about the all the players that take them, and either never get caught out get out on a technicality. Guess the Seahawk's are tarnished forever. Need to put an * or ~ next to their superbowl win, because not every player was clean.


    Ending my little rant here, with this:


    1)The patriots cheated. No denying it. They were not the only ones doing it, they were simply the first ones to get caught. Other teams use other methods to get an upper hand on teams and stealing plays and signals are still common place but simply much better hidden.


    2) The Pats dynasty is built on a string of lucky events.


    3) The Pats loses to the Giants in both games can be narrowed down to single plays in each game. The first being a miracle and the second being possibly the worst throw of Brady's career


    4) Cheating will be a major part of sports from here until the end of time. It's just the way it is.

  13. Really the point I'm trying to make here is that, yes they cheated, but so did everyone else. If you think the bills didn't do similar things would be blind faith. It's the pros. Everyone cheats in some way. Welcome to reality.


    The Spygate event had no bearing on the pats ability to win nor win superbowls. If you think the Giants won because the pats didn't get to film them, you didn't watch the games and are simply letting your hatred get the best of you.


    I hate the success the Pats have had in the last 15 years but it is not because they cheated. It's because for the most part they have simply lucked out on personnel and experiments that have yielded amazing results. It's all luck. Everything lined up for them and has done so for a while. Everything comes to an end and we can all see it. bb and Brady retire together and the afc east becomes one of the weakest divisions in the sport with no clear cut leader


  14. Oh brother Giselle, get a clue. Fact- when BB didn't know what plays the other team was going to run, he hasn't won the SB. The Pats should have been treated like Lance and stripped of their titles.


    Yes, lets strip the Pats of their titles and not every other team that has cheated since , oh idk, they first started recording games back in the 50s and 60s. Get out of here troll. This wasn't anything new. Every team did it. As a matter of fact, some teams used it against opponents. Hell Farve did it to the Bears, knowing dam well that they knew his audible signals. He called out the audible after telling his team to ignore it in the huddle, knowing the bears would shift. They won because of that play. If you are going to sit there and say the Pats are the only team that did it, you are delusional.

  15. I disagree. They were 18-1 because they cheated. The one game they lost was because Coughlin finally got his head out of his azz and stopped being arrogant like the coaches of the other 18 games. Coughlin hid everything and didn't allow the Pats* to cheat. They weren't being watched all season... UNTIL the Super Bowl.


    ....... Do you even..... wow. Do you even know the timeline for the events and how it went that season? You clearly have no clue, so i'll do the google work for you.


    Sept 9 - NEW England Patriots are caught taping/stealing Sideline signals from NY Jets. That's the first game of the season. This by the way is practiced and used by all teams at the time.


    They won this game, and spygate was off and running. So what you're telling me is., over the course of the next, oh lets see 18 weeks, the Pats who were under a microscope still cheated? You're telling me that 16 other teams were not MORE careful in their game plans and what signals they used?


    More importantly, you think the Giants won because of Coughlin? Are you high? Are you and I hope this doesn't get my banned from here, but I really have to ask, are you handicapped? That is the most ridiculous statement I've seen on here.


    The Patriots have been an amazing team for over a decade. BB is a good coach, however, I will forever consider him to be Good and not Great due to his stumbling onto Tom Brady (I do believe he is innovative and creative). Brady made BB. I believe this full heartedly. If you really think Brady is a bad QB, then tell me with a strait face you wouldn't take him over EJ. Tell me you don't think he would light up the league with our receiving core. How many articles do they have to write about Peyton having everything and Brady having nothing, and in the end, they are considered essentially equal in terms of ability. I'm not even going to include the fact that the Pats never should have made it to the SUperBowl that first year, and only did so because of the tuck rule.


    Yep. 18-1 because they cheated. That totally makes sense. They managed to continue cheating for 17 weeks while under the watchful eye of everyone and their mother. Then, they let Tom Coughlin out coach BB by..... and i'm going to quote you "hiding everything and didn't allow the Pats to cheat" Because Coughlin has an all seeing eye. Absurd. The Giants won their last 2 SuperBowls honestly, on sheer luck.

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