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Posts posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. So, man, the more i look at this pick, the more I like it. I'd be lying if I said there weren't other players I wanted (and felt we could have used/traded to get : A'shawn Robinson, Michael Thomas, Jarran Reed, Deion Jones, and Su'a Cravens), but we clearly had a game plan and stuck with it. The guy is talented, tackles well, and while he isn't going to stick on a speedy W/O, he seems perfectly fine in zone. Not to mention he was the BEST and HIGHEST rated ILB of the draft and we got him in the second round for 2 forth round picks.... that's a pretty fair trade.


    For everyone who's upset at this pick, just image if you were a broncos' fan.... Not going to lie the Adam Gotsis pick is either their scouting team being amazing, or a massive mess up.

  2. While i'm not the biggest fan of this pick, i understand the need to find KW replacement. I just, as i think many here were also hoping/thinking, would have liked a true NT. I was shocked that we didn't take Billings (although i've seen reports that he was completely removed from our board). I also heard reports that we tried to trade up a second time to get Jarren Reed (i would have probably died and gone to heaven if he was our third pick).


    Interestingly enough, I think that Rex and the Bills are looking for a specific type of player for the DL. Not sure if you guys saw this, but this UDFA we got seems to be a clone of our third pick.



    Seems like Rex needed someone like this and doubled down on it. Also while it's the supposed heir apparent to KW, i suppose only time will tell if either guy takes up that spot on the D-line.

  3. Marvel's writing has sucked since the whole reset in 2012/2013 post civil war stuff. While DC has seen less success recently with their movies, as someone who jumped to start my collection when everything reset back to issue #0/1 I can honestly say DC a way better read at this point in time. 90's and 2000s Marvel was way better than the current nonsense they put out.


    Just my 2 cents, Marvels largest problem in their comics is the absurd amount of power players in their top tier, so many characters that are just, beyond imagination strong. Kind of the reason i hate superman being that he's always given some extra ability beyond his already ridiculous set. DC's most powerful villain is simply Lucifer. (for any nerds out there, read stuff from Vertigo - DC's non DC universe comic brand- stuff is great)


    Also since this is a bit nerdy - We don't need a skinny guy with an attitude. We need a BIGGGGGGGGG NT to hold down the D line for years to come. My pick - MOGO.. That should plug up the middle.


    19: R1P19
    Versatile pass rushing down lineman, can play inside or outside.
    49: R2P18
    Edge rushing linebacker that is able to cover when asked to.
    80: R3P17
    Coverage linebacker, smart and physically gifted.
    118: R4P19
    Could challenge for the RT job this year, but more likely next year.
    140: R4P41
    Vertical threat and possible part time contributor year 1.
    157: R5P17
    Cornerback with size and explosiveness, needs to work on footwork.
    193: R6P17
    Space eating nose tackle who could break into the DL rotation in his rookie year.
    219: R6P43
    Developmental QB to bring along.


    I would take this


    Yes, yes it could be.


    But using your own logic, if a year of continuity is good for TT and the offense, why would it not be beneficial to the defense?


    I guess my statement wasn't clear. I ment the same for the D. Basically we got rid of players that don't fit the scheme and/or were unhappy. I was trying to point out that, with all that talent, in a band new D that was so complex and different from what they had been running, with a second year of learning the D and maybe better personnel for it, they could be better. I just..... I don't want to see Kyle Williams drop back in coverage ever again :( Saw it during the giants game and i've never seen someone look so lost and confused.


    Overall we could be better, or possible the same.

  6. Only thing we'll be better at is Offence. TT having the entire off season to get 1st string reps having built some chemistry already with the guys this past season. Losing Hogan was not important, imo Little and Boykin are better wrs. It seems to have been forever since any new info has come out about the McCoy incident so at this point i'm 100% sure he won't see charges and won't miss any time.


    Defensively...... well we lost a guy that was a pouty B word, but was also a great player. Luckily this draft is DEEP at that exact position. We lost McKelvin which was nice depth, but honestly he single-handedly lost us a game every year. He was also starting to get older, has had some injuries. I'm ok with looking to replace him. I am concerned about Kyle Williams age, we will need to find a replacement for him and soon. Losing Powell and Bradigm wasn't that big a lose due entirely to scheme ( i personally thought they were decent enough at their positions)


    Losing Boobie and Percy - meh - neither one really contributed.


    Things we really really need to do and I would love to do for this season. Sign Gilmore to a long term contract based on the Jenkins contract. I would imagine this would be a good deal for both sides:


    6 yrs, 75 million, 25 million signing bonus (splits to 5 million a year over 5 years) set the first year to something like 2 million so his cap hit is only 7 million this year. Set the next year to 5 million upping the cap hit to 10 that season (we pick up 7 million anyway from mario's dead cap hit this year, meaning we'd still pick up 5million in room the second season). Basically this would average out to 12.5 million a year over 6 years but would free up 4 million for this year (his current hit is 11 million).would mean that in the first 2 seasons of the contract he would get 32 million but only cost our cap an average of 8.5million a year.


    This would put us at 8 millions in cap space for this season, and that's a !@#$ ton better than the 4 we're sitting at. I have to tell you, the Jerry Hughes contract is looking more and more like a steal all things considered.


    We will have 2 other major contract concerns in 2017: Glenn and TT.


    We'd be wise to lock up Glenn long term. Similar contract structure to what i proposed for Gilmore, make it over 7 years and base it around the Tyron Smith and Kelechi numbers/contracts.


    As for TT...... sigh it all comes down to performance man. We can only hope to get him on a similar cost per year as the Bradford if TT performs well.



    Long story short.... Offence should be better. Defense, idk man, could it really be worse than last year?

  7. So my friends dad is the Chief of Police a few towns over. Talked it over with him. He says it sounds like the 2 police officers are !@#$ed. Off Duty police officer was assault in a bar in his town, once the whole mess was calmed down by the bouncers, the off duty cop simply arrested the guys that hit him after calling for on duty officers. Basically told the bouncers that he was a cop, showed his badge, told them he was pressing charges and not to let the guys leave. Bouncers detained the individuals until backup arrived.


    There was no reason that if the story went as the cops said it did, that McCoy and his crew would not have been jailed that night.

  8. So can we get a recap of why people still think that McCoy should be arrested?


    1) He punched someone on the ground - Debatable since the video is useless - Counter argument..... his hands were photographed and showed no bruising

    2) He started it via police statement via sucker punch at the bar - Counter Argument... second story says cops came to McCoys party area and started fight - Video shows the brawl moving towards the bar meaning the fight started away from it. Also see above statement.

    3) Police officers were greatly injured in the fight - Counter argument... So injured they drove, separately, to different hospitals passing several others on the way. So injured that they don't talk to the cops that were outside the bar to immediately come in and arrest them? So injured that they didn't dial 911 . So injured they didn't file the papers until 2 days later. Not to mention they may have started the fight. Short of you proving that McCoy hit someone with a bottle(already have someone else pegged for that), or with shoe impressions prove that he did actually stomp on someone that was down, McCoy remains innocent ... you know.... until proven guilty.

    4) I feel like someone said something about 4 vs1.... except it's more like 4v3 and from he video it's more like a giant mass of FUBAR.


    Just because you're in the area of a brawl does not make you automatically the be slammed with assault. Perhaps Accessory to Assault, however due to McCoy being somewhat famous, you better believe that short of it being a slam dunk he won't see much. Also as far as i'm concerned, the officers should have assault charges brought against them for starting the whole thing if that's proven true. Just because you lost the fight doesn't excuse you from it.


    3 Weeks have gone by and no charges have been brought. Looking at this from any angle would show that the DA is being pressured to try to bring charges against everyone in McCoys' group, mainly McCoy since he is the biggest name, however it seems that not only will that not happen, the people who created the request may be more at fault and could have charges brought against them.

  9. Being nick names Stg. Dan and being a a frequenter of clubs/bars =/= going up to bouncers when you enter and saying you're a cop. That just makes the guy a cop that likes to go out.....


    That in mind. We have a cop that makes $70,000 maybe $100,000 spending $1400 on a single tab? A person that is a frequent bar and club hopper on that salary?


    We also have possible intent(showing) of a firearm he isn't suppose to have? What would have happened if someone got shot...... would we still be looking at McCoy and his crew as the bad guys?

  10. I don't know what clubs you guys go to. I'm friends with a lot of cops and bouncers. Everyone involved gets bounced in a situation like this regardless of how famous they are or if their a cop or not.


    I also don't know a single cop that goes into a bar and then walks up to a bouncer to tell them they're a cop. Literally the only reason i have ever seena cop do something like this is if they have a firearm on them and don't want the bouncers (security if at a stadium or something else) to freak out.

  11. I feel like I've seen a ton of posts all over about Charges expected, and they never come.......


    From the looks of it, they probably don't have a strong case based on current evidence and probably a weak or large amount of conflicting stories from those inside the club. If they had concrete proof McCoy would have been arrested(turned himself in)


    The longer this goes, the more it looks like McCoy simply needs to pick better friends and was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong group of people.

  12. I'm sure it's been brought up, but with Boykin and Little now around, i would be shocked to not see a good battle for our #2/3 WR position. I'll be the first to admit that Harvin looked great when on the field and healthy, but many if his isn't made of glass. I would love to have him back but I think Boykin will really step up for us. I also really like Little - minus his drops- i remember seeing a lot of high lights of him being open for the browns and just.... well butterfingers, but you gotta be doing something right to be getting open like that.


    I have would also love it if the Bills somehow got Laquon Treadwell or Michael Thomas in the draft. They rip on Micahel Thomas for not being a burner, but the guys 6'4" and built like a truck.

  13. Rd 1) Shaq Lawson / Jaylon Smith / Jayron Kearse

    These guys were all open to be picked in my draft - I choose Jaylon Smith because of the high praise he is constantly recieving - Both of the other players are good and are from clemson, soooooo Rex Ryan connection.

    Rd 2) Josh Doctson / Andrew Billings / Landon Turner

    I'm not 100% sold on Doctson but he is the BPA here - I like Billings but probably doesn't fit Ryans Scheme. Turner is my alternative at this pick from the board I had to choose from.

    Rd 3) Jalen Mills / Hunter Henry / Yannick Ngakoue

    Taking Jalen Mills who I can't see lasting 3 rounds - I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Hunter and Yannick on both sides of the sleeper/bust spectrum - Going with safer pick and more pressing need.

    Rd 4) Sheldon Rankins / Noah Spence / Avery Young / Braxton Miller

    Torn between De and OT - This would really come down to FA - I simply can't pass up on Sheldon and take him here.

    Rd 5) Spencer Drango

    Kicking this load of a man inside - Compared to Zach Martin

    Rd 6) Tyler Higbee

    UDFA's - I would love to have these guys in camp to at least compete Tarae Sharpe / Cole Toner / Joe Schmidt / Justin Simmons
  14. Not going to lie...... i might actually take trading back in the first. There is some decent talent and if we got some more picks in the top 90 picks i would be immensely happy not "having" to to BPA.


    Would like to note that I would be overly ecstatic if we got Treadwell or Thomas as a WR in the Draft. Really like the idea of just flooding our WR ranks and choosing the best of.

  15. here is another draft. I should probably mention that i'm addicted to doing simulations so I run this stuff like 5-10 times a day.


    Fanspeak Big Board
    19: R1P19
    49: R2P18
    80: R3P17
    114: R4P19
    144: R5P17
    174: R6P17
  16. I honestly can't see us NOT resigning Glenn. Also I think the only thing I dislike about my drafts is I never seem To get around to a safety or cb. Really like that one guy that's 6'4'' and 225. Think he is ranked second. It's just where we pick there are some serious names.


    Obviously this could all change in FA.

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