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Posts posted by RK_BillsFan

  1. I think the early Power Polls going into week 7 on Bleacher Report has us at 9. I'm still a skeptic, but if we can put the phins away next week with another ground and pound win, I will be overly ecstatic to see the Bills v Pats game. That said, I think if we get to the Pats with a 5-2 record, we will finally get to see what our team is made of. A pissed off, full steam ahead New England team will be much harder to beat than the Hold Down the Fort one we faced in week 4.

  2. I'm looking forward to threads about how we beat a bad team and Tyrod still sucks.

    Well....... you're not wrong about beating a bad team. On the other hand TT did pretty decent. We need to win games like this one to prove we're not the same ol' Bills, otherwise ya... we'd be the same ol' Bills.


    That said, pretty sure i almost threw up when i saw McCoy go down. I really hope we get to the Pats game at 5-2 and then beat a Brady lead Pats..... that would mean a LOT

  3. Still waiting for more quality wins and more consistency from TT [ which frankly is all we're missing from being a true power house]. We have (1) against the Cards, but i'm not sure how good that win really was. Looking at our wins against the Bradyless Pats and the Rams, those were games good teams have no business losing which as a Bills fan..... thank you for not being the Bills of the last 17 years for those two games. If we have been blanked like the Texans by a third string injured QB i'd have been done.

  4. While I am extremely happy about the "Lorax" and "What Can Brown do for you", You guys need to chill with this get rid of Gilmore crap. He is still a quality corner that would not be easily replaced regardless of our scheme. We should keep Gilmore, just not for the 15 million a year he's looking for. I'd be ok with 11-12 as long as he plays to his full potential. If i remember correctly, after this season we pick up something like 54 million in cap room which gives us a lot to play around with to keep players we need to.

  5. Man I hate to be a debbie downer, but the only things I like about today's win was the varity of plays called (thank you !@#$ing lord we got our TE's involved) and what seemed to be some progress from TT in terms of progression. If Brady was playing, I don't feel we'd have won.


    Honestly guys, this was a give me, and we should be happen we didn't throw it away. We stifled a 3rd string QB with limitations and we had film to look at. I'm not eating crow until we take care of business against more than 1 team that we should. We should beat the Rams, 49ers, and Fins, before our rematch with the Pats. There is no reason to lose to any of those teams the next 3 weeks. But this is the Bills we're talking about. Lets see what happens when more teams have film on games called by Lynn and start adjusting.


    **side note: I'm loving Wood stepping up and putting in some good numbers.

  6. It's only three games. True. Things we've noted so far:


    1) Can't play catch up - too much reliance on TT - whats the stat? zero wins if he throws more than 30 times?

    2) Can't get into a shoot out - see above - unless we can literally run through the opposing 8 man box

    3) Team looks great when ground and pound is working...... of course it does....

    4) Injuries and being forced to play some back ups at key positions is a lot more pronounced than previously anticipated. I honestly think, if we had the Big Stuff, we had a shot of winning last week.

    5) Play calling - has been nauseating. Like can we please, please please get more TE plays called.


    Nothing shown these first three weeks has instilled any confidence that we'll be ok for the season. I mean, how ELATED do you think the Pats fans are to be 3-0 and have a third stringer lead a 27-0 performance..... and here we're clapping our hands for not shitting the bed worse than the other team.

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