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Drop Kick Flutie

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Posts posted by Drop Kick Flutie

  1. looks like the reports today are the jets caught the pats pulling that move the week prior, and warned the refs to keep an eye out for it. if so, great job coaching on the jets part.

    reporting it to the refs at the start of overtime after they had used the same tactic on the Pat's game tying kick.

  2. That article bases the entire argument on one stat only, actual number of flags thrown for roughing the passer.


    So much more goes into it, such as calling or not calling holding calls on the offensive line. If say Brady's

    and Peyton's lines are allowed to hold more, give illegal shots to the face and helmet, and generally get away

    with more, then fewer defenders are going to be getting to the QB on a consistent basis, therefore the lower

    the oportunities to get a roughing the passer call. So, that stat does not even come close to telling the full story

    of the gripes about protecting star QBs (particularly Brady).


    As the Jets player said, you can't ignore that the NFL did instate the below the knee rule right after Brady is out

    for a season due to a knee injury. And yet when Wilfork nailed JP in the knee on purpose, he doesn't even get a flag.

    I stopped watching the NBA about 10 years ago because of the star treatment and unbalanced calls. And I hate

    seeing the NFL go in that direction, but it does look that way despite the apologists.


    I think for the most part the officiating in the NFL is pretty good, even in most Bills games. But one or two calls a game

    can make a huge difference in a game or season. Say a star team is down in the 4th quarter, they have a 3rd down that

    if they don't convert they may lose. A lineman gets away with a blatant hold that the announcers don't even comment on

    and the QB completes an 11 yard pass to continue the drive. They may not score and still lose the game, but they're given

    that one extra opportunity. Even one missed or bogus call a game or every other game over the course of a season may

    allow a team to pull out a few extra wins.


    You can see that type of thing every Sunday, especially for the star QBs and star teams. It's not blatant, but its pervasive.

    No doubt those guys (Brady/Manning types) win because they're damn good and future HOFs but they and they're teams

    definitely get the benefit of the doubt more often than other teams/players. And they do get more protection than non-household

    name QBs.


    Oh, you mean the Carson Palmer rule? BTW I stopped reading at the bold, you can't argue with somebody who can't get simple facts right.

  3. Yep, because QBs get hit EVERY play. :doh: The list is useless because it suggests that every pass attempt involves contact. If there was a REAL article about how many flags thrown after any type of QB contact, Brady would be top of the list. And would contradict the premise of the aforementioned article

    logic states that if he was getting more roughing the passer calls for him on hits he'd have more total

  4. Yeah, like I said, try reading the book, the only real investigation into the matter. Or just continue to roll out company lines. Not too hard to figure out which one you'll choose


    The book from the guy who has no evidence and no knowledge of football and was fined and suspended for stock fraud?

  5. If anything it's totally the opposite. Plus there were reports that they were doing other things besides taping. And for some reason, Goodell decided to destroy the Spygate related evidence, which is just plain weird imo. The public didn't get the full details of what happened, and it's people like you who allow things like Spygate to be swept under the rug.


    They actually played the "spygate" tapes for reporters, half the time the video was pointing at cheerleader's asses


    and the other allegations piled on after the fact were proven false

  6. I've watched all the Pats games this preason, multiple times.





    Tom Brady is Tom Brady. If we make mistakes he will capitalize. We've all seen what that looks like.


    As of now, I am not convinced that they have the best O line in football. I'm not even sure it is top 5. They can be beaten. They can be thoroughly whipped by a creative and/or disruptive front 7. Perhaps the biggest distortion coming out of the Lions game is the fumbles = the reason they got blown out. Yeah, they didn't help, but, the Lions D, and O, lines dominated them. Every time you say fumbles? I will say Matt Stafford sucks, or it could've been 50+ Lions in the first half. Only one fumble had nothing to do with the lines. However, it was clear that the Lions phyiscal play, and, even their dumb late/taunting penalties, got to the Patriots. They can say "preseason" and "the Lions were playing in their SB" all they like. They were intimidated, and we've all seen what that looks like as well.


    The one bright spot was Kenbrell Thompkins. I believe he made the roster with his game that day, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see him a whole lot on Sunday. We need to shut that guy down. If we do, we can win. Amendola simply doesn't scare me at all. The rest of the WRs are JAGs.


    Aside: You know when they do that double TE and a WR "bunch" set? I want to see us have the LDE or OLB not rush and head straight for the WR and knock him on his ass inside 5 yards. That is where the ball is going 90% of the time. That would screw up the timing, and, we wouldn't have to live through yet another crossing rout for 15-25 yards, when we all know it's coming. The best they could do is throw to one of the TEs, who isn't expecting the ball. Bring the CB in to "rush", but really, just to cover the outside guy's area.






    Here's where I hate to say this, but I will anyway: The Pats LBs are a problem. I've been saying this since they lost their LBs from the SB years. They've never had the same D since. None of their stop gap fixes have worked. But, they've won anyway...with their O. This makes me look "wrong". :rolleyes:


    However, I'm not. Their LBs aren't good. They are average, at best. They are slow to read, react, and, they are just slow, period. Belechick protects them with scheme, and by only asking them to do 1 thing well. We can cause trouble by forcing them to do what they don't do well. I just hope we don't overthink it.


    The elephant = Spikes is a liability in coverage, and if Chandler/EJ are on the same page? They will have to bring safety help, and that opens the door for the bomb(and helps Stevie, screens, etc.). This has always been true, since 2007, however, we haven't had a QB who can torch them with the bomb, consistently. So, the Pats, rightly, haven't cared. Spikes creates a huge problem, but, only if you can exploit it.


    Mayo has played up and down recently. Example: Against the Eagles he got driven backwards by the RB :blink: But, on the next play, he corrected and stopped the run for no gain. The Lions game? He seemed to quit on some plays. And, it wasn't just him. Against the Bucs, he looked OK, but he got burned a few times, and the O line got on him easily. Not sure if that's all his fault, as the D line didn't help him.


    Hightower has a chance to play like the old SB LBs did. I really like this guy. However, he is only one guy. I'm not sure that the quitting and the liabilities can be overcome by one guy.


    Their D line is really good against the run, as it has been. It will be interesting to see what our O line can do, and what Spiller can do.


    Finally? The even bigger elephant? The Pats haven't had this much trouble rushing the passer since before Parcells was there. If preseason is any indication at all? The Pats are in big trouble in this area. If it isn't, then once again, Bill Belechik coaching is amazing. It would be truly impressive if this gets fixed.


    However, I don't know how you fix this, other than by bringing more people. But, even the lowly Eagles were able to pick up the blitzers. I don't know how you get a guy to be more talented/faster/stronger/quicker/whatever going from the preseason to the regular.


    Couple all of this with a so/so secondary? And, I say that only because we haven't seen this group play together much. They could be decent. They could be bad.


    Perhaps this is the year that the bad drafting, bad FAs, and trading down, finally catches up with them.


    As for the O-line against the Lions, they weren't doing any adjustments, they were not seeing the match up and changing the play, they just ran the play as is. I believe this was not an accident, it would have been different with a regular season game on the line. As for Mayo havn't watched much of him in the preseaon but the last few years he's been one of the few bright spots on the Pats defense and considered one of the best in the league and I expect a solid season out of him.


    And pre season is a load of crock 90% of the time

  7. I don't know whose secret plan it is. I can't believe the NFL would do it on their own and the Bills certainly wouldn't ask for it, so it must come from the Patriots. One time is expected. Twice is possibly chance. Three times or more is a trend.

    If I'm the Pats and I can make the schedule how I want, why would I waste my bye week on the Bills? I'd rather use it on a team that would be harder to beat like the Broncos.

  8. The facts that Pats fans/apologists can't dispute are that they cheated during those SB wining seasons, won each by just a FG, and after getting caught cheating haven't won a SB since, despite having arguably one the best teams in NFL history in one of those 2 SB losses. That's not jealousy; that's the truth. If you want to believe that cheating didn't help them, that's your prerogative, and many people are in denial about a great many things, some much more important than a football team. However Belichick didn't videotape because he needed to fill up his home film library; he did it because it gave him an advantage. And when people are caught cheating, their wins aren't analyzed to see whether the cheating helped; they're merely labelled as cheaters and their wins vacated. Usually (eg. Barry Bonds is still the home run king).


    Most have acknowledged that the Pats are a very good football team, past cheating notwithstanding. So claiming "sour grapes" also doesn't hold a lot of water.


    And if you take issue with saying drafting Brady was pure dumb luck, again the facts show that it was. Again when he and Belichick are gone, the Pats will need to find a replacement for both for them to have success again, despite how great their organization allegedly is.

    While drafting Brady may have been luck how they managed him after drafting him wasn't. I bet there is at least a few late round QBs who would have made above average starters had they been given the right circumstances.

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