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  1. I suggest hiring a defensive minded coach as head coach. Vic Fangio, Perry Fewell, Mike Zimmer or one of the Ryan bros. They all know how to get maximum effort out of their defenses and specifically the front 7. Our pass D would look a lot better with some pressure on the other teams QB's. Also the best decision to help the D is get a new qb and new OC who is willing to pound the rock and keep the chains moving. A rested D is a good one, look at the 49ers Sunday night. As soon as their offense sputtered the defense got wore down and the patriots nearly pulled off a huge comeback.
  2. I agree buffalo will make an idiotic move this offseason, my guess would be adding mike Vick. Flynn may be available but the redskins won't let cousins go be cause he is their insurance policy for RGIII. He has already been hurt multiple times this year and its gonna keep happening. The bills most idiotic move is no move at all regarding their head coach or front office. Wanny will be the Sacrificial lamb and best we can hope for is mike Vick, Tim tebow, mark Sanchez, or a qb in the draft that wouldn't be selected until third round of any other draft but buffalo will be forced to reach for this season due to the total lack of college talent this offseason.
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