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Justin C

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Posts posted by Justin C

  1. @Hapless Bills Fan any thoughts on this? https://www.indiatvnews.com/science/covid-19-vaccine-in-1-month-csir-pins-hope-on-sepsivac-613529



    India's top research and development organization, the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), which is currently testing a "repurposed" vaccine against Covid-19 in a Phase 2 trial, is hoping to seek approval from the drug controller for its wider use against the pandemic in as early as 30 days from now, the scientist who is coordinating the effort said on Saturday.


    CSIR is currently testing Cadila Pharmaceuticals' "Sepsivac" against COVID-19.

    This treatment was developed as a result of a partnership between CSIR and Cadila Pharmaceuticals many years ago. This immunotherapy treatment, which boosts "innate immunity", was initially approved by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) for gram negative sepsis which is a disease caused by bacteria.

    But the scientists found that the pathological symptoms of this disease and Covid-19 were quite similar. And given the urgency of finding a solution to the rapidly rising Covid-19 cases across the world, the scientists thought of testing the treatment against the current pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


    CSIR got the approval to test "Sepsivac" against Covid-19 in a Phase 2 clinical trial about 10 days ago. The trial is being conducted on 50 patients at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, AIIMS Bhopal, and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh.


    "We expect the results from this Phase 2 trial within 30-45 days from now. And if the results are encouraging, we will seek approval from the drug controller because of emergency and keep on continuing the Phase 3 trial. That's how it happens," Ram Vishwakarma, Director, Integrative Medicine (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Jammu, told IANS.

    Vishwakarma said that once it applies, the approval from the drug controller is expected to come fast as it is an emergency situation.


    So if the Phase 2 trial shows that "Sepsivac" is effective against Covid-19, the world may have a vaccine against the disease as early as one month from now, at least for emergency use.


    Meanwhile, Vishwakarma informed that CSIR has also got approval for conducting Phase 3 clinical trial of "Sepsivac" against Covid-19.

    "The Phase 3 trials will be done on 1,100 people -- 600 will be those who have tested positive but non- symptomatic, and 500 will be those who are out of hospital," Vishwakarma said.


    How does Sepsivac work?

    It contains heat-killed mycobacterium w (Mw), an immunomodulator, which is a non-pathogenic mycobacterium.


    "Normally when you develop a vaccine, you grow the organism and kill it. It is called heat killed. Here we heat killed the bacteria. It is a standard vaccine concept," Vishwakarma said, adding that the bacterium is produced by fermentation.


    "The treatment we are testing against Covid-19 is designed to enhance innate immunity which is very critical. People who are weak in innate immunity will get the infection faster," he said.


    Vishwakarma explained that it is a non-specific vaccine which could be used to both cure and protect people. He explained that there are generally three types of vaccines.

    "There are therapeutic vaccines, where you give them as a drug for curing. There are prophylactic vaccines, which you give to people to protect them. And there are some which have both the properties, which are called immunomodulators.


    "Sepsivac will be an immunomodulator, which will have protective effect and therapeutic effect both," he said.


    Vishwakarma is hopeful that the Phase 2 clinical trials of the treatment will provide positive results. And because the drug is already in use for sepsis or septic shock treatment, "human safety is already assured," he said, adding that it will be applicable for all age groups.

    "We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for the best," Vishwakarma said.

    As developing a vaccine against a new disease takes time, researchers the world over are rushing to repurpose existing drugs, vaccines against the disease.



    On 5/3/2020 at 12:31 PM, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I need to look into it, but it sounds a lot like the theory behind current clinical trials of already-approved BCG vaccine, which is currently in Phase 3 clinical trials in Australia and the Netherlands for use against covid-19

    Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine is a live-bacteria vaccine given to protect against tuberculosis, using a weakened strain of Mycobacterium bovis (the cause of tuberculosis disease in Cattle).  It is still a routine infant immunization in a number of countries.  It was discontinued at various points in other countries.  It was never given routinely in the US because the risk of acquiring tuberculosis is considered less than the protection provided by the vaccine (which is variable - it's not a very effective vaccine) + the risks of the vaccine.

    BCG vaccine has been shown to have a protective effect against sepsis and respiratory infections - essentially, to function as an immunomodulator.  There are some studies showing it has an interesting effect on the immune system - that it upregulates part of the immune system and makes it more effective.


    Sepsivac seems to be a heat-killed vaccine from a different strain of Mycobacteria, and might work through a similar mechanism.

    Edit: here's some stuff from the company that developed Sepsivac as a general treatment for sepsis:
    Indications are certain leprosy cases, Non-small cell lung cancer, and gram-negative sepsis.

    BCG has become a fairly standard treatment for bladder cancer, so seeing a cancer indication for Sepsivac supports the idea it may work in a similar way.  It's not an anti-viral or a direct anti-cancer chemotherapy, it's an immunomodulator.

    FWIW, I think it's a great approach to try (both BCG and this approach) because it's totally different than a strict preventive vaccine that works by trying to train the immune system to recognize and respond to SARS-CoV2.  Since we don't know yet what will work, it only makes sense to try a wide range of different approaches.

    I don't think it would be given to the population at large; I think it would be targeted to people most at-risk, and also to covid-19 positive patients who fit a high-risk profile.


    Edit: adding this in here - it's not about Sepsivac, but it's another piece that explains the potential immune-boosting effect of vaccines like BCG and possibly oral polio vaccine.  If Sepsivac works, it would likely be through a similar mechanism.

    TL;DR your body has two immune responses, innate and adaptive.  Adaptive immune response is what develops after you contract and recover from a disease, or are vaccinated against a disease - your body learns to produce specific antibodies against that organism and churns them out quickly in response to a future exposure.

    But it's long been observed that people vaccinated with some vaccines, like BCG, become less likely to die from other diseases.  The current evidence (and it's small) is that it has to do with priming your innate immune system to become more efficient and effective. 


  2. Quote


    Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is confident that January is a realistic deadline for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to become widely available, if "things fall into place."


    Speaking to Today's Savannah Guthrie on Thursday morning, Fauci said he was part of the team at the White House that was developing the vaccine plan. A Phase I trial is underway for a potential vaccine and the next step would be to do a Phase II trial to determine if it works and is safe.

    If the vaccine proves to be a viable option in the Phase I trial, the administration won't wait for results from the Phase II trial to start producing the vaccine, according to Fauci.


    "You don't wait until you get an answer to start manufacturing," Fauci told Guthrie. "You, at risk, proactively start making it assuming it's going to work and if it does then you can scale up."

    By ramping up production "at risk," if the results are positive from the Phase II trial, it'll mean a quick roll out to the general public because the supplies are already in place.

    While a January 2021 timeline may seem shocking for people who kept hearing "12 to 18 months," Fauci noted that when he first started giving that timeline, it was back in January and February. So, it isn't all that different from his original statements, but he added it's "aspirational."

    Governors in Illinois and California floated the idea that mass gatherings could be canceled until a vaccine is available and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the crisis won't be over until people can be inoculated. Even if officials lift restrictions before a vaccine is ready, business leaders are concerned that consumers won't fully return until they can be protected against the new coronavirus.


    "Of course we worry about it," Chris Narsetta, president and CEO of Hilton, said during a Wednesday roundtable at the White House.


    President Donald Trump acknowledged that vaccines haven't been created for every virus, but said "a lot of progress" was being made with the one for SARS-CoV-2. Although he thinks America will be successful with a new coronavirus vaccine, he wouldn't wait for that to reopen restaurants and stadiums at 100 percent capacity.

    As of Friday morning, 1,040,488 people in America have been confirmed to have the virus, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker. Of those people, 60, 999 people have died and with encouraging results from a trial for a treatment drug, called a therapeutic, Trump said he might prefer treatment over a vaccine.

    "If you gave me both, I'd rather have the [therapeutic] because that makes people better right now," Trump said on Wednesday. "Whether it's helping them along or makes them better almost instantly, we have to see."

    It's likely a therapeutic will be on the market before a vaccine because when you're dealing with people who are already ill, the safety issues are "much, much different," according to Fauci. Plus, you can tell if the drug is working "almost immediately," whereas determining the efficacy of a vaccine requires additional research.

    The vaccine's in the third phase of the Phase 1 study and Phase II will start in the summer, which will involve hundreds of people, according to Fauci.



    Fauci is normally hesitant about being overly optimistic or putting dates on stuff. So you have to like that he's talking about dates.


    Link to the article: https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-says-coronavirus-vaccine-could-widely-available-january-if-things-fall-right-place-1501210

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/south-korea-experts-say-recovered-coronavirus-patients-retested-positive-because-dead-virus-parts-1500998



    Health experts in South Korea are addressing the nation's growing incidence of former coronavirus patients who have retested positive for the disease after having previously recovered. According to Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, figures published Wednesday indicated that 292 people countrywide had tested positive for the respiratory illness since initially contracting it and later testing negative, suggesting conceivable recovery from infection. However, discussing the upward trend in positive retests during a recent news conference, officials from KCDC's clinical committee for emerging disease control said the pattern does not necessarily reflect a reoccurrence of active infection.


    Committee head Oh Myoung-don instead attributed positive test results following recovery to "dead," or inactive, virus components still present in patients' cells, multiple outlets based in South Korea reported on Wednesday.


    "RNA fragments still can exist in a cell even if the virus is inactivated," Oh said during the conference, according to government-funded media organization Yonhap News Agency. "It is more likely that those who tested positive again picked up virus RNA that has already been inactivated," he continued, going on to explain that the coronavirus' biological interactions with human DNA strands show its lack of ability to "create chronic infections."


    Still, concerns over South Korea's growing number of positive retests have circulated throughout April, as the number of second-time diagnoses among "recovered" individuals has steadily risen. Less than two weeks ago, KCDC reported that 163 patients had tested positive for the virus again following recovery and subsequent discharge from isolation. At the time, repeat diagnoses accounted for slightly more than 2 percent of the country's recovered population. On Wednesday, approximately 2.7 percent of previously recovered adults had tested positive for the coronavirus a second time, as well as 3.4 percent of children.

    KCDC shared preliminary findings of an investigation into the retests on April 17, saying the average time between a recovered coronavirus patient's discharge and positive test result was roughly 13.5 days, with an overall range of one to 35 days. Of 137 cases studied, KCDC reported that 61 patients showed mild symptoms, 72 were asymptomatic and four were still being explored. The disease control center also said there were no secondary infections identified in any successive cases.


    By Sunday, South Korea had confirmed 263 cases of positive test results in formerly recovered coronavirus patients, and KCDC said its investigation remained ongoing.

    "Contact tracing on these re-positive cases is also underway to identify possibility of secondary infection," its April 26 report read. "No new case has yet been confirmed that resulted from exposure to the re-positive cases (during the period in which they were re-positive). The contacts are still under monitoring."


    As of Wednesday morning, 10,761 coronavirus cases and 246 resulting deaths had been confirmed across South Korea, according to Johns Hopkins University's tracker. Reports from its Department of Health as well as KCDC show less than 15 people have tested positive for the first time each day since April 19.



    I'd say that's good news.

    [Edit: additional article on the topic https://time.com/5810454/coronavirus-immunity-reinfection/]

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. Today at Cuomo's press conference he said that businesses need to submit a plan for reopening. So does this mean the mom and pop shoe store is going to have to give the governor and actual list before they can reopen just like a large chain restaurant would? This seems really confusing.


    I liked how Cuomo has handled this for the most part. Maybe it’s the fact I haven’t been able to do anything for a week outside because of the ***** weather getting to me. But his press conferences have had less answers every day. I’m not saying open everything tomorrow. But you’ve had two months to come up with some semblance of a plan (after having no plan to close) and we still have few answers outside of construction and manufacturing can open somewhat on the 15.


    I think it’s becoming clear that Cuomo is trying to 1. Kick this as far down the curb as allowable (reopening) and 2. Make himself come off blameless if things go bad. I’m pretty sure tomorrow new cases could go from 1000 to 1 and he would still say it’s bad. I mean yesterday was the one nice day we've had in a week and people were out left and right hanging out in driveways, and it is going to get harder to tell people no when the weather actually turns nice.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    There's a lot of "what ifs" to manage, but we can't shut down until 2021


    However, of all the businesses vital to restart, spectator sports are probably down the list. 



    Oh trust me I'm not on board with that. That was more in response to chongli who said we ween't leaving our houses any time soon.

  6. 8 minutes ago, chongli said:


    I respect your opinion, but there will not be a season this fall. COVID-19 has now been demonstrated to cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, neurological system, eyes, and blood:




    No one is leaving their house for the near future.


    I wanted opinions, not valid answers.


    Yet multiple governors just got together to come up with a reopening plan in the months ahead. A slow gradual reopening, but its a start. And the Korean and Japanese baseball leagues have started some exhibition games.


    But no yeah we aren't going anywhere until 2021 I guess.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Figster said:

    On a side note and I touched on this subject in an earlier post. While there may not be any scientific data right now to support this with so little known about Covid 19. Small cuts or abrasions that are not bandaged or covered may put you at a higher risk. Including small cuts from shaving.


    Stay home, stay safe people...


    Hold on. So small cuts from shaving may infect me. But also long beards are bad for coronavirus as well. The ultimate conundrum! 


    I have a one month beard going and as long as I'm working from home and only going to Wegmans/Tops, it will keep growing.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  8. The WWE is doing events at their Performance Center. No audience. AEW taped a bunch of stuff last week to fill a month or two of TV as well in front of no audience. Both are performing temperature checks and other wellness checks before they are allowed to perform, and isolating wrestlers in a hotel while in town. That's why their were changes to the Wrestlemania card.


    As a life long WWE fan I wouldn't mind if they take time off, but have no problem with them continuing if they are monitoring for sickness beforehand.

  9. 3 hours ago, RalphWilson'sNewWar said:

    Buy or Sell?




    "I'm not anticipating that happening in this state," Newsom said via SFGate.com. "We've all seen the headlines over the last couple days in Asia where they opening up certain businesses and now they're starting to roll back those openings because they're starting seeing some spread and there's a boomerang. One has to be very cautious here, one has to be careful not to overpromise."

    Newsome also shared that one "well-known football player" inquired about whether or not the NFL season would begin on time.

    "I would move very cautiously in that expectation," Newsom said. "Our decision on that basis here in the State of California will be determined by the facts, will be determined by the health experts, will be determined by our ability to meet this moment and bend the curve ... Right now I'm just focusing on the immediate, but that's not something I anticipate happening in the next few months."


    So he basically has no idea as well. September is five months from now. Who knows where we will be then. 


    I'm far from a Trump supporter but I have no problem with him being a little optimistic here. 

  10. I saw this posted in a couple places. I found it here: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy/


    I somewhat feel like this might be the case when things start to settle down. Not to minimize it, but I know people in my office that were showing symptoms similar to Coronavirus back in December. So more people might have been infected than reported, especially with the lack of testing early on:


    "Italy: the real number of COVID-19 cases in the country could be 5,000,0000 (compared to the 119,827 confirmed ones) according to a study which polled people with symptoms who have not been tested, and up to 10,000,000 or even 20,0000,000 after taking into account asymptomatic cases, according to Carlo La Vecchia, a Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the Statale di Milano University.


    This number would still be insufficient to reach herd immunity, which would require 2/3 of the population (about 40,000,000 people in Italy) having contracted the virus [source].


    The number of deaths could also be underestimated by 3/4 (in Italy as well as in other countries) [source], meaning that the real number of deaths in Italy could be around 60,000.


    If these estimates were true, the mortality rate from COVID-19  would be much lower (around 25 times less) than the case fatality rate based solely on laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths, since it would be underestimating cases (the denominator) by a factor of about 1/100 and deaths by a factor of 1/4."

    [Edit: please see cross post in Covid Discussion thread to discuss/debate]

  11. Yeah my thought is if things aren't semi back to normal by either mid-May or June, we will have more problems than just the virus on our hands. Obviously the economy. But you also have to look at the anxiety factor of people wondering when they will be able to leave their homes or get back to a normal life. And the depression factor of people with no jobs. I know people in the mental health industry who are very worried about that aspect.


    At some point we have to be able to manage the virus and let people go back to a normal life. Obviously we want things under control and back to normal before that happens. But Italy has shown a decrease in numbers the last two days so maybe there is some light ahead.

  12. For the 17th game they should make a spectacle out of deciding it. They love TV ratings so make it a 1 or 2 hour special:


    1. Randomize it with AFC vs NFC teams like ping pong balls. So the Bills would play one other team from either the NFC East, North or South.


    2. Make it a draft. The Chiefs pick first and decide who they want to face. They have to pick a team not already on their schedule, so they could pick the Bengals first. Then you can get interviews from players trash talking, saying they are going to wish they didn't pick us.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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