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Posts posted by MattyT

  1. Sometimes it puzzles me when a coaching staff out-think themselves...In this case you have two electrifying players handled entirely different by the OC's- offensive scheme:


    A- KC elects to go on the attack with McCluster using him to his strength (which stand to reason with his college production) they leave little doubt for why he's in the game...swing pass, wheel routes and the slot. They don't ask him to block opposing DE or blitzing LB's they rather put the defense on their heals and make them cover this water-bug.


    B- Buffalo for some reason wants the Def to not stereotype Spiller's role when in the game and want to make him a complete back focusing on developing his weakness (blocking and running between tackles) think Tiger working on his swing back in his prime...In this latter case the learning curve is gradual and instant returns are minimal hoping for long term gain ( I dunno). Chan keeps saying that they want to give him the ball in space but it seems once the game starts he loses his place or get caught up in the action but he calls the same run plays for him as if he's Jackson :thumbdown: .


    This scenario is very frustrating to fans and CJ. If they want success for their top 10 pick IMHO alternate a series or so with CJ with a list of plays designed specific to his skill set (swing passes, wheel route and draws) to attack the Def and let him get a feel for the game. Hell they drafted a situational back within the top 10 stop trying to fool yourself into believing otherwise.Don't get it twisted I think Spiller is a special player just not being used properly.


  2. I could be wrong, but it didn't look like he was hair on fire going after the qb much yesterday. He just seemed like he was focusing on setting the edge on most snaps.

    I saw the same. He seemed to be doing it effectively, but it sure was a drastic departure from the hell bent pass rushing show full of hand fighting and swim moves that he was putting on during the pre-season.

  3. I think Chan just needs to realize the only way that Spiller can be productive is out in space where he can use his quickness and speed. I am getting so tired of seeing him put Spiller in on short yardage and watching him dancing around behind the line instead of shooting for a hole. Yesterday, Jackson wasn't going down until at least the 3rd defender made contact on him most of the game, but on 3rd and 3 he puts Spiller in again and he gets stuffed for a couple yard loss. Happens over and over.

    I agree. If Jackson needs a blow, then I would prefer to see White in those short yardage situations.

  4. If Moran wants to improve as a writer, learning how to express himself concisely would be a good start. The length of his apology steals from whatever genuine contrition exists and screams "Look! I'm a good guy! I'm apologizing! Respect me!"

    I heard his fact checker is also his editor.

  5. So let's look at our Receiver core for this year (oh, which starts in a month btw):

    1. Johnson: good.

    2. Nelson: Shows promise, nothing proven.

    2. Parrish: hurt, questionable.

    3. Easley: hasn't played a down of even pre season football.

    4. Davis: scrub.

    5. Jones: special teamer.

    6. Roosevelt: fan favorite? I guess that's all you can really say.

    7. Oh, and a 4th round pick next year. Almost forgot that.



    Don't forget Hubbard who will almost surely be suspended by the league ....if he even makes the team.

  6. If u take a QB in the first round, u expect him to start as soon as possible.


    Sort of true, but remember that this isn't the front office that took Tebow. He's not their mistake if he isn't an instant star.


    The fact that he couldn't unseat an average QB that was on the trade block tells me he sucks.

    From your link...

    If it were strictly a football decision, it would be a no-brainer at this point. Orton threw for 41 touchdowns and had the second-lowest interception percentage among regular starters the past two seasons. He is entering his seventh season and has won 32 of 61 career starts.


    Not exactly the average QB that everyone keeps saying he is.

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