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Mister Defense

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Posts posted by Mister Defense

  1. On 1/17/2024 at 9:34 AM, Dubie54 said:

    Sort of sounds like a personal injury law firm, and in fact these two have been doling out personal injuries for the Bills since 2017. Signed as free agents on the same day in March 2017, these two have been so solid and dependable you almost take them for granted each year. 


    They both have lost a step or two, but they know this defense inside and out and I imagine their leadership and experience in the locker room and on the field has been a huge help to guys like Taron Johnson and Cam Lewis. Romo was raving about them on Sunday and I think he really understands the impact they have on the game. 


    Poyer has a year left on his deal but Hyde is a FA and I suspect Hyde may retire given his neck injury history. If we keep Poyer, his cap hit is $7.4m and his dead cap hit is $2m. That's a tough decision for Beane, because what value do you put on keeping Poyer around another year for his experience and leadership in helping the transition to a new set of safeties.


    I for one have really enjoyed watching these two play and will miss their impact on the Bills defense, but I suspect that a lot of opposing quarterbacks aren't going to miss them much.



    I think both are back for one more year.  This team does not give up big plays and their secondary, despite the injuries, has been fantastic.


    I think in about one month it will be a no brainer anyway..


  2. 11 hours ago, Governor said:

    The Bills organization is basically a Christian halfway house for troubled teens (coaches.) Leslie Frazier is a good example. He was basically out of the league before being taken in by McD and Beane.




    You take Rivera’s history with McD and Beane in Carolina, their friendship and connections since, Buffalo’s history of taking people in to get a fresh start, and you’ve got yourself a situation that’s about as slam dunk as you’d ever see. There’s a ton of history there and many other sources going into detail about it over the years. Lots of interesting reading there. You should take a gander.


    Thanks, bud, but you have to admit there is absolutely nothing in this post or the link that would make one 95% certain, (or even 5% likely) of Rivera becoming the D coordinator, or that it was "likely".  There is not one current detail, fact, that indicates that, wouldn't you agree?


    Why not just say you want it to happen and tell us why?



  3. Hmm, surprising...


    Maybe now Jones will fire the real culprit, the main reason the girls have not even been a contender since their last SB win--himself.


    Been so obvious to me for years, and more so each year.


    True of how he builds his team and just as relevant is the way he conducts himself in the media and to his players. He will never win a SB again, as long as he is the GM and also continues his undermining of his team with almost every public statement.


    His post game talk this week to the team was just more of the same, stressing 'this is the Cowboys and we win". He is like an awful parent who just keeps digging his heels in, despite his obviously misguided actions and words, causing the poor kid to get worse and worse.


    No, no you don't win, Jerry, almost never winning a meaningful game against a good team--and speeches like that are the root cause in my view...


    The girls will  thankfully continue to be a non factor, a punch line, until he turns the reigns over to a non-family member. But that may not happen.


  4. 10 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    I've enjoyed the way McD's defense remains credible despite many of the best players hanging out in hospital wards.  


    The unit plays hard with lots of communication, teamwork, and perseverance.  


    If we bring in a DC, I don't think any of that changes.  It'll still be McD's defense.  Having someone to help him run practices would be a good thing so he has time for his HC thing.  


    Good points there,  though 'credible' I think is an understatement! They are kicking kiester and continued to do so even after losing one vital starter after another on Monday.


    It makes sense that he brings in some coaching help.  He now knows more about the kind of help he would need to make this even smoother for him as both a head coach and D coordinator, so can now get some extra coaches in there to make it all easier.  But I don't think that person will be a designated defensive coordinator. 


    Is there any limit to how many coaches a team can have or how much the payroll for coaches is? I think the answer is no to both but am not sure.



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  5. 6 hours ago, Governor said:

    We need to save this thread.



    Theres a 95 percent chance McD would hire Rivera. It’s likely already in the works. He already signaled that he’d be ok being an assistant or coordinator. 


    Can you please give us some facts that would in any way support your extremely specific contentions?  How is it 95% likely, and what facts do you have that it is "likely already in the works"?


    Obviously you have information to back this up and are not just spewing nonsense that popped into your head one day.


    Please share the info and facts that you have, as I am eager to find out what specific information you have for this vital change you indicate is almost a sure thing.


  6. My thoughts on hiring a defensive coordinator for next year have changed dramatically over the last few months. I now believe that will not happen.


    With our former incompetent OC, it was an almost overwhelming challenge for McDermott to be both the head coach and the D coordinator, as his shcmodrick OC wrecked the offense and team.  McDermott could not then be the defacto O coordinator too, monitor and direct that idiot, and also coach the team.


    But now, with the makings of a good coordinator in Brady, a 6-1 record since he took over,  and the one loss at the hands of a 59 yard field goal, I  think McDermott almost has to be the D coordinator next year too. He has been a fantastic defensive coordinator.  No defensive coordinator is even close to him as far as coaching this year.  The only other candidate for best D coordinator this year would be Spagnuolo, as a a coach like Cleveland's Schwartz had teams that got blown out on the road.  (He was the one I wanted for us this year--that would have been a mistake.)


    This year's  Bills' defense was one of the most disciplined, well prepared, aggressive, play every snap as if it was the last units I have ever seen on this team--and  add in his expert game plans, schemes, in game changes, and the overcoming of an almost comical amount of major injuries and it may be the best coaching job I have ever seen by a Bills D coordinator.


    Rivera! Come on--would not even be a consideration by McDermott, despite his history with him. I think Rivera retires this year, should. Or maybe take some time off to rejuvenate, change.



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  7. 8 hours ago, Governor said:

    McD isn’t really safe yet. He has to beat KC at home or all hell is gonna break loose.


    Guys, he is just kidding!


    No one can be that ignorant of the facts, or that stupid, to think that McDermott is on the hot seat!

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 10 hours ago, arcadia bob said:

    Would be a very good choice for our DC. Maybe looking for a HC job but i would spend the dime on the call ....








    As much as McDermot would probably like to just be a head coach again, his success this year will almost assuredly mean he will be the defensive coordinator again next year. One of the most disciplined, hard working, best schemed, consistent units in the NFL, if not the best.

  9. Bills 34, the squished, 13


    Hopefully the Bills establish what they did in the 2nd  Jets game which was the offense I was calling and hoping for for several years--throw the ball short to intermediate, with designed routes for the backs on many plays, and with Shakir, Kincaid, Davis, Diggs and Harty in on the diverse action.


    It was the first time in a while that the offense was fun to watch, interesting.  It was a like a pinball machine, with so many things to choose from right in front of Allen.  This would then open the running game up and the longer passes.


    But for some reason that approach has been missing the last few weeks, making for more precarious games.


    Today I say to throw it short all over the place early, almost ditching the run early. Crossing routes and slants please.  The Bills have been the most running team in the NFL lately, so today do something different--use the short, diverse dynamic passing game, which Allen excels at,  to go after this weakened defense.  Then, dominate them on the ground with all of the backs getting lots of touches, with some passes sprinkled in.


    (Or, if they have huge success running early like they did against the girls,  run all game long!  But it cannot be just Cook, he is not that kind of back, and needs to be Johnson and Murray too.)

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Just Jack said:

    Cool.  The sweet spot with kids is between the ages of 3-7.  They are just following the team their parent likes, haven’t been able to pick their own yet.  So in a way, bullying them is bullying their parent. 


    Yes, thanks.  And really, hopefully helping the whole family change their ways now and going forward.


    If I keep it going long enough usually one of the kids or the mom starts crying.  That means it's working.


  11. 6 hours ago, Ramza86 said:

    Its always been easier for this offense to operate with those standard slot route, but Josh was always looking for the bigger play

    But things have changed this year...Allen has been working on the mindset to take what the defense gives....that role would be exactly what would help this offense move.


    Right? Or no?


    Yup, as that is essential if the passing game is to work well, was the foundation of that when Beasley was here.


    What happened to the short/middle and intermediate routes lately?? When those are the main focus this team looks its best and seems to have the most fun too.


    Shakir seems to be that guy, and needs more of those crossing routes along with the backs, tight ends, and the other receivers.


    Looked too one dimensional yesterday, more like a dorsey offense at times.


    When the short passing game is working well this offense and team look unbeatable.



  12. Bills 34, Pats 10


    What I want to see and expect:


    The fast paced dynamic short game we have seen sporadically this year and that seems to work so well, such as in the 2nd Jets game:  the Bills throwing it short with many different designed plays to the backs, Shakir, and the other wide receivers too. Why not shorten most of Diggs routes today, as he is a great route runner and has struggled some lately--send him short more often, and ditto with Davis, who had a great game the last time this was done.


    That is the Bills at their best this year,  as it then opens up everything else, both the run and the long game.


    These short passes open up the intermediate and long game, as the running in Dallas opened it up against the Chargers.


    And then run and run as the lead grows...


    The Bills better not take this team lightly--if it is one of their coach's last AFC East games he will treat it like a Super Bowl, and he has been pretty good at coaching those..

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. This is grrreat news.


    If Jones gets back up to speed, for the most part, in the next few weeks it will likely mean a great deal for this defense against miami and in the playoffs.


    The way that Oliver and the rest of the defense is playing now, the addition of Jones means that they will likely be even more consistent and more dominant.


    It is like the Bills just got the perfect defensive player in free agency but one that knows their system, players and plays by heart.



  14. I said on the day of the trade and forever after--worst trade in NFL history, giving up a king's ransom for a player I had thought the Seahawks would cut or waive before the season started.  If I was a Broncos fan and it was a straight up trade for their good tight end, Fant, I would have been angry, but he was just a tiny part of the bounty Seattle (and Wilson) received.


    Not Peyton's fault the Broncos made such a monumentally poor move.


    But Wilson should thank him, as he resurrected his career after last year's disaster. Shows you what a good coach can do.


    Now there may be some teams in need of a good backup who will add Wilson--or even a team desperate for a low level starter?



  15. 4 minutes ago, In Summary said:

    Was hoping Josh would mature out of the hero ball INT thing. It's like a 2nd personality that waits its turn and shows up every so often. Arguably, that INT is like a punt, but that isn't a playoff level decision. 


    But some may also say the same thing about that crazy (and in the end, game winning) play to Shakir at the 10.


    Let's keep him!

    • Like (+1) 2
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  16. 7 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    On any NFL weekend, half the coaches lose.  I'm ecstatic our coach was in the upper 50%.  


    A good coach wins big sometimes, wins nailbiters other times, and even loses sometimes.  The Bills could have played better but I'm thrilled to be on the winning side of things.  


    Calling the head coach names ("McDingus") is silly.  The world is effed up enough.  We don't have to add to it by being disrespectful to each other.  But let me ask, since you said that you don't care what happens the rest of the season.  Are you saying that if McDermott's Bills win the Super Bowl, you still won't be sold on him?  


    Yup, and such an outrageously bad take by TheWeatherMan!


    This team "undisciplined and dumb"?!!  And their coach "rarely" prepares them for games!


    I wonder what TWW has been watching over McDermott's tenure--definitely not our Bills team!


    To me, you cannot be a Bills fan if that is what you saw tonight--and over the last years.


    And I agree, and when did it become okay, even commonplace, for grown men to call other men names like that and like some others do on here?  (Oh, wait, we all know when that happened.)


    The Bills took another important, learning step in the journey tonight.





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  17. In the end I think this win was more satisfying than the blowout I hoped for and expected. And more beneficial to the team's progress than a blowout win would have been. (Though for most of the game I was really cursing out those Charger players making plays, shocking even myself with some of my word combinations.)


    It showed the Bills can overcome an overall very mediocre performance and prevail on the road.


    It also showed the team something they do not want to experience again in the next 7 weeks.  So they learned yet another valuable lesson, one that will make them even stronger.


    When they showed the AFC playoff picture after the game, the Bills now in 6th place in the playoffs if the season ended today, I just sat there smiling at the image on the TV like a kid coming into the living room on Christmas morning  and seeing the presents under the Christmas tree!  Strange but true.


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