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Posts posted by IBTG81

  1. Ed,


    You need to get a life.  This is what brings a lot of bad karma to the Bills... Fans like you.


    I know it is PPP... Still, its a Bill's board and the vibe you bring sucks.


    Let it go man.






    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


    A little pissed because you lost?!?! Ha!


    He ran his mouth, then ran away like a puss. It's quite funny.

  2. You know SDS, you really shouldn't use market share as proof of *anything.*  Microsoft has what, 95% of the desktop market?  Does that mean their product rocks?  No, not really...


    Most people buy iPods because Apple does a great job marketing and people don't know that there are other options out there to choose from.  I even find myself calling my Dell DJ an iPod from time to time (sorta like a kleenex or Xerox machine).  If they do know the difference, they may pick iPod because they"look cool" and having one is a status symbol.  Seriously, high school kids (for example) aren't "cool" if they have a Dell DJ as opposed to an iPod.  Doesn't mean the iPod is "better," only means it's marketed better.


    I will say that the UI on the iPod is very nice.  But I'm not paying double the price for a nice UI.  Longer battery life is more important IMHO.

    Looking at TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), the Camry isn't really that much more expensive than the KIA that breaks down all the time...  But overall, your car vs MP3 player comparison doesn't really hold up at all.  There's much more to a car than 4 wheels, an engine, and a couple of seats wrapped in sheet metal.  There's the size of the car, the power of the engine (try towing with a KIA), how long it holds up, etc.  Nobody is saying that an iPod is going to last twice as longa s a Dell DJ.  Nobody's saying that you can store more music on an iPod.  A better comparison is "Why'd you buy leather seats in your Camry when the cloth ones would work fine?"  It's all cosmetic, and that's the only difference you get with the iPod.


    I'm not bashing the product; it's well engineered.  But there ARE other much cheaper alternatives out there.  You don't have to buy into the Apple marketing machine.






    Hey Scott, did you just feel that slap on the side of your head that Fezmid just gave you?

  3. Ed is probably the worst ref in Football.  Every week I pray we don't get hocheri or Tom white, Walt Coleman.  Anyone who think refs in football do a good job is crazy they suck!!!!!



    Are you kidding?


    Ed is one of the best refs (not to mention my fave). He calls the game right down the middle, and takes the time to explain things.

  4. With the day off from work yesterday, went to the daytime yoga class with the missus.


    Man...there are some smokin' hot women in that class. :o



    I do yoga. It's really cool. And yes, there are. I once popped a you know what right in class, because the babe in front of me was bending in some hot positions. She saw it, and said "awww, how cute." I was mortified.

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