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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Yeah I was not looking to get into a c*ck fight with a chicken today
  2. Where I'm coming from is that war is brutal should be avoided at all costs but when you have ignorant nations with no respect for human life you're basically screwed. I don't know that our role in this war is exactly noble either. We have our ulterior motives in this war
  3. Ukraine stands no chance no matter how many weapons they are given. The only way they win is with numbers, of men.
  4. Nature is cruel, there are hawks and there are chickens There are also chicken hawks
  5. Ukraine is impossibly corrupt, russia is just much larger than them. It's a cat and mouse game.
  6. I saw a hawk scoop up a rabbit at close range one time, fly him up to a tree and pull him apart. It was wicked Nature is amazing Oh it's a message board dude, get your panties out of your crack
  7. Everything you post on here, your persona on here is borne of fear. Like when you had to go run to a mod to protect you I see no courage coming from you Hawk my a$$
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-missile-strike-ukraine-city-chernihiv-kills-people-zelenskiy-says-2023-08-19/ Russia is absolutely brutalizing them, Ukraine really stands no chance without foreign forces putting boots on the ground. Russia is too much bigger and has absolutely no regard for human life in this war. They will.kill every man woman and child if they have to.
  9. And you'll always be a chicken no matter what you change your name to
  10. The libs are very aggressive this morning, emboldened I'd say
  11. Settle down chicken you seem really fired up this morning. I know you libs are circling like buzzards but these trials are gonna take years so you're going to have to be patient. Sit back crack open a beer and enjoy the ride,
  12. Neither is trump, I just figured since we are making things up in a made up thread....
  13. Why did we get involved inbetween these two scumbag nations https://www.businessinsider.com/videos-russia-touts-captured-western-weapons-ukraine-theme-park-2023-8
  14. Technology is a huge part of the equation, energy is another. China is jockeying us in both departments. Relations are getting colder and colder and it's concerning
  15. That chip manufacturing is really not replicable, we are trying... Have you been paying attention to what TMSC is saying about a plant in Arizona or wherever? Why do you think China wants Taiwan so badly. It's because of their chip manufacturing ability
  16. They are tanking their economy on purpose, I believe, they in the process of building their military might. They want 1000 nukes, there's an agenda. They are immensely overpopulated and they do not care about individual citizens. They're communist, they only care about the collective and they despise us and our way of life. With the Saudi's giving us the cold shoulder, and aligning with authoritarian government's, I think the writing is on the wall. I think it's a foregone conclusion they go after Taiwan
  17. Saudi Arabia and Iran dislike each other even more yet they are cozying up. And Taiwan, who visited the US very recently much to the dismay of China is at the center of it all. Taiwan is very important to our national security. I've just been thinking for awhile that there are some severe geo-political forces maneuvering right under our noses but we aren't paying attention due to our in- fighting. I think we all recognize that China is bound to move on Taiwan at some point in the not too distant future and when that happens all hell is going to break loose
  18. World powers are aligning, Saudi Arabia is aligning with Iran now? China, Iran and Russia are aligned. Is Ukraine a litmus test to our response, our resolve? A test of our strategy, our weapons? We are aligning with South Korea and Japan. Enough with the infighting in our country, is the writing on the wall? Are we all too busy arguing transgender rights and abortions to see what's going on in the world?
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