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Posts posted by TSOL

  1. This makes as much sense as anything I've read on this thread thus far. Although, in the words of Clint Eastwood, "'deserve's' got nothin' to do with it."

    I highly doubt that. But, perhaps a better question would be: who do you think the wide receiver corp would prefer? If you still think it would be a slight margin for EJ, then I'm going to suggest you have a memory deficiency.


    If you asked the recivers, theyde say idgaf! Whoever can get me the damn ball in stride.


    Orton has not been doin Sammy or Woods any favors lately

  2. I'm not surprised that you didn't answer the question.


    Fine. 53% in favor of EJ, 47% in favor of Kyle.




    Kyle is .500? I thought we were 7-6?


    Do u sense 8-8 coming or is it just me. Yeah, sure. Ortons offense is gonna outsore Aaron Rodgers offense.

  3. If we asked the players, themselves, who do people think they would want starting against the Packers?


    It dosent matter. Whether EJ or Orton starts the next 3 games, we will go 1-2.


    I dont know who the hecks gonna dispute that



    translation: we know orton sucks, but EJ is worse.


    See, sir, thats why im laughing. Because he is not worse. EJ was .500 Kyle is .500. It was foolish to go with Orton. Shouldve let EJ develop his chemistry and timing with the recivers. And pick up the speed of the game. But NOOOOOO, we had to have Orton come in with his stick of false hope. And you all fell for it hook line and sinker.


    Orton does not, nor ever did give us the best chance to win. Our best chance to win is with EJ and this young burgeoning wide reciever corps of ours.

  5. I'm engaged to a former NBA dancer. I know how hard they work and what goes into it. In a lot of places it's highly competitive and very prestigious. I don't think that the Jills have ever been like this. Their standards aren't all that high and they aren't very talented. They take what they can get. I don't even blame the Bills as they are contracted out. If they were to bring them back they should do so with the caveat that they do so with better looking, and more talented girls.


    I just thought it was a lighthearted topic. I know they aint no supermodels, but theyre just kinda like, tradition with me. All kidding aside, of course!


    Go Bills!

    Smoke the Donkeys!

  6. I've seen a lot of threads where I've said to myself "who cares enough about this topic to post a thread about it." This one has since trumped all other "who gives a ****" threads.


    Sorry, but the band is so much better, actually adds to the game. I've never seen the purpose of cheerleaders anywhere outside of high school basketball. First, it's a small enclosed area and you could hear them, second, I was 17 and wanted to see the hot chicks in very little clothing.


    With the advent of, oh I don't know, the Internet, I can't imagine why you'd need to see mediocre looking women half clothed while trying to watch a football game.




    But they are....


    Top to bottom they probably were a bottom 5 squad in all of sports (and that's being generous). If we had Miami's girls I'd probably be advocating to bring them back. Unfortunately, we don't. It's a bunch of 6's (on their wedding days).


    Just to be clear, I could care less if they did bring them back. It just feels like a waste to me.


    I honestly think some of you guys would rather see male cheerleaders back there

  7. I just think that for years the Bills execs have known that with no other cities bidding the team wouldve sold for 900 million. They did not want that to happen so they hatched the hair brained Toronto series that nobody except for three men in the world ever wanted.

    Just a thought


    This team was never ever going to move to Toronto

  8. Do you think that the Toronto series was concieved to drive up tha sale price upon Ralphs passing, trying to stir intrest from other cities. As a bargining chip if you will?


    I mean, it just seemed like such an idiotic ideal on every level. Like, that didnt benefit anybody, except the trust. it sure did make us all awfully nervous for awhile there though

  9. Hopefully not get my ass kicked by a bunch of pissed off Broncos fans as I will undoubtedly have been very obnoxious throughout the game if the Bills are actually still in it by the fourth quarter.



    Dude that'll be a sick show, you should go. I've stated so many times on here that after GNR, Cinderella is the best band from that era/genre. I will definitely be cranking Take Me Back and Gypsy Road on Sunday in the parking lot!


    Bahahahaha!! Nicely done!

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