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Posts posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. Thanks Mitch!! It is very much like what happened last year with Zach Martin. He certainly played well but he probably received a disproportionately large amount of the credit. They have a very good OL overall and Murray was sensational last year. It is a combination of all of those factors but typically the credit goes to the new guy for the change.

    Hopefully we get Shady on track & open up some monster holes for him.

  2. Thanks John!! I'd love to have the guy because I think that he can play. If I were advising him Buffalo would be pretty high on the list. He has to go somewhere and look good.


    As good as Dallas' line is (and I think they are the best) their rushing numbers should drop some this year without Murray. I suspect that the OL will shoulder some of the blame and people with think that they have regressed. This may or not be the case but if he is the new starter on that line some fingers will be pointed in his direction.


    The flip side is the Bills ran the ball horribly last year. Part of that was the line play, part was the backs and a lot was the miserable scheme. If he were inserted here as one of the new starters and the rushing numbers jumped significantly (which I expect) he will be looked at as a catalyst for that. It should be interesting.

    This is real good.

  3. If we are talking about his next contract (which is really what he is concerned with) I would want to be in a situation that maximizes that. Whatever the easy road is would seem to make the most sense from his standpoint. He wants to go somewhere and look great. That is really his main concern for the next few years.

    What if he doesn't play well ?? That's something I was wondering that if they can level with him about performance = pay. Dallas isn't going to pay everyone on their O-line like a champion, somebody is going to have to take less. On the Bills it's the opposite, every position is up for grabs & Miami is set at Tackle. So who's more likely to get him to a high paying spot ??

  4. Very true. Plus he has never denied sex with her to my knowledge. It wasn't even his girlfriend. It was a mistress. So he almost certainly had sex with her. The thing is though, there really doesn't seem to be anything connecting him to this other than he may have been the father which he wasn't and those types sometimes kill. And there is a lot of stuff saying he probably wasn't or looks like he wasn't. Unless the one seemingly random rumor I only heard one time that he sent threatening texts to her is true.

    Do you have a link to the mistress part ?? I read it was his Ex, which to me is beyond mistress.

    my thoughts exactly. Also, coming here increases his odds of getting a richer second contract due to his ability to start immediately. Really, almost any other choice would be the wrong one for him. Plus, blocking for a top RB like McCoy makes the line look better, which also drives up his next contract.


    I don't think Collins will be making endorsement money anywhere. An OL rarely makes huge endorsement money. And Bills fans would be more likely to buy his jersey and anything minor he endorses than MIA fans, who have enough other "celebrity" types in their city.


    Unless Tops has him push grocery carts around like Rueben did.

  5. The Pats are pathetic at this point.

    Whiny owner and qb, THE most boring, droll head coach of all time.

    Someone should tell them they're good enough without videotaping other teams practices, exploiting loopholes in the substitution rules, running their illegal rub routes/picks, and sneaking into bathrooms to illegally alter footballs.

    They're like the hot chick who thinks she's ugly and needs makeup all the time.

    Its OK guys, you don't need to cheat, just line up and play like everyone else. You've ruined your careers and embarrassed yourselves.


  6. Pats team had employees that helped Tom cheat, I can't see how this isn't an offense that can't punish the whole organization & Brady. Bill B. Held the line to isolate the damage but the Pats hired the employees, who helped Tommy break the rules. This isn't the first time they have cheated to get ahead & been caught, same group.


    Remember they don't fumble at home much, do you have wonder why now ??

  7. They hadn't talked since September. You think out of the blue, 8months later he suddenly snapped over a fling being close to giving birth?

    It's not impossible but if the baby wasn't even his, they might be digging in the wrong ditch.

    Not in this case they wouldn't. They dated briefly and if if the child belong to him he would be on the hook for A LOT in child support. This is not a jilted lover situation. The motive in this case would have been if the child was his.

    Exactly, the financial motives all get taken away there.

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