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Posts posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. Yeah, because DW has basically no experience as a defensive coordinator. He's way over his head and should be fired.


    You guys do realize that we're on pace to allow 525 points & have the 2nd worst showing by a defense? We're also on pace for giving up 300 points to our divisional opponents, that's brutul. I originally wrote this 8-15-2012. So yeah i deserve a cookie for the foresight.

  2. It's tough to get handed a new crew & train them to all be on the same page in the first year is going to be tough. DW was given the keys to a Ferrari without the training to drive it, he's actually blown deals like this before as well. You don't spend the most ever for a defensive superstar when you have nothing else really set in stone, it's a go for broke scenario that's pretty risky.


    I'm not trying to be totally negative but if the defense fails & the team crashes, heads are going to roll. The expectations are really too high for a new D-coach & a major change in your defensive system, Dave W. is in way over his head.

  3. So by bringing in a SB winning D coordinator , a play off winning head coach/ offensive coordinator , Doug Whaley from a recent SB winning team , & paying out this year in contracts including Stevie J , K. Williams (last year) Mario W ,& Anderson , Fitz , rookie contracts Dareus & Gilmore - about $200 million thats not enough for you ???????


    Rome wasn't built in a day !!!


    Money spent doesn't have to be money well spent.

  4. The Bills are not going to get better while Ralph is the owner, he didn't hire a good enough crew to manage the team. It's sorta of like going to the old "Your Host" restaurant, you walked in and knew that this isn't the Ritz, especially with those horrible drapes that had 30 years of food stains. This team is run by a 3rd class / underpaid outfit without the ability to form a cognitive plan, nor will they ever attract a real GM like Polian to run the team. Ralph needed to be the bigger man & sure showed Polian who is in charge, it got the Colts on a decade long playoff run with a championship. We got a bag of burning dog-s()it left on our door, see Ralph's in charge.

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