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Posts posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. I said a general rule.


    Getting Bledsoe, when we did, would be an exception to that rule.


    But it shows it can be done.


    There have been rumblings (not sure how well founded they are) that Eli Manning or maybe Rivers could become available. Some argue for Brees.


    I'll believe any of that when I see it, but I'd take any of them, so long as it happens relatively soon. Like before they turn 50.

    Yeah really, LOL. What would you folks consider Drew Bledsoe at that time, #8 in the league ??
  2. Forget strength of schedule measurement. it rarely reflects reality.


    Compare last year's NFC North and AFC West with the NFC East and AFC South.

    IMO the Bills caught the NFC North at right times last year the AFC West caught the Bills at right times.

    I see the Bills splitting both the NFC East and AFC South possibly getting 5 wins, 6 if fortunate. Much is talked about winning your division (6 wins) and teams are sometimes built to defeat division foes but I think the ups and downs are due to changes in divisions teams play as much as anything in season record.


    I think we can't beat Dallas easily but the Giants / Washington / Eagles (who will crash and burn this season) will get rolled by us. I think every team in the AFC South is beatable, a few by a good margin.
  3. No matter what you think of Kaep in terms of overall QB rankings, he is better than what we have and what will become available to us over the next few years. He's also proven he can get his team to the Super Bowl.


    With that, I would do whatever it takes to get him if he really is available. And yes, I'd give up multiple first round picks. In fact, I'd give up this next years draft and next years 1st and 2nd for him.


    Think that's insane? Well how about 20 years of not having a qb? How about making the playoffs this year and going forward? You think those picks of more depth on a quality roster is going to make that change? No, because it hasn't before.


    It's a QB league and we are a team that hasn't found one in two decades. I'd sell the farm and look crazy doing it just to know that the QB question is answered for the next decade.

    Where's my pitchfork and torches ?? This guy has them !!

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