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Posts posted by Corp000085

  1. remember it well, and this was before I appreciated NASCAR, but I knew this was a big deal. Such an innocent looking crash too.


    Those crashes are crazy... "The big one" type crashes you would associate with parts and cars flying all over the place. However, based on how these cars are built, when they explode into a million pieces, they dissipate energy. Earnhardt went from 180 mph-to-0mph in a split second. Simple physics that doesn't pass the eye test. With that said, he went instantly doing what he loved. Not a bad way to go in my opinion...

  2. He is the most sensitive celeb there is. He simply cannot handle the fact that he is not universally adored.



    Eh, I think he's an artistic genius... He's also a massive internet troll. He's good at what he does. Also, I don't believe him for a minute that he's in debt... He's a good self promotor.

  3. This would be the first time in history of internet message boards the idea of super classy has been used in association with you. :D




    is it really a good wine? i know we can't get grocery store wine here in PA, so i have to go elsewhere to get "2 buck chuck" at trader joes. if winking owl is as good as 2 buck chuck i'll have to check it out.



    You can get 4 bottles for under $15... It's not great, but it gets the job done. Don't forget to get your deposit back on the cart.

  4. Damn, I love TV coverage as some snow is coming. They just did the " how to prepare segment" , and they actually said " make sure you car battery is charged. AAA is happy to come out and test for you". Yep, I am sure they would be thrilled to do that today!


    And theGB" are commited to getting us through the storm"



    Also, did you know if a power line is down to not touch it? Or that if it rains later if could make the snow icy? Or that roads get slippery when it snows? All nuggets I have learned in the last 5 minutes

    It's 6:40am and I have a VERRRY strong urge to drive to the store and get a bulk supply of D batteries.



    I live in Fayetteville, NC and its raining here now. The news channels all are predicting the end of days right now. I wish all current WNY residents could see this crap. If fact, you all can!!







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