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Beebes Bubble

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Posts posted by Beebes Bubble

  1. A Bill's fan since the 1980's. I have been lurking on this board for over 10 years. I recently, finally, created an account in hopes of enjoying a re-surgence of Buffalo football with other fans here. How quickly hope can fade. We waited and anticipated 6 months...for that.


    Ryan *Fitzputrid* - c'mon man, accuracy is not a 4 letter word. The Jets secondary have calluses on their hands from how often they handled the football. It turns out the only difference David Lee made was a huge regression in your game, instead of a moderate improvement. At least after the idiocy you displayed today, we no longer have to hear about how smart you are. Every time you bring your arm up to throw, I cringe...which reminds me of so many other recent Buffa-lol QBs. I had such hope for improvement from you. Your performance made Vince Young look like a savior. VY still hasn't signed anywhere...and he couldn't be any worse. I'ld take a QB who can execute a 2 dozen play playbook, over one who can't execute a 120 play playbook, anyday.


    Our vaunted defense. Mario - did you even suit up for this game? Or were you to busy chasing deers? Because you sure were not chasing any Jets. Your contract makes me cry. I am marching into my bosses office tomorrow and demanding a raise, because If incompetence like that is worth $100mil, I am way underpaid. Dareus, K. Williams, and Anderson - is Mario funneling you money to not out-perform him and make him look even worse? Merriman was cut because he couldn't crack *this* starting lineup, he really is done. And our entire secondary - there are more holes here than on the entire Jills squad. 41 points (not including the punt return), which ties with the Colts for giving up the most points and the worst defensive performance for week #1. This is not the kind of #1 fans hoped for from this defense.


    CJ - yeah, you fumbled once, but thank you for having a pulse out there today. Our trainers are going to get carpal tunnel from using the defibrillator on the rest of the team. It's nice having a Darren Sproles like back on our roster!


    /vent off


    There's always next week. Go Bills!

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