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Posts posted by quinnearlysghost88

  1. i would imagine that given the organizational history of ownsership making qb changes (flutie benched,)


    and our coaching history of making qb changes (edwards benched,)


    it wont be long that fitz is out there. i think it is the one thing holding this team back. there are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes of sports teams that don't make it to espn.com. if jackson and stevie start becoming friends, then jackson starts saying to stevie "man, fitzy is terrible, i got more game than this, when are they putting me in?" that sentiment can spread through the team like wildfire.


    i think that may be happening - the players themselves have never looked more disgusted with fitz than this last week. freddy and stevie BOTH have had moments of looking incredulous on the field. it is very VERY rare that you get defensive shots of players looking bewildered with their own offensive plays - to see mario watching the game and looking exasperated tells me everything i need to know. once an idea takes hold in a group of people - "group think," - its impossible to get rid of. just like everyone hates a certain coworker, they could stand on a chair and say they discovered the cure for cancer, and a significant portion of the room would role their eyes.


    these guys care about their job and what they do. not to mention, most have incentive laden contracts. fitz is going to start costing them money with his sh*tty qb play. im sure stevie or jackson has gone to gailey and asked for a change at qb already. once gailey feels like he's losing the locker room, the change will be made. the most logical time would be heading into the bye week, but it wouldnt surprise me to see fitz pulled if he has a bad couple of series against tennessee this week.


    This could actually be the closest to the truth out of everything.

  2. I'm assuming even if we did give TJ two weeks of 1st team reps, we wouldn't want to throw him in at Gillette with, possibly, first place on the line. So should we just assume that we are going to still be with Fitz? If so, during the bye week, do we completely blow up our playbook in terms of what we've been doing this year on offense, and gear it toward run heavy plays and throws FItz can make?


    I'm wondering because if it's not a possibility for another QB to step in (and I don't think Thigpen is the answer), then why continue to plot the same course in terms of plays and schemes?




    Do we do something drastic over the bye week?

  3. Maybe they thought the Bills would not have 3 in a row lost, they're going to have their backs against the wall and come out fighting. Maybe they believe the Bills are better than their two blowout losses in a row, maybe it WAS because they think the Bills are better or maybe it was because its hard to figure out with all of the injuries on both teams. Good teams win games with injuries because they have good depth. The Bills won, I think thats a statement about their depth against a good team.


    Whole lot of assumptions in your responses.


    You just say maybe three times. You have a whole lot of assumptions too.

  4. Who in heck cares what Vegas says??!??!?! You are really grasping at straws here...


    Who cares what Vegas says? Really? I would say the casinos that stand to gain or lose millions of dollars on any given Sunday. These numbers aren't arbitrary. And I wasn't grasping at straws. Comments were made saying what makes you think the Cardinals are an inferior team and I posited that Vegas odds predicted this game to be close. If the Cardinals were really the world-beaters that people are making them out to be, it would've been a +7-+10.5. Not really straws, just facts. They dont throw s&%t at the wall to see what sticks over in terms of betting lines. And I don't think they saw something in the Bills that made them move the line lower. Right? 100 points in two games? So they must have seen something negative in the Cardinals.

  5. Nobody says the Dolphins and Eagles are gold standards but all of those teams have winning records in games they didn't play the Cardinals. In such games those teams are a combined 13-7. That's a .650 winning percentage which is pretty good in the NFL. So when those clubs play other teams they generally win yet they all lost to the Cards. Yet the Cards are "inferior."


    And yeah, the Chiefs and Browns are bad - but now we're not giving credit to the Bills for beating teams they should? Isn't that what you want from your team? Most people think Cincy is going to compete for a playoff spot and they just lost to those same Browns. The Ravens struggled mightily with the Chiefs two weeks ago. This is the NFL, not the NCAA, no win is automatic.


    Not sure why I'm trying to talk sense to you, you clearly have an agenda so I guess I'll let you get back to it.


    Whoa, I have no agenda. And you do make some good points what winning pct and no win is a gimme. My main point of the post is we really can't let this win and possibly a good performance vs the Titans give us a false sense that what we're currently doing, in terms of game-planning and the QB, is the right course. Or that these types of performances are going to stand-up against the likes of the Pats/Texans.

  6. I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about the Cardinals game? Weren't they 4-1 and on an 8 game win streak at home?


    Like I said: And also the line was only +4.5 for the Bills. We just gave up 100 points in two games and the Cards were 4-1 and playing at home. I don't think I'm the only one who thought they were soft.


    That's a pretty meek line for a team with an 8-game winning streak at home.


    Would it be better if I didn't call the Arizona Cardinals inferior? Would that help this argument? Would it be better to just say we handed them the ball in field goal range in the dying seconds of the game and that they lost it for themselves? If he hits that 38-yarder, we're not having this discussion. We STOLE a game, let's stop pretending this was some type of quality show of power on our end.

  7. And also the line was only +4.5 for the Bills. We just gave up 100 points in two games and the Cards were 4-1 and playing at home. I don't think I'm the only one who thought they were soft.


    TBD rule number 2: Anyone the Bills beat is an inferior opponent; we were lucky; it hurts the team because we think we're better than we really are.


    We beat the 1-6 Browns and the 1-5 Chiefs. What about that isn't inferior?!

  8. The Cards had won 7 in a row at home (before yesterday )and have beaten the Seahawks, Pats, Dolphins and Eagles this year - none of which has a losing record.


    How is that an "inferior" opponent?


    I promise I'm not trying to troll. But they beat a few 3-3 teams and that Pats beat themselves by missing that FG. Since when are the Fins and Eagles the gold standard of teams? I will say that the Seahawks win was a quality W.

  9. and beat the Pats and Texans in their stadiums. The three wins we have were vs inferior teams, and we all but tried to hand the Cardinals the win yesterday. If you keep giving Fitz the opportunity to prove himself (disprove himself?), and you continue to run a passive 2-deep, and you continue to throw more than run, and you continue to force the wild cat, you're not going to win. And I know what's going to happen. Fitz will have a good game vs the Titans, so he'll be the starter at NE, we wont change ANYTHING about our game-planning and we'll get crushed again. It's science. What about our current defense has changed since we gave up two 100 yd rushers and two 100 yd wr at home to NE? Nothing. The only thing that's happened is that we've played inferior teams, so we can have a false, inflated sense of talent.

  10. It's hilarious that people take the time to come on a Bills board to say they aren't going to watch the game. Cool story but no one really cares. There's 16 games and I'll watch them all. As frustrating as they are, they are my team. Plus, it's the best excuse to drink on a Sunday. :beer:


    I like that you position this as I'm some kind of drifter who just sought out a Bills' board to tell everyone that I wont be watching the game this week. I've been following these boards for well over 7 years. I'm 30 and for the past 13 seasons, I've drank every Sunday and watched every game. All I'm saying is at one point you have to put your foot down. There is no return on investment here. The last winning season we had was 12 years ago. They're an inferior product for the umpteenth time. I didn't say I'm not watching them for the rest of the season. I said get above .500. They need to actually earn some respect, from the top down.

  11. I'm sticking to it. They have stolen many, many Sundays from me. I'm not watching them again until they're over .500. And it actually feels good to say that, to not spend 4+ hours and money on beer/food at a bar (I live out of town) to be slightly hungover and overly disappointed. I haven't missed a Bills game in years either, so I'll let you know how it goes just getting ESPN updates from the phone.

  12. Another thread about the QB when the defense just gave up 600+ yards to a running team :doh:


    Chan Gailey has been trying to magically transform a backup QB into Tom Brady and it isn't working, It never worked and it never will. The Bills have a good O line on the left side and sub par right side. The ONLY reason the O line looks half way decent is because Fitz can get rid of the ball so quickly.


    Wanna blame it all on the QB,,,ok go ahead. Yet its the HC who keeps calling for shotgun 4-5 WR passing plays with only one good WR, and a back up QB.




    Yes they gave up a ton of pts and yards because the offense finds new and inventive ways to give the ball away. It's like they're in a race to punt it, fumble it or throw an INT. You can't ask the defense to do everything.How would you feel as a defensive player if you're continually trying to defend a 3pt outing? What are you supposed to do? You've stopped the opposing teams offense a few times and you put the ball in your O's hands and they give it right back or punt it. That has to be demoralizing to a point.

  13. when i'm watching the game and the camera pans to fitz stepping back for a pass and then he releases and the camera quickly pans to the WR, i brace myself every time. Will it be underthrown, tipped, picked, overthrown. I shouldnt have to have that thought EVERY TIME HE STEPS BACK TO THROW. and I DO. and i watch the game at a bar with about 15 other Bills fans, and they all share the same sentiment.

  14. He's averaging a meager sack a game, and three came from the NE game. On many, many plays he has ample time to find his WR and make the correct throw. I think this is the biggest case for changing QBs. You could argue the play-calling is poor, but under-thrown balls and bad decisions are inexcusable. There are QBs in the NFL having success with a lot less in front of them. I know fingers need to be pointed in a lot of directions on this team, but on the field it starts with the QB.

  15. Sorry if this was already covered.


    A loss tends to bring out too much criticism. A win tends to spark more optimism. Go back a year ago. After the Steelers lost 35-7 to Baltimore in the season opener, the knee-jerk reaction was that age caught up to the Steelers' defense. By season's end, the Steelers had the league's top-ranked defense.


    The Bills blew it by giving $100 million to Mario Williams: The Bills' 48-28 loss to the Jets was ugly. Ryan Fitzpatrick threw four interceptions. Williams and defensive end Mark Anderson had no impact and the Bills had no pass rush. Although it's more troubling that the Bills' offense lost halfback Fred Jackson and WR David Nelson in that game, it's too early to bury the Bills and criticize them for Williams' contract. Sacks often come when a team has the lead. The Bills were on the road and getting blown out. They do need to

    bounce back against the Kansas City Chiefs in Week 2 to stop the panic.


    I find it funny that the very next knee-jerk reaction is the Chiefs can't play D. Hopefully that's a true statement.

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