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Posts posted by quinnearlysghost88

  1. He's also been a well-publicized non-drinker for several years now. He was also a well-publicized football player with a number of injuries during his career, any of which could be affecting him right now. It's a bit presumptuous to conclude that it's a drinking issue when it could be so many other things.


    As for Jill's mentioning it, I thought the reasoning was made pretty obvious in her statement: so that those that care enough to do so can offer prayers of support.


    I'm not being snarky, but I really haven't heard any of this non-drinking for several years. Where did you see/hear this?

  2. And that would lead you to believe that he has a drinking issue currently? The fact that he partied as a 20-something 20 years ago?



    Jim Kelly has been a notorious drinker, well past his 20s. Also, the reason I said that was a. the aforementioned knowledge of seeing him as a fixture at Big Tree and b. Jill Kelly not at liberty to say what's going on? Why even mention it then? So everyone can speculate instead?

  3. Three points:


    The NFL has complete market saturation in the US, so much so that they've taken to promoting the game in other countries. States who currently have teams bend over backwards to keep their team there, even if it means additional taxes levied on the state's inhabitants.


    Parents who allow their child to play football know the inherent risks of the game and will still allow their child to play. The talent pool is not going to shrink, especially with the prospect of securing a future college scholarship at a prestigious university. Honestly, what new information was released to give parents pause? That slamming players' heads together causes concussions and lingering effects? That's common sense. Everyone knew that, but no one wanted to acknowledge it.


    There are roughly 119 Division I college football teams, that will always be filled with world-class athletes living off scholarships and vying to make it in the NFL. It's an efficient machine of money, big business and politics. It's not going anywhere.

  4. Someone on the article's comment section Chris Burke's coaching hire grades from last year:


    It's makes an interesting article but it's a little silly to assign grade levels on coach hires. As an example, Chris Burke's grades for last year hires: Romeo Crennel A-; Joe Philbin B; Jeff Fisher B; Chuck Pagano B-; Mike Mularkey C; Dennis Allen C-; Greg Schiano D.


    This guy is just throwing darts blindly.

  5. "This moment might be too big for Buffalo"


    what? we're 3-6, playing on Thursday night football. I can't imagine what you'd say if we had a winning record and were playing MNF. They have nothing to lose. They're going to feed off the momentum of Sunday's game. CJ is in which, apparently, is what everyone wants anyways. It's a short week where Miami had to do the traveling. And it's supposed to be 37 degrees. I'm betting on the Bills.

  6. Ever listen to a Belacheat interview. He's so vage you think he is the water boy. Some of the supid questions deserve stupid answers also. Don't be so harsh on our leader. Faith.


    Yes I've listened to Belicheck interview. He's vague about injury updates. He's not spouting of that maybe they're looking into blitzing. I lived in the Boston area, and Belicheck had a weekly local tv show where he broke down the prior weeks opponent and talked about where the upcoming matchup's strengths were. Literally just him and a telestrator. And, I hate to say it, but the guy is somewhat likeable and very very very football smart. And no I could never see Chan breaking down game film ever.

  7. Infuriating interview with Chan.




    Gailey thinks Williams can be helpful to Dave Wannstedt, “I’m sure he probably can. We’ve not talked about it, I haven’t talked about it with Dave if he’s had that conversation You don't discuss with your DC if he spoke to your $100MM super star about playing?


    Early in the season I thought the coverage was a little soft, then we’re not getting as much rush was we need with the four man rush, we need to get more pressure with the four man rush and the other thing we’ve got to do is stop the run and the 3rd and shorts. That’s the one thing that kills you if you end up in 3rd and less than seven on a regular basis 3rd and less than 7?!?! What? We've come to the point where we have to prevent having a 3rd and LESS THAN SEVEN in order to stop an offense.


    Dave Wannstedt is a defensive coordinator that around 90% of the time won’t blitz. Gailey said, “We’ve evaluated that and that might be something that we look at as part of our process to try to get better at 3rd down. I'm glad they're evaluating blitzing in week 9, way to get around to that.


    “You look at a season and I’ve said this 100 times and you go out and try to win every game and then you get to 12 or 13 and then you evaluate where you are and what you’ve got to do to get where you want to be. I have no idea what he's talking about.


    I don’t like to talk about getting games back or losing critical games, to me those are done at the end of the season.” yeah let's talk about those critical loses at the end of the season, not right now.

  8. the real vocal leaders in this locker room? Kelsay's rant seemed REALLY passive-aggressive, not speaking directly to players, and anonymously calling people out, all while doubling back to say he was also the problem. Where are the days of holding accountability for each other? I'm not looking for a Ray Lewis, but at least someone everyone else listens to. I mean I rarely hear Fitz say anything, other than he's going to go look at the game film to see where he made his mistakes. The guy sulks more than Cam Newton. It's like 53 guys who have made an unspoken deal to stay healthy, don't rock the boat, and cash paychecks.

  9. Everyone blew me up when I said all of our wins came from easy teams. They said even when the Bills win, fans say it was luck or undeserved or not vs a good team. Well the Cards have shown down the stretch that they were a weak team. We have zero quality wins, none. And somehow fans assume that because we've had two weeks off that magically we'll be a different team than the one that let NE have 52 points AT THE RALPH. It's the same wanny calling plays. It's the same Mario Williams with two less ounces of scar tissue, it's the same FitzMagic shaking his head on the sidelines with is oversized helmet. The "easy" games on the schedule are some how gimmes? We just lost to the Titans. That was supposed to be a gimme game. The Colts just beat that team with a rookie QB. You know the saying, if you cant spot the sucker at the table, you're the sucker? We're the gimme game for everyone else, we just don't know it.

  10. I live in Charlotte. I've seen all of the games and been to the Giants game. He has a major, major attitude/effort problem. The team's not the greatest this year, which everyone expected it to be subpar, but Newton has been figured out by most defensives. He looks lost on a lot of plays, makes really bad decisions with the ball (see: the interception he threw vs Dallas this past week, it's a typical move on his part), he looks off his 1st WR and if that options closed, he runs. If the Panthers are down, even by a margin spread, he's sulking on the sidelines. He doesn't command respect in the locker room, either. His head is NOT in the game. He's facing adversity now and shirking it, because he's always been successful in his college career. In other words, perfect fit for the Bills. A guy who's going to feel sorry for himself on the bench after he throws a pick.

  11. I think, in the end, it comes down to effort and ego. There is just no room for a lack of effort on ST and rarely does ego exist as many of the players' sole responsibility is kick coverage. We have a nickel corner and a 3rd QB returning kick-offs for huge gains, clearly effort is a huge factor.


    I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say, I can't put my finger on it. But it's like our ST is a microcosm of what the rest of our team could be. The talents there; the effort's not.

  12. Great read and maybe sheds some light on the Fitz situation:


    Said former Baltimore Ravens head coach and current CBS broadcaster Brian Billick, "It's a difficult thing to do because it has to be an organizational decision. You have to know there is no going back and if you're the coach, you have to know it's the end for you. You can't miss on a [franchise] quarterback. If you do, you never survive."



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