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Posts posted by Garion

  1. So I was at today's game against the Vikings. This was my first game since 07 and I believe only my third since moving away from upstate NY in 1999. We moved back now and I got a chance to go to the game with two of the guys I saw the 1993 Houston comeback game with.


    I was shocked by some of the changes


    The good

    1. The stadium is much nicer looking then I remember it compares fairly well to more modern stadiums.

    2. The new scoreboards actually do add a lot to the game giving you extra stats and replays that I have been accustomed to watching on TV.

    3. Getting out of the lots wasn't bad at all we were on 219 in under 30 minutes. Maybe we got lucky but it feels like the lots were emptying better.


    The bad

    1. Had the serial drunk fights two rows in front of me. Two guys get tossed (one arrested) and five minutes later two more guys from the same groups (and one woman) start it up again resulting in two more ejections. . .though two of the guys came back so not sure what happened.

    2. It seems like fans just didn't know how/when to cheer. Almost no one around me including folks in full bills gear were making noise on defence ..including 3rd downs and several folks were cheering/making a ton of noise while the Bills were on offense (pre snap) including on the game winning drive. We were in the lower bowl near the corner of the end zone Watkins made the final grab in row 26 and several people around me were making a ton of noise every time were in our end zone. With a rookie QB in a tight game against t a nasty pash rush noise could have been a huge factor


    The last point really got me. Admittedly it was a different era when I was going to games but the fans understood how we could contribute to the game or at least how not to make it harder on our offense. It really seemed like folks didn't get it at all. It used to be that we were a savvy fan base I didn't see that today at all.




    This. Unfortunately got to give this one to Jerry. He came to the realization of what really won for them in the 90s, dominate OLine play. The Cowboys OLine was old and he cut ties with the group a few seasons ago. He then hit big time with Tyron Smith, Travis Frederick, and Zach Martin with 1st round picks in 2011, 2013, and 2014 respectively. Add in the veteran leadership of Doug Free and the emergence of an undrafted Free Agent in Ronald Leary and there you go. You put a guy like DeMarco behind that group with the competence of Romo and the star power at WR in Dez and you have a winning team.


    Agreed I also think it suggests a couple other points relevant to the Bills

    1. A run based offense can work in today's NFL - same with Seahawks as well.

    2. A good but not top 3-5 QB with the right supporting cast can make it work (at least in the regular season.). People have been saying for years they should get rid of Romo the "choke artist". He isn't a hall of famed but stability at QB allows them to spend picks elsewhere. You don't need greatness you just need good.

    3. A drive sustaining offense high first down yards gained and high third down percent makes a bad defense look much better.

    4. Stability despite mediocrity might payoff


    Again depends on how the year turns out but they seem to be headed in the right direction.


  3. I'm proud to be able to say my team was owned by a man like Ralph Wilson. The world, and the NFL in particular, need more people like him. His legacy is one of great kindness, generosity and wisdom.


    And if you were someone deriding Wilson for being cheap think really carefully about the provisions he chose to put into the trust and his will.


    Folks should be ashamed.



    As long as they are Bills I root for them to excel and do well. As far as football goes the individual personalities mean little to me and the TEAM means everything.


    PS: Given Orton's history of being well-regarded but the results of him winning at a .500 level, with his history of injury, I think it is reasonable to hope he does well, but the smart bet is that EJ has not started his last game as a Bill.



  5. A victory here would just be gravy. I'm fully expecting a loss. This is Orton's practice game ahead of the big New England clash next weekend. The best chance the Bills have in Detroit isn't Orton in my opinion...it's the D coming up huge and stuffing the Lions, taking the ball away a few times and maybe even scoring themselves. So they have to win on D, win the special teams battle and show some competence on O. If not it's a big L.


    That's where I am as well. But if the D plays lights out then bets are off and we can get the W.



  6. I think AW is only "quiet" because he hasn't had any INTs yet and because he plays for the Bills. But watching the games, he is very impressive.


    Agreed. It's interesting I saw him in camp and he was head and shoulders ahead of the other DBs in terms of motivation and physical attributes. Really stuck out to me that he had all the right non skill related stuff.

  7. not to hijack the thread, but has anyone seen the tedx talk about the Tiffin box industry in India? i never knew anything about this and found it absolutely fascinating.



    There is a really good indie movie on on demand/ netflix called "The Lunchbox" in which the tiffin industry features centrally. Wife and enjoyed it a month or two back.

  8. It's exactly what he has. It's a combination of happy feet and over-thinking. He is in a state of physical and mental confusion. I think that is the "yips."


    Yep not to mention he was getting killed on immediate pass rushers in his face the last two weeks. How do you kill a young qb's confidence get him hit _16_ times in additon to two sacks on roughly 46 drop backs against the best defensive line man in the league.


    Not excusing his poor play by any means. But the last two weeks would give most young qb's the yips.

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