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Posts posted by Garion

  1. I honestly think it's sad that alcohol plays such a large part in the culture of our fanbase as well as others around the NFL. To be clear - I don't advocate banning alcohol in the lots, but I do think that enforcing underage laws for those under 21 and cracking down on those in their 20s that can drink legally but do so to excess greatly enhances the experience for those who simply want to have one or two beers and enjoy the game.


    Bottom line - if an underage person's judgment while sober is so impaired that they decide to drink in public yards away from police cars, what does that say about their judgment while drunk?


    This. If you can't refrain from doing something illegal in public what does that say about other judgement choices like when to stop drinking how to act at the game or whether or not to have a designated driver.



    Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. They get a raise and they just up their spending. Athletes appear to be no different.


    Absolutely. Pre financial crisis Americans on average spent $1.25 for every $1 they made.


    Look at stories of lottery winners same deal. Most of them end up broke.


    Doesn't mean it isn't a series of bad decisions it's just bad decisions most of us can make.

  3. If it was a bust of folks using weed (or crack . . .recognizing arguable differences) would it be any different?


    It's illegal and they busted folks. We could argue if those who were partaking were lieky the kind of fans who were detracting from other fans experience.


    I drank under legal age but I didn't do it in a public place. As a dad of two young kids we just had a family discussion about whether we could take the, to the game (that's a mother discussion). Sloppy drunks was one factor in my wife's answer.


  4. Second post but seriously don't you think this is a little early. You don't know how the unknowns shake out this year. You don't know who gets a career threatening injury this year. You don't know which older player starts to slow down. You don't know how the divisional talent develops this year. You don't know where we will be drafting. And finally you don't know how college talent develops if its the AB class of 83 again that's very different than a first round with six starting quality DEs

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