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Optometric Insight

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Posts posted by Optometric Insight

  1. The offense built confidence, which is huge, and the defense was good, though I'm concerned about attrition.


    San Diego and Miami are far more important games. If we win, we are in great shape for the year. If things go poorly, whether due to performance or injury, I'll be concerned.


    I think a healthy team goes 8-8 or 9-7. With serious injuries (3-4 starters out each week), we'll go 6-10 or 7-9.

    Definitely; the next two games determines whether or not this game was a fluke or if we have really improved. Plus, we need as many wins as we can get early to cushion and build confidence for the games in December.
  2. I didn't touch this board during the whole game. I consider it bad luck to even come to this place on game day. Game ball to everyone that thought we should start Tuel or Orton, you haters need a new hobby. I hope make the playoffs. Hackett called a good game, EJ played a good game and we didn't have Gillmore. WE BEAT THE BEARS AND EJ PLAYED WELL.

    Glad i'm not the only one who thinks this. It seems like every time I come on here during the game, something bad happens.

  3. Sleeper: Robert Woods, him and Watkins could be a great duo this year. I wouldn't go for any RB's because the touches could be pretty evenly split and it would be tough to get big points week to week.


    Player: Aaron Williams, he's not too well known and if he has a hard time this year, we could get torched over the top.

  4. I think football is the most popular because the season is so much shorter than the other major sports. It makes each game so important and therefore makes it that much more exciting.


    You don't hear about any important hockey or baseball games in the middle ot the season, but it seems like there's an important game every week in football

  5. Anyone can look into the China Study diet, which is basically a plant-based diet that supposedly helps with many diseases, including cancer. My dad got the book, The China Study, after he was diagnosed with stage 2 CL leukemia 4 years ago and decided to try the diet out for a while before his cancer got any worse and he would have to do chemo. Since then, his cancer has regressed to stage 1 and his white blood cell count has remained steady for the most part.


    Take my story for what it's worth, research or read the book if you want, but it wouldn't hurt to try it if you or a loved one has cancer and doesn't know what to do about it.

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