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Optometric Insight

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Posts posted by Optometric Insight

  1. Not too many people want to talk about the Bills in Southwest Florida; when Sam Watkins (don't know when he started to go by Sammy, probably some college thing) dated my friends sister, he would say something to me about the Bills, usually something like "that JP Lose-man screwed us again." Other than that, my math teacher likes talking trash when a Bills v. Dolphins game comes around and my economics teacher likes saying something about wide right to if we get around to talking football (he's a Giants fan).

    Surprisingly, more people like to talk about the Sabres, too bad its usually some smart ass "sorry you're a Sabres fan" comment though

  2. What does everyone have against Tuel? He has started only one game and was an undrafted rookie at the time. He didn't light it up but he actually wasn't too bad (except for the one obvious bad pass). He has guts & isn't afraid to wing it. He has an average strength arm & is accurate. My guess is that if he played the last year, our record would probably have been not much different.

    wasn't he horrendous in one the preseason games this year?
  3. I personally would love to see something like what they've done in Pittsburgh, they have the some of the most beautiful stadiums with great lookouts there for their baseball and football teams, the atmosphere was electric before the Pirates game (the few times I've been downtown, it's been pretty dead and quiet, other than when it was the Taste of Buffalo) and I just liked how they have Heinz Field and PNC Park close to each other. Over all it was very aesthetically pleasing.


    I would prefer a stadium because they look better, especially in a city, but I doubt they build one, it's just way more practical to build a dome and there are lots of cool things you could do inside of it. But, in the end, just build something that isn't a gigantic eyesore for the city.

  4. Go back to the old rule in the playoffs. First team that scores, wins.


    Rule change desperately needed....get rid of kickoffs. It has become the most boring play in football. After a score, the other team gets the ball at the 20...go.

    The only thing that makes it boring is the commercial after it. Plus, later in the year, the ball doesn't travel as far in the cold, which leads to more returns and exciting plays.


    And there have been Bills games where we have gotten hard hit on the returner inside the 15 and the defense gets pumped and forces a 3 and out or a turnover, or where we get a decent return and actually managed to get into field goal range! The kick return can honestly be a real tone setter for a drive and i would sorely miss it and the little momentum swings it offers.

  5. While complaining about NFL rules, here is one I have hated for at least 25 years LOL....


    NO MORE of this "he broke the plane of the goal line" crap for scoring a TD.


    They need to introduce a very clear cut approach to what is and what is not a touchdown. Would save a ton of down time, wrong referee calls, and reviews as well. It would also help out defenses making goal line stances, which is one of the more interesting and dramatic parts of any game in my opinion.


    Football is a tough, physical game of territorial acquisition. If you are going to score a touchdown, you better have your body (or most of it) end up physically in the end zone, on the ground, at the end of the play. That is the starting point for how I would like to change the rule.


    My particular pet peeve is when the D puts up a valiant stand, gets a good push (with the ball on the 1 foot line let's say)...a giant pile ensues....the ball carrier ends up in the air physically on top of a pile of players....sticks his arm out, "breaks the plane" for 1 millisecond......then gets dumped on his ass 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage. And this is declared a TD.

    Screw that crap. Some plays like that are almost indefensible; what do you want the D to do? They stopped the O line push, got a good push themselves, met the player in the air, and dumped him a few yards behind the line.


    And that's a TD? HOW?


    What else can the D do on that play, realistically speaking?


    If a team wants to score a TD, they should have to physically "invade" the end zone and "occupy" it, with more than the tip of the football for 1 millisecond.

    First off, I think the rule for scoring a touchdown is pretty clear cut, if the nose of the ball breaks the plane, it's a touchdown. Pretty easy to call and review with the cameras on the goal line unless its a big pile up with the runner somewhere in there.


    BUT, I can see how this can be a pet peeve, it's just wayyyyy to easy to score from inside the 1, so many high percentage things you can do from a dive up the middle to an easy outside-inside slant for the receivers.


    How do you feel about receivers making tip-toe catches in the back of the endzone or when the player is going out of bounds but he reaches the ball all the way across the goal line before he goes out, kind of like what Sammy Watkins did Week 2 against the Dolphins? Are they in the endzone long enough for it to count as a touchdown or is enough of the ball across the goal line?


    It kind of sounds like you want it like Rugby, where the player actually has to touch the ball down to the ground for the points to count. I think there's a reason why the founders of American Football changed that rule to just breaking the plane.

  6. 2) Don't think they should make that change. The team that has gotten a touchdown has always had a Point after Try, dating all the way back to the beginning of rugby. And if the rule is changed and you make it like any other play, what happens if the defense returns it all the way back after a turnover, is it two points? is it seven? do they get a PAT? who kicks the ball and who receives? What if the defense doesn't return it all the way back? is there still a kickoff or does the offense take over where the defender was tackled? What happens if there's a blocked Point After kick or the team doesn't convert their try?


    Just let the team that just marched all the down the field a free chance at points.


    And it isn't the only play one team can score, what about muffed punts and onside kick attempts? If you change one, there's going to be arguing for changing the others.

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