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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. It gets far worse. Just wait until he starts copying and pasting entire chapters from Das Kapital, tossing around terms like indefinite interest and surplus value, while switching intermittently between investment, lending and corporate operations concepts or examples. The stupidity you've witnessed thus far is only the tip of the iceberg.


    Just ask him about how capitalism doesn't work because his dreams of a start-up, multi-national, bicycle manufacturing, hammer conglomerate have failed to materialize because Wal-Mart has cheaper access to advertising. You heard it here first. Economies of scale are a repudiation of capitalism.


    Among my other favorites are his theory that the marginal productivity curve proves that profit is stealing. And I nearly forgot his theory of bearing no risk because the loan gets paid back. And in the event of default, well, fiat is imaginary anyway.



  2. http://www.huffingto..._n_1844512.html



    Not likely. The electorate is so highly polarized, I would expect a modest bounce. Most people have already made up their minds, and it's a matter of turnout.




    Gallup shows 1 point bounce


    CNN's poll today shows a 2 point bounce


    Rasmussen Showed a 6 point bounce


    Reuters showed 5 point bounce


    That's a net average 3.5 point bounce.


    Pretty much as I predicted, a "modest" bounce.

  3. gallup showed 40% of those polled more likely to vote for romney after the convention and 38% of those polled and who listened, less likely. don't know if the other polls did a similar metric but if i was on romney's team i don't think i'd be putting much stock in a bounce. so go ahead ryan, keep telling americans suspicious "facts".


    i also think it's interesting that 5 major news orgs reported on gallup data while only one little known website reported on the numbers you claim are authoritative.

    So you couldn't find the lie, eh?


    In other words, you got nothing. :lol:

  4. we can't even agree on the bounce it seems. i just googled "bounce rnc convention". the first five results said "no bounce" or something to that effect and included bloomberg, yahoo, the guardian, us news and world reports and business week. the 6th result was sacredmonkey reporting a 6% bounce. didn't note any other results like that on the 1st page of search results. ah, statistics - whose telling themselves what they want to hear here?


    So you have Gallup reporting no bounce, and you have Reuters and Rasmussen showing a 4-6 point bounce.


    Those are the only three national polls that have been conducted during that time period.


    But, we're talking about Ryan's "lies" try to keep up

  5. Here's what Ryan said:


    “‘I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.’ That’s what [Obama] said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.”




    Here's what Big O said in Janesville WI. :



    “I know that General Motors received some bad news yesterday, and I know how hard your governor has fought to keep jobs in this plant. But I also know how much progress you’ve made—how many hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles you’re churning out.

    “And I believe that if our government is there to support you and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another 100 years,” he said.

    “The question is not whether a clean energy economy is in our future; it’s where it will thrive,” Obama said. “I want it to thrive right here in the United States of America—right here in Wisconsin—and that’s the future I’ll fight for as your president.”




    From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal:



    General Motors Co. has committed to reopen its idled plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., and keep its shuttered assembly plant in Janesville on standby status.


    The Janesville plant stopped production of SUVs in 2008 and was idled in 2009 after it completed production of medium-duty trucks.

    Remaining on standby means not much has changed in Janesville. Community leaders say they would be ready if the GM plant reopened, but no one seems to be counting on that.


    "I think there are a lot of people that would love to see General Motors come back to this area and provide good quality manufacturing jobs," said Bob Borremans, executive director of the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. "If we fit into their future and they come back, people would (welcome) that with great anticipation and open arms.


    "Do most people think something will happen? Not for the foreseeable future."

    Long-term, anything is possible, he added.


    "We don't want to dismiss anything out of hand at this point, but I don't think there's anybody really holding their breath waiting for General Motors to activate that plant again and move it to production," he said.





    So again, where is the lie in Ryan's speech?

  6. i say "tomato", you say "tomahto" and it doesn't make one bit of difference cuz there was NO bounce from the convention. it appears all this fell on deaf ears. he was preaching to the choir and those folks never, ever considered voting for obama. so other than the fact that we have a dishonest political system and society in general, the whole discussion is moot.

    And those same voters that you talk about, are all disillusioned with Obama's failed leadership and economic record.


    Once again Rasmussen is BIASED!!!


    Once again, You're a pea brain

  7. Dear Loon - You would know this if you weren't such a pea brained lemming





    (CNN) - Paul Ryan continued defending his speech at the Republican National Convention Tuesday, saying the link he made between President Barack Obama and a closed auto plant in Wisconsin was accurate and reflected a record of failed promises from the Democratic incumbent.




    In the case of the downgrade of America's credit rating by Standard and Poor's, there is plenty of blame to go around. The blame is not fully about who racked up the charges on the nation's credit card, but more about the inability of our elected officials to deal with paying it off.



    "The downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges," said S&P in their analysis. "We have changed our view of the difficulties in bridging the gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any time soon."







    Whomever you are ... I can say the same about you with 99.999% accuracy. You don't understand what a lie is!


    The GM plant CNN piece you brought up doesn't even support your argument :lol:



    And in regards to the Nations credit Rating, he's the president, he's suppose to lead, and he's failed.

  8. I can't believe I actually read this.


    Tampa – Last night Paul Ryan was awarded a gold medal by Fox News and it wasn’t for delivering blunt honesty in such a way that made it palatable to the American public. Instead, the award was given for the number of lies Ryan told during his prime time speech.

    Fox Contributor, Sally Kohn writes:


    On the other hand, to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech. On this measure, while it was Romney who ran the Olympics, Ryan earned the gold.


    Kohn went on to fact check Ryan:

    • Fact: While Ryan tried to pin the downgrade of the United States’ credit rating on spending under President Obama, the credit rating was actually downgraded because Republicans threatened not to raise the debt ceiling
    • Fact: While Ryan blamed President Obama for the shutdown of a GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, the plant was actually closed under President George W. Bush. Ryan actually asked for federal spending to save the plant, while Romney has criticized the auto industry bailout that President Obama ultimately enacted to prevent other plants from closing.
    • Fact: Though Ryan insisted that President Obama wants to give all the credit for private sector success to government, that isn't what the president said. Period.
    • Fact: Though Paul Ryan accused President Obama of taking $716 billion out of Medicare, the fact is that that amount was savings in Medicare reimbursement rates (which, incidentally, save Medicare recipients out-of-pocket costs, too) and Ryan himself embraced these savings in his budget plan.





    #2 Deceiving



    Honey Boo Boo anyone?



    Ryan did not say Obama was responsible for the closing of the plant, he said that Obama promised it would be open for the next 100 years.




    The Downgrading of the US credit rating was largely because of Obama backing out of the deal between him and Boehner, you can read up on it in the WAPO article that spoke about this in great detail.




    The $716B cuts from the Medicare providers is not included in Romney's plan, who is at the top of the ticket.



    You would know this if you weren't such a pea brained lemming


    well, yes....but your problem (per rob) is that you don't understand what a lie is! it's become so prevelant in our society that people don't even recognize it when they see it. for example, i had installation scheduled this weekend for direct tv. they gave a 4 hour window. the guy didn't show. when i called to see why, there was a notation on my account that no one was home. what really happened was the installer called my cell phone and i was working outside without it...so he blew me off and lied saying no one was home. i made enough noise that he came out later in the day with no remorse about lying, explaining that if he did come out and i wasn't there, he didn't get paid. OK, but it's still a lie. and it's tolerated and even expected to a certain degree in society today. to me, that's a big problem and people like ryan are making it worse.


    Except that it's not a lie, none of it, not one iota.


    And it drives you loony's berzerk :lol:


    my favorite was the simpson-bowles comment in which ryan criticized obama for not taking action but failed to note that he voted against it's recommendations. now that's a whopper!


    but don't take my word for it. i think this http://www.washingto...t-very-truthful does a nice job of illuminating untruths.

    btw, i support all the true ryan "criticisms" pointed out in the article as positive actions on obama's part.

    Except that he didn't support it because Bowles Simpson didn't have the repeal of obamacare whereas Ryan's budget did. Ryan's proposal was very similar to Bowles Simpson , as a matter of fact his budget drew praise for both Bowles and Simpson and obamas budget received criticism from Bowles Simpson.


    I love crushing vapid lib arguments :)




    I don't think you guys understand what a lie is. It's not something you disagree with, or something that you can twist to find some perceived inconsistency in. It's a statement of fact that the speaker knows is false. Whether Ryan supported the "Simpson-Bowles" provisions has no bearing on the truthfulness of Obama's inaction. If I point out that Obama hasn't advanced legislation on Cap & Trade, the fact that I oppose the measure in no way makes my statement false.


    And as far as the article you linked titled "A Not Very Truthful Speech in a Not Very Truthful Campaign", the irony is thick.


    Not a Very Truthful Article. You have to be pretty simple or try really hard to construe most of his examples as lies. Let's analyze a few:



    You've got to be quite the literalist to claim a falsity here. That "deficit reduction plan" is a !@#$ing joke. That's like my wife calling me a liar for saying she hasn't done anything for me all day when she actually turned up the volume on the TV at my request earlier.



    If he promised to keep it open and it closed, he broke his promise. The fact that the decision had been made in advance may give him a plausible excuse for not making good on it, but doesn't change the fact that what he promised didn't materialize.


    I'm not sure if this guy's trying to be clever or if he's just stupid, but many liberals have admitted that the long-run goal of ACA is to sink the current system so as to force a single-payer system. And he's being dishonest referencing his docs current status when most of the bills provisions haven't gone into effect.



    As though an effective President has no power to negotiate through gridlock? Reagan and Clinton did. But I suppose if you look through the prism of the liberal idealogue where Obama is the poor innocent victim of Republican obstructionism, through no fault of his own, that this downgrade is in no way attributable to him, despite having a supermajority for 2 years, then yeah, in that narrow prism you could kinda sorta call Ryan's statement a lie.



    Horseshit! This whole paragraph is dishonest. He's taking a statement referencing hierarchy of priority and misrepresenting it as a statement of chronology. Obama absolutely declared health care his primary signature issue.



    You guys are pathetic.


    Linking Ezra Klein to defend liberal views is like a conservative linking Michelle malkin to defend conservative viewpoints :lol:

  10. Personally, I wouldn't call for anyone's resignation, freedom of speech kinda deal. On the other hand, if I was a nick exec. And considering its sort of a kids channel, I'd fire his ass because that would be the employers right as well.. Biggs as a willing or unwilling representative of the channel has to be aware of the decisions he makes, and it certainly was distasteful and doesn't reflect well on the channel.

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