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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. It is a fundamental aspect to consider. But, it's also a sticky wicket. For people who don't believe in the existence of God it's tomato/tomatoe for if there is no God then how could he give anyone rights or take them away?



    This doesn't invite God into legislation. At all. Any attempt to misconstrue the words or meanings to say so is misrepresenting historical fact and the founding father's own words.


    The document you're citing actually prohibits it and the designers of it were a hodgepodge of Christians, Agnostics and Diests. They didn't agree on God's role in man's life but they were smart enough to realize inviting it into politics was a mistake. Which is why they created a wall between the state and religion.


    Belief in God is great. Governing by the word of "God" is the first step to tyranny and not at all what the Founding Fathers wanted.


    I don't believe anyone was suggesting that they "invite god into legislation", but I mean, what about at least a little shoutout. Like, yo god, What up?


    Couldn't there at least of been that?

  2. It's quite amazing that the viewership from the Conventions from both Democrats and Republicans have plummetted the way they have.


    People are really turned off, I'm guessing that overall voter turnout will be way down, which I believe favors the R's

  3. I agree, that he HAS to win Florida, without it he has no shot. The point that I'm clearly making is that it's a very close race, and that momentum is on his side. It's not based on a feeling or a hunch, but actual polling data. An objective observer factors in momentum in EVERY single National Polling AND battle ground polling, factors in structural resource advantages heading into the final two months that will play a huge role, factors in historic data that shows that undecided voters tend to break away from the incumbent, factors in that the economy is the number concern of the US electorate and all polling is showing Romney in the lead in this area.


    Two to three months ago, Obama was feeling a lot better about his possiblities than he does today, and if I was in Romney's camp, I would realize that this is the best position that they've been in since the two man race had begun. Those are facts.

  4. We were discussing the map's toss-up states. Try to keep up.




    Your campaign of optimism for Romney's chances is so objective.


    If you consider my "objectivity" based on polling data you are correct, whereas you on the otherhand go purely based on empty declaratives and your gut feeling.


    RCP has it at exactly EVEN




    46.8 to 46. 8


    The main four battle grounds


    Ohio +.7 for O





    Virginia + .6 for O




    Florida +.6 for O




    N.C +2 for Romney






    Half the polls in these polls listed show Romney in the lead and half for O


    And they have all been moving decisively for Romney over the past two weeks.


    I've called you out on your bull **** on a few occassions, and all you ever come back with are your meaningless declaratives that carry no weight.


    Now if you don't have any facts or data to back up your tired bull **** then I would suggest that you stop further embarrasing yourself.


    Put up or shut up.

  5. Michigan I believe is a slight tossup for Obama, PA looking out of reach.



    However, last two polls in Ohio showing the lead for Romney, there was one released yesterday showing a + 3 for Romney.




    Also JA, I find it odd, that in that retarded Map that Billsfanforever posted, that Michigan stood out to you,


    even though it listed Missouri, Arizona, NorthCarolina and ALASKA in Obama's column.


    Geez :lol:


    It's trending towards him and he's still got over 2 months. He has the money to spend, there are more bad economic reports to follow, and then there are the debates.


    He doesn't consider facts, he goes by his gut. That's just how he rolls


    I thought his wife was fairly milfy, and no not his mom or little girl, dumb ass. But there was another looked of age at the other end looked solid. Maybe his sister ?

    Hey, what about Derek jeter. Is he kinda hot this year?



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