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Posts posted by CajunBillsBacker

  1. I had a great Lab/Mutt for 13 years.  B.J. was her name.  I've got two dogs now, but it just ain't the same.  I still get a little misty sometimes thinking about the love that dog gave to the world.  She just loved everyone, but she hated squirrels!


    I still have her collar hanging on the doorknob of the spare bedroom, and a big picture of her hanging in the office.


    I feel your pain, my brother!



    It's amazing how these animals can grow on you as a member of your family. I just got my purebred Lab "Molly" in July, and I would go nuts if something would happen to her. She's alot of fun. There is never a boring day at home with her here.

  2. yesterday, I could hear my neighbor accross the street (Bronco Fan) yelling "GO!!! GO!!!!! GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"


    Man, I miss doing that for my team. I think the last time was last years 31-0 opening day game.



    haha, which reminds me of something that happened to me last season.


    I was sitting in the sports bar I usually watch the games at. The only Bills fan that goes there consistantly every week. So I'm sitting there watching a game, and one of the waitresses and I were talking, and she mentioned "You are one of my favorite customers, you don't get up and yell at the TV like all these other people do." :):)

    I just nodded my head and smiled. If only she understood that the reason for that is, I really didn't have anything to get up and yell about!

  3. Great question!  When I got a computer the first search I did was Buffalo Bills and TBD was my favorite sight.  I am guessing it was 1998-I have been here a long time.  What was the first year of TBD?



    I may be wrong, but I think TBD was running since 1996, but TSW didn't come aboard until around March of 98.

  4. I dont understand the why people reach the conclusion that this is going to kill the NHL. Its not like they havent striked before. I think there is a chance that some teams may go under because of this but to me thats a upside. There are too many teams as it is in cities that have no business having one. If 4 or 5 teams go down so be it. It will improve the quality and depth of the other teams.



    It will kill it for me. I've just recently became a big Hockey fan in the last 10 years. If they do away with the season, then i'm done. Those who know me, knows I still have a grudge against the MLB and refuse to watch it.

  5. cajun, you'd have to search, but i believe he might have died too.  don't quote me on that because i'm not exactly sure.



    Thanks, I did search, and discovered he is still alive, and he has an official website. Last updated in March of this year. Great. From scanning through, looks like he might come back in the future. That would be awesome!! According to him also, he's sick of the current stage in WWE also.



  6. Yeah, I remember that storyline.  You're right stoj; wrestling is nothing like it used to be.  In fact, it just plain sucks.  I haven't watched any pro wrestling programs in probably 2 or 3 years.  It just isn't worth my time anymore.



    Wrestling died for me when they changed the style of my all time favorite, The Undertaker from the "Dead Man, Grim Reaper" guy to some "biker guy".


    I also think there is to many normal street fighting looking guys now. You know, built, long hair, tights, and boots. Wrestling was great when there were guys with unique personality's. Savage, Hogan, Sting, Taker, Andre the Giant, Macho Man, Rick Rude, Steamboat, Big Boss Man, Ultimate Warrior, Jake the Snake, Great Muta, ect ect ect. I could go on and on.

  7. You don't put on your blinker light to turn AFTER you put your foot on the brake, you put  it on first. :lol:


    That has always been my biggest pet peeve when it comes to driving. You are in a good cruise, things are going smoothly, then all of a sudden the car in front slams on their breaks almost coming to a stop, then slowly eases to their turn, then decides to put on the blinker 10 feet from the curb. Pisses me off every time.


    Also when you are driving and some slow @$$hole decides to turn in your lane making you have to slam on your breaks before hitting them from behind. I remember on 3 occasions someone did this, and I got close to them and held my horn the whole time until they decided to get out of my way. Pisses them off, but serves them right!

  8. wait a second... you like Drew, too??


    You know that i get ripped on whenever i mention her?


    She was on a documentary last night on MTV about getting young people to vote... its a totally candid couple weeks with her. no make up, no nothing. There is one scene where she is on a train... she is freaking out because of lack of sleep, etc... she is soooo cute in that part its rediculous...



    Count me in on the Drew Berrymore list also. I have always thought she was great looking, and down to earth.

  9. they just stare at messages all day posted on a message board, my what a life, and then to top it off............... you do it for free



    america has a thing called free speech


    this message board needs no montiors, just block the swear words, and let people type


    i certainly find it dis-hearting that a few people that are clearly out of touch with real world (i mean how can anyone that just stares at a computer screen all day and night be in touch with the rest of us), allows only messages they think are fit

    this website has gone down hill fast



    Dammit, I always miss all the good stuff around here!! :w00t:

  10. I don't care how healthy he is, bottomline he isn't getting any younger. Obviously we don't want him to go out watching a losing team, but if we rebuild and develop after this season, unless you are the pats, this usually take 4 years minimum. I'm sure by this time Ralph will probably be knocking on 90, or even in his 90's? It's depressing to think about, but do we continue to hope this current team can win, or do we take a chance on what might be one final rebuilding process to make things right for Mr. Wilson? :doh:

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