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Posts posted by angryfan62

  1. I for one am of the opinion that we need better coaching/play-calling/game-planning. Even though I am glad that so far this season we are still relevant as far as possibly contending for a playoff spot, we have achieved wins over a couple of teams who almost literally couldn't get out of their own way offensively. This week Jeremy White presents a pretty solid defense of our coaching/play-calling/game-planning and of course since he is an "expert" and I am most certainly not I guess he's right...But dang, we went 7 straight possessions against a super crappy team without a single 1st down, if we think that's gonna cut it against anybody good we are kidding ourselves (again). Ok, anyhow, enough of what I think: LINK.

  2. A little more than a half century.

    As Marv said - when it works, it was the right call. I just don't believe in jumping on the bad coach bandwagon after every loss.

    I completely agree with you that it's dumb to throw the coaching staff under the bus over a loss. I also agree with Marv, "when it works, it was the right call". But dammit, when it doesn't work stop f'n doing it all the time! That's pretty much all I am trying to say here, this coaching staff keeps trying to work their "game plan" far after it has become clear that "the plan" isn't working.


    "A little more than a half century" Good, so you have been watching for long enough to know that the "book" has pretty well been written on how to stop the "unstoppable" Pats.


    3 main strategies are generally employed:


    1. "The Middle of the road strategy" (Try to defend both pass and run). This never, ever works, and gives Brady WAY too much time to find a receiver. But that being said, the Jests almost pulled it off.


    2. "Lets try to cover everyone" (Drop extra players into pass coverage all the time). (Leaves you vulnerable to the run, but hey it's the Pats, what run?) Some teams have had success with this (coverage sacks/INT's), but you need a strong secondary (That's not us). Plus, Giants got super lucky, Welkah misses catch, Gronk a step too late on "hail Mary".


    3. "Sell Out Pass Rush" (Try to hit Brady in the face each time he drops back). Leaves you very vulnerable to big plays if your linemen can't "get there", but this seems to work most often, and is pretty much the only one we can effectively use right now.


    I am not seeing us actually doing any of these yet. We have a set of players that are good enough to win games like this right now if only proper coaching strategies were employed.

  3. "Gronk & Brady make mince meat out of ALL teams. I guess they should all fire their coaches."


    No...actually, they don't. Not this year anyways.


    "I would guess that if I went into all the team chat rooms after a loss, they would be griping about the play calling."


    I would also guess that to be mostly true but...You're ok with the play calling? Seriously?...How long have you been watching this team?

  4. The Lions have used Calvin Johnson as a decoy to great effect in the first couple games. How are they doing?


    Also, while Jeremy White isn't wrong about how Gronk vs. McKelvin is a bad match-up, I think he's unfairly critical on the Bills gameplan. We had a 3rd string CB/special teamer playing safety. What exactly are the Bills supposed to do to stop Gronk? Put Gilmore on an island? I'm sure even if we negated Gronk, we'd let up passing yards elsewhere, and Jeremy White could huff and puff about, "negating Gronk was awesome, but the Bills gameplan for LaFell and Edelman was completely inadequate." I mean, do these people see how other teams handle players like Gronk and Graham? They're valuable for a reason, it's because they're basically unstoppable, especially with HoF QB's under center. There's a reason that these guys rack up thousands of yards and 8 TD's a year, and it sure ain't because everyone's opposing defense sucks at game planning. Jeremy White on an All-22 for the Jets would've said they didn't gameplan enough to shut down Peyton.


    It's nonsense.

    I believe that the point Jeremy was trying to make is that whenever Gronk lined up wide, we "played man-to-man with one safety (that was no help) every time". "Every time" is the operative phrase, we tried the same method against him, every time, with exactly the same results. Now that may have been our "game plan", but when it was abundantly clear that the "plan" wasn't working something different should have been tried. That's what I meant by poor coaching, the "game plan" may have been to expect that Revis would "shut down" Watkins so we'll just use him as a decoy, but when it became evident during the game that Revis could not actually "shut him down" he should have been targeted. The failure to adjust one's "game plan" to fit in game realities is one of the hallmarks of bad coaching. Another is not letting the players that you have, do what they do best. This is why every game this season we will see a lightweight runningback with world class speed and elusiveness being handed the ball 5 yds behind the LOS in an attempt to run it straight ahead into the defensive line 6 to 12 times each game. Seriously...We need better coaching.

  5. It is what I've thought it's been for years, poor coaching. We have guys that are actually good enough to win games like this, if they were being placed in a position to make a play. CJ may not be the 2nd coming of Jim Brown but when you see him on whatever team he ends up on next season we are going to realize that this kid doesn't suck half as bad as we thought he did this year running dozens of times out of the shotgun directly into the center of the opposing defense. The receiver we gave up our 1st rounder for is actually pretty good, if you actually throw him the ball sometimes. Our guys on defense played very hard, but to quote the author of this piece: "The flippant nature of their defense of Gronkowski, defies logic". Marrone is going to do this his way, whether or not his way actually works best. Our team can always use some better players especially on the O line and secondary but I believe now as I have for years that this teams most pressing need is coaching. LINK

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