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Posts posted by angryfan62

  1. Trying to decipher the bolded sentence--I said BB cheated, said he was crazy for doing it so brazenly. Not sure what you're getting at. Everyone in the league knew he was doing it. How could it have have had much of an impact? Wellington Mara said long ago that if you don;t want temas stealing your signals, change your signals.


    As for Merriman, not sure what your point is. He has proven to be a waste of a pickup this far--many here predicted this. No doubt it's because of the damage from steroid use.



    In 2002, NE didn't even make the playoffs. What happened there? And the two teams they beat in 2003 and 2004 in the SB, they hadn't played those years. How did they steal their signals? In 2005, after 2 SB wins, they lost to Denver in the playoffs--after losing to them in the regular season. How was that possible if they knew all the Broncos defensive playes and were calling them out at the line?


    Since they were busted for cheating, their winning percentage has increased and so has their points per game. How is that possible unless they know the opposing defenses plays beforehand?




    They were taping the opposing teams' defensive signals, not offensive signals. Offensive signals have been sent to the QB helmet since 1994.




    Why risk taking steroids? Because you are personally convinced that it will give you an edge. Yet the best QBs in the past 10 years (who are amongst the best ever) never tested positive for steroids, Same for RBs, WRs, LBs etc. Merriman may have been very briefly amongst the best of his time, but his use of steroids was the exception. Most guys felt it would do them no good so they didn't do it. They saw minimal benefit.


    Why did the pats steal signals? They thought it would help them. Marv Levy thought the same thing when he boasted that he had the best signal stealer in the league. Obviously that means that the Bills knew the opposing teams defensive signals during their SB heydays, yet you don't seem bothered by that. Perhaps not "everyone did it" because they felt the advantage was minimal compared to the penalty. But if you say you believe that JJ and BB were the only coaches who taped or were aware of taping going on, you are simply being disingenuous to make a point.


    And if it was such a huge advantage, why did it fail them in 2002 and 2005--right after SB wins? As you have pointed out in the past, they didn't even make the playoffs after their first SB.


    Don't know why the original quotes that your replying to won't come through, but this is in response to:


    "They were taping the opposing teams' defensive signals, not offensive signals. Offensive signals have been sent to the QB helmet since 1994."


    Which was in response to my earlier post where in replying to "JohnnyGold" I said:


    "Man am I glad someone besides me said this, especially someone from that area. Football is in one way kind of like chess due to the fact that the opposing players and coaches must try to predict what their opponent is up to on any given down. This is the beauty of the game, any offense can be stopped, and any defense can be exploited....as long as you guess right. Get it wrong and you'll be scored on, or your play will be stuffed. Some teams and coaches are better at this than others obviously, and sometimes those rules just don't apply(Our season opener against the Pats a few days after they cut their defensive captain Milloy, and that SB between TB and the Raiders where 1 coach got to play his old team half a season after being fired by them). I'm not a kid and I have been watching my Bills and other teams play football regularly since the late 70's. Normally it's just impossible to guess right all the time, and even a crappy team will hang a few scores on you when they catch you looking the wrong way, but I watched those games too and it just wasn't normal. I mean almost never being caught in the wrong defensive alignment vs a run or a pass, I watched teams run play action so good it fooled the camera, but as the pass came down you'd see 3 Pats defenders bracketing the would be receiver. I watched them either pick up or burn every blitz no matter how cleverly disguised or how many guys were sent. Too many times I would see Pats pass defenders seemingly waiting on the ball to get to them while it was in the air. I mean I guess it could all be my imagination and all of that that I watched was simply the result of razor sharp discipline and superb game planning/coaching, but in my own very personal opinion....they had to be cheating. "



    I can't irrefutably prove everything I said, that's why I stated that this was just my opinion. Hey...here's another one...maybe all that they got caught doing was stealing defensive signals. I mean are the Jags mistaken too?




    And if so maybe Hines Ward is also letting his imagination run away with him.




    And the Miami Herald could be just plain wrong




    There's also that rumor floating around about them having a radio on defense(8th paragraph down). But hey, you wouldn't even need that.... unless....Nah.




    There are a ton of differing opinions on this subject and like I said before, mine is just one of them and I could be completely wrong.....but I don't think so...Once again, just my very humble opinion.

  2. i used to be in this camp. i really did.


    look - i have been watching football for 20 years. there are people here that have been watching it longer than that. there are people that post here that have played ball on the college level. hell, there are people here that play a lot of madden on their playstation that understand the game better than me. but let me say this:


    i live in new england. i grow up in new england. im a bills fan. ive seen 99% of their games since turning 21 (old enough to go to bars with direct tv) and before that, about 50% of their games. but new england? man, i've probably seen more patriots games than any 3 of their most bandwagon, fair-weather, wes welkah should be cut patriot fans COMBINED.


    my only point is... OBJECTIVELY... i have never... EVER EVER EVER... seen football played like the patriots played it between 2001/2002, and 2003/2004. there's winning good, theres winning ugly, theres winning lucky, and then theres just winning when you have absolutely no business winning because you know what play is coming next. if it was black jack, they were hitting on 17 and getting a 3 every time. if it was poker, they were going all in on a pair of 7s after the 1st card, and then getting their 4th 7 on the river - EVERY GAME. they were beating peyton in his prime... in ways that were just... magical. after they beat the steelers for the second time in the conference championship, steelers wideouts after the game said PATRIOT PLAYERS WERE CALLING OUT THEIR PLAYS AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE!


    is brady the best qb in the league, and the best qb of the last decade? yes.

    is belly the best coach in the league, and the best coach of the last decade? without question.

    did the patriots cheat, and did that help them win superbowls? yes.


    these facts are not mutually exclusive from one another. and i used to say "i wish the bills could cheat like that." but no. no i dont. because the more ive read about it, the more ive learned about it, the less i want that stigma for my organization. because maybe some people will forgive and forget - but there is a LARGE segment of the football world, including current and former players, who feel that the patriots violated the very spirit of the game. a game that we are clearly quite passionate about.


    its truly unforgivable, and they deserve all of the bad fate that befalls them.

    Man am I glad someone besides me said this, especially someone from that area. Football is in one way kind of like chess due to the fact that the opposing players and coaches must try to predict what their opponent is up to on any given down. This is the beauty of the game, any offense can be stopped, and any defense can be exploited....as long as you guess right. Get it wrong and you'll be scored on, or your play will be stuffed. Some teams and coaches are better at this than others obviously, and sometimes those rules just don't apply(Our season opener against the Pats a few days after they cut their defensive captain Milloy, and that SB between TB and the Raiders where 1 coach got to play his old team half a season after being fired by them). I'm not a kid and I have been watching my Bills and other teams play football regularly since the late 70's. Normally it's just impossible to guess right all the time, and even a crappy team will hang a few scores on you when they catch you looking the wrong way, but I watched those games too and it just wasn't normal. I mean almost never being caught in the wrong defensive alignment vs a run or a pass, I watched teams run play action so good it fooled the camera, but as the pass came down you'd see 3 Pats defenders bracketing the would be receiver. I watched them either pick up or burn every blitz no matter how cleverly disguised or how many guys were sent. Too many times I would see Pats pass defenders seemingly waiting on the ball to get to them while it was in the air. I mean I guess it could all be my imagination and all of that that I watched was simply the result of razor sharp discipline and superb game planning/coaching, but in my own very personal opinion....they had to be cheating.

  3. I'd agree, but if you had your choice... would you rather:


    Being Brian Cardinal: the last on the bench in the NBA (good salary and you watch all the games ON the floor);

    The "light hitting, questionable glove, but somewhat speedy" reserve infielder in baseball;

    Long snapper.

    Gotta go with reserve outfielder on this one bit less money than the other 2 but almost zero chance of playing ;)

    All the perks with none of the problems.

  4. I believe what the what the writer of the article was trying to say is that alignments are sometimes based on the strengths and weaknesses of your personnel and that alignment really doesn't matter nearly as much as compared to whether your defensive can be effective from that formation. In 1991 I believe the Giants used only 2 down linemen against us for most of the game, today the Giants have 4 DE's lined up as their front many times, against Bledsoe the Pats went with no down lineman for a while(God why didn't we run the Ball). Anyhow gotta get back to work here. :thumbsup:

  5. I found this posted on "Buffalo Rumblings" today and found it very educational and enlightening. I had been thinking that with our present defensive personnel it would be best to run a "4-3" in order to get our best defensive players out on the field at the same time and also help shore up our suspect run defense. I have heard many differing opinions on this board for a long time but it turns out that it may not matter nearly as much as you all or I for that matter have been thinking. Please read when you get time and let me know what you think.


    WARNING: Long Read with tons of X's and O's


    Part 1



    Part 2


  6. Exactly. People are making assumptions like they KNOW what happened to Fitz, but we don't.


    Was the early part a fluke?


    Did he struggle due to injuries around him?


    Did he struggle due to an injury of his own?


    Did teams just "catch on" to the Bills?



    I don't know, but IMO he certainly looked good enough in the beginning of the year to deserve at least another year at the helm. Only Drew Bledsoe threw for more TD's in a season than Fitz in the last 2 decades, and Jim Kelly only threw for 25 or more twice in his career. All that with basically 1 WR to throw to. Just saying, give him a chance.


    How quickly people forget how much better Fitz is than our recent QB's such as Edwards, Losman, Holcomb, Rob Johnson, ect... Would you rather go back to them?

    I believe that it was a combination of all 4 of those actually. I believe that our early season success was in large part due to the fact that we simply stopped running the same old plays and formations on offense that we had been running for the last 7 years, teams had to rewrite their "book" on us. Then we began to lose offensive line players to injury cutting down on Fitz's time to execute these new plays and disrupting their timing. This led directly to increased QB pressures and sacks, one or several of which I believe resulted in an injury to Fitzpatrick of some kind which further reduced his passing ability and mobility. This combined with the fact that opposing teams had by then realized that we had no real deep threat receiver and that unless Fitz had tons of time in the pocket there would be no passes of over 20 yards attempted. They could now "cheat" up their secondary and render the teams short, quick passing attack largely ineffective. That being said the last time we had a QB who wanted to win every game as bad as Fitz does was when we were starting Doug Flutie(Another QB with "marginal" talents"). He played through an injury, when's the last time we saw that from anyone we've had at the position. In my opinion we should give Fitz 1 more year to see if he can move this team consistently with a better surrounding cast.

  7. too easy....hatred of the pats is all consuming.

    I actually want to see them get all the way to the SB and THEN get crushed(Hopefully with a free kick thrown in for good measure). This to insure that they pick as far behind us as possible next draft.

    EDIT By the Giants AGAIN :nana: That 07 game was awesome.

  8. If you have a question for Josh Norman of Coastal Carolina, post it here, please put real questions, i will be doing an interview with him soon and writing an article on him. I was able to get him a radio interview last night on the last minute and if can get some questions it would be much appreciated.


    Please post a question like this


    What is your favorite color?


    From: Damond of Leesburg, Florida

    Does he prefer "Man" coverages or Zone, Does he believe that he could match up physically with some the big fast WR's and TE's playing pro ball now. (IE "jamming" them off the line and disrupting their timing).


    From: Angryfan62 of Bucyrus, OH

  9. Reggie Sandilands of Bethune Cookman has been getting looked at by the Buffalo Bills, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Jets, and Atlanta Falcons.


    I just did this article with him, so make sure you that check out the newest article on the passionate ILB from Miami, Florida



    Here is my newest article on Reggie Sandilands of Bethune Cookman






    Here is a video of him



    I think this vid gives a much better look at the guy. Watched with the sound off so I don't know if the music is horrid or contains bad language. Kid seems to make some plays here though.

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