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Buffalo Bill1

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  1. Congress can be quite annoying sometimes. Whether a Republican or Democrat is in the White House, Congress always seems to be in the way of the his plan. What we need to do is abolish all of this procedural garbage and maybe then we might see a little more action.
  2. I hope we are. I felt like at the beginning of the season that our 11 year streak of no playoffs was over, but it didn't end up being that way. The only concerns I have is George Edwards as the Defensive Coordinator and our seven game losing streak. Edwards is clueless, and the seven game streak showed me we are no different from the other garbage of the other 11 seasons.
  3. Kelsay isn't bad, but I just don't see him as a guy to lead the defense forward. He cannot play OLB, but George Edwards really isn't bright wnough to move him back to DE. Tebow really is bad. I hate when people continue to make fun of him because he can win, and then there is us. Tebow really isn't that good, but it will take Denver a few losing seasons to figure this out.
  4. We don't have any pro-bowlers because no one knows who any of these guys are. Buffalo really is irrelevant in the NFL's compared to the other 31 teams, as much as we hate to say it. We likley won't have multiple players in the pro-bowl until we make the playoffs, which could be a long time. We'll get a fill-in for whoever goes to the Superbowl.
  5. I reacted the same as in the vid. I was there that day, and it was pretty cool. I think a sweep would be cooler, Go Bills!
  6. As much as the fans want a new coach, we won't get one. The fans see right through Chan's injury excuse, but management will fall for it. Another thing, even if we do fire Gailey, none of these guys will want to come to Buffalo. First of all, who wants to come to a team in shambles like the Bills. Second of all, we won't open the checkbook for any of these guys any ways.We likely will end up with a lame coach like Tony Sparano or Todd Haley if Gailey doesn't work out. Anyhow, Gailey still has all the reasons to be fired. 1-How do you have 9 wins in two seasons the way we do? Its not like he won 2 games and then won 7. We won 4 in 2010 and now 5 in 2011. 2-How do you not have more wins than Dick Jauron did with no talent and just as many injuries? 3-How do you hire an offensive guru like Gailey who is too incompetent to change our offensive game plan when it clearly no longer works? I honestly think Gailey should be given one more chance. But, in saying this, I think he should know he is on the hot seat if he doesn't get a quick start out of this team next year. Go Bills!
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