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corey g

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Everything posted by corey g

  1. Happy Holidays to you 34. I hope that assuming a person naive or stupid because he's only 25 is one of those things your working on. Cheers
  2. Thanks for getting my back. I don't get the attitude of some posters

  3. You can make that argument Mjt, it's valid. But what I also attempted to point out was that in my estimation only 6 QB in 13 years have been good enough to lift substandard talent IMHO. Those would be the ones I listed originally. This enforces my other point which was that a franchise lifting player is near impossible to find. And ad I believe you said even that would not make us a contender. Whether you subscribe to the ruining a QB theory or not I think we can agree that on the simplest level we need better football players. And reaching for a QB, which some, though not yourself, have advocated does not accomplish this. Best player available is the approach we must take, regardless of position. I love the debate and apperciate your decorum there are some folks on here who hurl insults just to try and get a rise out of people from their Mother's basement lol. You are not one of those folks and I apperciate it
  4. Apperciate all the feedback folks. Believe me I have no issues with drafting a QB under the right circumstances. This year for instance I probably would not pass on Luck Barkley or my favorite of the class RG 3. but I wouldn't trade up to get them, this team has too many holes to give up picks. And I believe some of you are a little QB crazy, I'm hearing Tannehill and Jones, even in the 2nd round these guys would be awful choices, we can't desperately attempt to acquire a QB. If we did draft one, it would have to be one of the first 3 mentioned not via trade and he would have to sit at least 2 seasons while the roster was built. That's why I wouldn't draft a QB if pressed into making a choice, it wouldn't disappoint me in the right case, but a team this talent deprived needs immediate impact players. Thanks for the great discussion on my first post everybody
  5. Thanks for the complement glad you apperciate it

  6. Mjt when you break it down to individuals you miss the big picture. Are you correct in general? Yup but keep in mind that Eli has missed a few postseasons and Rodgers will only be making his 2nd appearance. And he happened to inherent a team that went to an NFC title game. Rodgers is awesome but you seem to have tunnel vision on QBS only. Ignoring what needs to be in place in order for a young QB to succeed. When their are already some pieces in place, it's easier to have success. See Flacco, Dalton and Sanchez when you don't it's harder to succeed see Leinart Leftwitch Carr or Harrington. Find me a great defense that doesn't make the postseason or at least help their QB. I just don't want another scenario where the whole franchise is on a young QBS back. If we drafted one now that's where we would be. The more help we can give to a young QB,!the greater the chance of success
  7. Mjt I understand your point. But even those SB winners had massive help. All the Steelers Defenses, Emmitt Smith, Reggie White, Jerry Rice and the pats defenses from their SB winners. Notice how they arent winning tittles now? Because Brady has no defensive help. A QB needs talent around him to succeed and the Bills have the least talented roster in the NFL Until we fix that any QB we draft will fail period. We need to put a future QB in a position to win games first, and not just throw him in the fire with Donald Jones ad a 2 reciever and no defense. Failure would be assured
  8. Depth is a massive issue but this team is actually ahead of schedule if healthly. Fans can be reactionary, we absolutely must fix the D though, but things aren't as bleak as some would have you believe
  9. Well said here, except I don't see a franchise QB being available to us. And some fans, though not yourself want to see a QB taken no matter what. That is wrong, best player available, regardless of position is the way to go as you said
  10. Very reactionary as well ad reaching illogical conclusions here. Is fits the QB for 10 years absolutely not. Does he make head starching mistakes you betcha. Is he better than anyone in Buffalo since Flutie, yup. And your missing the bigger picture NO QB that the Bills draft could flourish with this roster. NONE period, we have starters that we be practice squad players anywhere else. Get better overall talent, thus putting a QB we draft maybe 2 years from now in a better position to succeed. It's a QB driven league sure, but complete teams win titles
  11. Thanks to everybody who made my first post a smash hit. I apperciate it. To the man who said a franchise QB comes along once every 50 years, I understand your point but I believe it only illustrates mine further. Firstly we have not had a top 2 overall choice in the era being discussed. So obtaining that can't miss prospect would have all too often required selling the farm so to speak. And for every Manning, there is a leaf, couch, Carr, Harrington, leinart, losman, or a Jamarcus Russell. First round failures outweigh successes and as another poster mentioned some of these successes are on to their 2nd teams. Why? Because the team that drafted them did not have a situation conducive to QB delevopment. Much like the Bills currently, A drafted QB may enter a situation where the top receiver on the team is David Nelson, and where the defense has more holes in it than Peter Weller in robocop. If we acquired a Peyton Manning then surely none of this matters. But what if we acquire a Sanchez type who needs time and talent around him to develop?The buffalo bills don't have the tools to develop that guy. We must give a future QB something to work with
  12. I get it believe me, but why are you acting like a Franchise guy is so easy to find 6 in 13 years!! And all those guys have awesome defenses to win SBs except for Peyton. Ben didn't break 150 yardage wise in his first SB. Get the picture?
  13. I never said that the guy we take instead of a QB is a slam dunk. The whole draft is a gamble. I understand that, but qbs the caliber of Fitz are on current playoff teams, I am merely suggesting we attempt to build around Fitz. If it doesn't work we are screwed because as I said no QB coming out of the draft could win in Buffalo with the current roster
  14. If we could find a Brady yes, but i'm glad you got my point. Not easy to find a Brady
  15. Thanks to both of you for your replies. But BuffaloBaumer I understand your frustration and share it. But do you honestly believe that this team can even develop a QB prospect right now? With Donald Jones as a 2 receiver and no defense? I know you would like to see the effort but if our overall talent doesn't improve I believe any drafted QB will fail. Let's draft Fitz a legit 2 receiver and some OLBs on D and see where it goes in my opinion Surely this team would function better with a Brady under center but I'm glad you realize they don't grow on trees
  16. Before I get started just wanted to say I've been reading these boards for awhile and I'm very happy to have found a place to discuss the Bills with fellow fans. I am in my mid 20s and have been following drafts closely since 1998. My conclusions about all the qbs drafted since 1998 lead me to believe that many of you are approaching this topic all wrong. Would a franchise QB slove a lot of our problems? You bet. But you've been asking the wrong question all along when defining a franchise QB. For bills fans the question should be how many QBS in the NFL today could come into Buffalo without any other on field changes and win football games. I count 6 since 1998. That's right only 6. Both Mannings, Rodgers, Brady, Big Ben and Brees. And two of those guys weren't even first rounders. So 4 first rounders in 13 years. Sure some of you may place a few more names in but not very many. What the bills need to do is increase talent across the board. After all take a look at the number of teams with iffy qbs in this years playoff hunt. Sanchez, Flacco, Smith, Tebow, Hasselbeck, Dalton. These guys are all asked to do little more than manage a ballgame, something Fitz would be more than capable of given good talent around him. Teams win games, that's how Hasselback and Grossman and Delhomme have made recent Super Bowls. And Guys like Cassel, Garrad, Jeff Garcia and Jake Plummef and Todf Collins have all been playoff qbs going back 5 or 6 years. No drafted QB will succeed in Buffalo as it is currently constructed. Fitz is good enough to win games if given adequate talent. Lets do that and then worry about a QB. Thanks for reading my first post happy to be on board
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