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Posts posted by soljc

  1. well philly with johnsons def. blitzes all the time.  kearse is edge fast too.  balt has boulware when healthy, but suggs too. 

    but we got similiar rush with shoebel and grays packages.


    Huh? You must be kidding.



    but the athletes for philly and balt are better.  milloy and vincent are at like 32 years old.  mcgee is a nickle or dime guy at best and clemens is solid and an athlete who stays healthy and can run to stay in plays.  but i would not say that our seconday can shut down a team or blanket a team.  look, if we played the colts what would happen?  balt would hang with them and so would philly.



    Now this I agree with.

  2. The 49ers are NOT drafting a QB, at least not with the #1 spot. They've made a committment to Rattay, who battled injuries all year, but will surely return as the starter. And, more importantly, the 49ers have so many other problems--among them who replaces franchise LB Peterson--they'll trade down and grab extra picks.

  3. Flash-based players could be compared to watches.  Do you remember when they started loading watches will all sorts of features back in the 80's?  It was neat until most people realized they only wanted to know the time...



    I hear ya' on some of the ridiculous features of these players, but a display is one feature I sure don't want to be without.

  4. Jets surprised everyone last week, including me, but now travel for another road game to Pitt. I'd think the Steelers would be able to move the ball fairly easily against a soft Jet defense, but the experts are only calling for 35.5 total points. Thoughts?

  5. boo friggin hoo.


    We live in a world were blood thirsty Muslims cut the heads off of truck drivers, and shoot aid works in the back of the head, because they choose not to follow Islam.


    And you worried about ten punks who got patted down.


    Wow! How terrible!

    Now watch them get some attorney from the ACLU and sue for $5 million each, for 'emotional distress'.

    Like those baseball cap wearing slackers could ever make that much money in their whole lives working at Juffy Lube.







    Fortunately for us, this country is a bit more civilized, and folks generally respect the rule of law, which includes the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizures (see, Article 4, US Constitution). So while you may think there are bigger concerns in the world than a bunch of kids getting strip searched--and I wouldn't argue that point--the issue whether we respect our own rule of law, not how silly it may seem compared against senseless killings in other parts of the world.

  6. I like Shaud as a backup, but didn't a lot of his yards in 2004 come in garbage time against weak teams?  The Cleveland game comes to mind.



    I agree, look at our schedule the last 5 games of the season and you'll see Williams certainly wasn't tested against anybody good. At least with Henry, we know what we've got, a hard runner and former Pro-Bowl RB.

  7. I consider myself pretty handy with computers, in fact, I have built several in the past.


    However, I dont know how to answer this question. My mother in law has a COMPAQ running Windows ME, with 256 megs of RAM. She is complaining the computer runs slow and freezes when she tries to open more than one thing. I suggested that she upgrade to Windows XP, and atleast 512 megs of RAM. According to COMPAQs website, installing a different OS is not suggested, and is done at your own risk since XP has not been tested on the computer. My fear is that XP may not be compatible with some of the hardware. Any experience in this? Im not sure what kind of hardware she has, and if it can be changed (video card, modem, sound card, etc.)



    FWIW, my cousin has ME and tells me he reboots regularly.

  8. 1GB? Nowadays thats just not enough space.



    I've also got an older 30GB Creative Jukebox, which I now use as basically a hard drive in my home, but unless you're a DJ, who needs to be able to tote around and access 3,000+ songs on demand?? Plus, any jukebox is going to run on some proprietary rechargable battery that generally won't let you listen to the device for any period greater than 6-10 hours.


    For me, the 1GB of memory--which holds 32 hours of WMA files or 16 hours of mp3 files--is more than enough for a portable device.

  9. I just bought the Creative MuVo N200 ($190 on Amazon)....it has 1GB of flash memory (no hard disks), is the size of a cigarette lighter, runs on 1 AAA battery, and best of all, there's no software needed. Just plug into a USB port and drag and drop files.

  10. Don't get me wrong... I like his play... and he is much improved.  I would call him a good linemen.  However, good O linemen entering their second contract demand WAY to much money.  If we re-sign him we will have to Overpay for him!  This team can not afford to overpay for anyone! (***cough ... Drew cough***)


    We will need to sign a Higher caliber lineman in the offseason to replace JJ.



    I agree, but we seem to have a history of overpaying people (see, Lindell, Posey, Bledsoe, etc.)

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