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Posts posted by soljc

  1. Notable cuts (Cap savings) --

    FS Pierson Prioleau ($1.2 mil)

    LT Jonas Jennings (Not re-signed)


    Traded --

    RB Travis Henry


    Signed/Aqcuired --

    LT LJ Shelton (AZ - via trade)

    TE Freddie Jones (AZ)

    LG Mike Wahle (GB)


    Draft --

    Rd02..CB Bryant McFadden (FSU) | 6-0 185 4.50

    Rd03..OC Chris Spencer (Mississippi) | 6-4 310 4.90

    Rd04..DT Atiyyah Ellison (Missouri) | 6-4 295 4.95

    Rd05..TE Kevin Everett (Miami) | 6-5 250 4.75

    Rd06..RB Eric Shelton (Louisville) | 6-2 248 ___

    Rd07..DE Tyler King (UConn) | 6-5 265 4.75



    I'm not too familiar with the draft guys (yet), but your acquisitions and draft positions are excellent!

  2. I'm not terribly familiar with Shelton, but the guy was a former #1 pick, and he's got a very manageable salary. Perhaps he's not a stud, but several teams seem to be interested, and I gotta figure Bills have done their homework and believe he can be a player.

  3. did you guys read the rest of my post??


    we can afford to do it WHEN WILLIAMS GETS HIS CAP NUMBER DOWN.........


    and a good GM makes sure that cap number gets down and gives himself enough room to get what we need.........


    if our GM can't do it, he isn't doing his job..........


    8M + williams restructure/extension + prioleau release + henry trade = more then enough room.......


    try to keep up boys.........



    Hey, I'm all for cutting MW's salary, he's grossly overpaid IMO. However, if he refuses to restructure and forces you to cut him, then what? Finding a replacement for JJ is a tall enough task, but if you've got to fill the RT spot also, JP--and the Bills--are in for a world of trouble.

  4. I know folks like JJ and I like him too.  However, his inability to ever play a full season in his career stops me from advocating the Bills pay him top 10 OL money simply based on potential and our hopes and wishes.



    I agree completely. I still don't know if MW is the answer at RT or if Tucker is the answer at guard, so I'd rather spend money on a guy like Shelton which would allow us to look at Wahle or someone similar.

  5. what a load of crap......


    if your going to speculate JJ "wants too much money", allow me to speculate that TD is lowballing him and won't put a fair offer on the table........i see that ryan diem is about to sign a long-term contract with indy......that is what happens when you pop 12-14M in signing bonus in front of a player.......when you offer half of that, of course the player won't sign........



    ESPN--which probably is a bit more reliable than any of us here--has reported JJ is seeking a $10m signing bonus, which is too much money.

  6. I never said that the Bills should use the franchise tag on Jennings.  However,  I do think they should attempt to sign him to a long term contract.  I don't think he should be paid like a top 5 NFL OT,  but I don't have a problem with paying him $4-5M/yr,  which is about what I expect him to ultimately sign for.  In any case,  the one thing I certainly wouldn't do is trade for someone else's cast-off and try to pass it off as a lateral move at the position.



    Attempt to sign him?? What makes you think we haven't tried? We know he was offered a contract before the season began, and I'll bet we approached his agent after the season. Bottom line, JJ wants too much money and he ain't gonna be a Bill next year, so we've got to look at other options.

  7. I agree JJ is not "worth" a franchise tag, however I feel at this point, the positives of tagging him outweight the negatives of letting him walk.  Assuming this TH for shleton deal goes down, tagging JJ secures our OL.  Where else do we need to spend money?  Besides a possible TE, im not sure we do.  I feel that the best team we can put on the field next year is one that overpays JJ and not one that pics up 2 marginal players.


    Also a tag gives us the chance to negotiatie long-term with JJ, and gives us the option of getting something in return should we choose to not go forward with him on our team.


    Do it TD.



    The fact that we're looking at Shelton is a pretty clear indication we ain't gonna reach an agreement with JJ, so tagging him with the hopes of working out a deal just isn't realistic. And if it were up to me, I'd rather have Shelton's salary and then also grab a guard like Whale with the extra funds.

  8. I would feel much better about the numbers if he were a LT.  For that money, he better turn out to be the best RT in the league next season.  Since the chances of that are pretty slim, I think he is getting overpaid. 


    I also think they need to suck it up.  The OL is week enough as it is, and can't afford to cut him and look elsewhere.



    Excellent comment, I agree entirely.

  9. I think the best player at QB should start next season and I don't really care whether it is DB, JP or someone else.


    I don't think JP should be handed the job.  I would have brought back DB (I am using the past tense because I am assuming all of the reports are true) and let him fight it out with JP to start at QB.  If it is so clear to the coaching staff and TD that DB can not help the team win consistently, then they need to bring in another QB to compete with JP. 


    The bottom line to me is that it is rare for a second year qb (with little experience from his first year) to become a solid starter in his first season as a starter.  Mabye he won't be worse than DB, but can we expect him to elevate the play of the offense overall?  That expectation does not seem fair or reasonable.



    Agreed. And if we don't upgrade the OL in a big way, I think we're in for a disappointing season.

  10. correction. pro personnel people don't care much about former player connections from college. if they did, you'd see more QBs throwing to their college WRs. As much as you might think it a good thing, it could also become a bad thing. JP might develop a preference for locking onto him. It might produce in JP a desire to pump up his buddie's stats, and subconciously look for him when he shouldn't. You never know. But I do know that you don't see NFL personnel men trying to link their players with their college chums.



    I'd agree, plus with Aiken playing better at the end of the year, we've got 3, maybe 4 good WRs, so the need for another WR isn't great.

  11. I would guess the only way Jennings comes back next year is if he is also franchised.  The question is, is he worth that much money for one year?



    I believe franchising Jennings guarantees him around $8 mil, which he's surely not worth. I'd much prefer to tag big Pat, if anyone.

  12. and the Seahawks will likely franchise Walter Jones for the 4th straight year which may mean that Jonas Jennings will end up the best LT available and why many, including yours truely, feel it best to re-sign him.



    If Jennings is the best LT available, I gotta believe he'll command more money than we're willing to pay. My guess is he ain't a Bill next year.

  13. If and when we trade Henry, We'll have McGahee, Burns, and Williams as our 3 running backs. I think we really lack depth at this position, and TD has said numerous times that a team needs at least 2 quality backs. I see us taking a running back with the 2nd round pick this year that could serve as a 1-2 punch and add depth should Willis go down. Makes sense...



    While I agree IF Henry is traded we'll look to pick up someone else, I can assure you we ain't taking a RB with our #2. Look for OL (depending on Jennings), LB or CB.

  14. apparently you haven't seen the last draft predictions... many experts have him going before our first pick...



    the vikings do need a kicker, but the experts i always consult on draft issues (drugstorelist.com) say he's a 4th round pick. nate keading was a the #2 pick in the 3rd round last year, so it's not inconceivable he's taken in round 2, but i don't see it.

  15. schobel is a pass rush threat that we want at DE........so he didn't put up double digits this year -- big deal........the point is his is putting pressure on the QB consistantly and kelsay will continue to improve along the same lines that schobel has.........both these guys have their best days in front of them, not behind them........



    Schobel putting pressure on the QB constantly??? I beg to differ. Schobel is a decent pass rushing DE, but he gets abused on the run and is totally ineffective against good LTs. I think his best compliment is that he's got a "high motor", which translated means "he ain't got much talent."


    Saying Kelsay will continue to improve sounds nice, but only time will tell if that's correct.

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