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Posts posted by outsidethebox

  1. 19 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    It looks like Theodore and 26 are both on suspension.   

    no posts but they can "like" posts. 



    The reason I came here is because Boyst is in the Should Box doing exactly what he was crying about with this thread.


    You got to love a hypocrite 



    isn't it nice how they can do it but others can't and have an agenda against the fatman?  


    The Clintons? I agree, they're a bunch of hypocrites.

  2. 15 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    Talking with a friend New Year eve....he was commenting on how GOP/CON...whatever it is you guys seem to identify as these days....since RR the right wing  really just gravitated to politics of emotion as opposed to policy....Guv bad....need wall...tax too much...guv problem...immigrants are problem....global trade bad....Pelosi bad....my gut is smarter than your heard....small marco...hoax...conspiracy...voter fraud...


     Hate to tell you guys...but the Dems have actually cornered the market on putting actual policy on the table......at some point you have to actually produce some policy....the GOP had the majority for 2 years and all they came up with was bloating the budget, passing a tax package that will be reversed out of necessity, and stuffing the courts...


    America First!!


    Lol, the dems have cornered the market on being triggered, melting down. The left runs on nothing but emotions and feelings. Did you get a tingle down your leg when Obama was elected.

    The left is constantly projecting their own actions on the right. 

    This has to be the funniest post I've seen in dsys.

    7 minutes ago, meazza said:


    Take it easy there. 

    I don't consider you a leftwing nut. ?

  3. 53 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    no..you posited that a wall was self-evident would be an effective measure against illegal immigration.


    Trump has posted that we have a wall already built and upgraded. So the evidence shows it does not work.


    I will take evidence over ideas 100% of the time. 



    200 miles half done eh?

    Do you know how to read?

  4. 5 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Now I just don't understand..hsi(Trumps)words mind  you, not mine


    @Swill Merchant argued a wall is a no brainer..and yet Trump claims we have a wall already along "much of the border" ..and yet we still have an immigration crisis. Seems to me throwing good money after bad maybe? Definition of insanity maybe?




    That's a brilliant retort!!!!!


    Was it going to take too long a time to form a cogent argument about the logic that follows the tweet and the immigration problem ala building a wall?


    If we have a wall already, and upgraded one at that, and we have a massive immigration problem..does that not logically mean a wall does not work??? just answer that simple question



    Not if you only have 200 miles of wall.  You don't need to be a genius to know they will just go around it. That's why we need to finish the job.  It's not even half done yet you come to the brilliant conclusion that it doesn't work.  


    You're amazing ignorant if you believe that. 

  5. Just now, Swill Merchant said:

    You never know. 2 years into the Bush presidency he looked unbeatable. Then he barely squeaked out a victory against what was then (and arguably still is) the worst Presidential ticket in the modern era.


    A large segment of neo-cons who had warmed to him are turning against him again, and if the wall doesn't get built a lot of the hardcore MAGA crowd sours on him.


    Plus, the Dems could run someone like Kamala Harris to turn out the black & virtue-signaler vote, and the "get out the vote" peer pressure is turning out a lot of apolitical people who vote & vote Dem to avoid the wrath of their aggressively liberal friends.


    I hope he wins, but even if not he's accomplished what I wanted, which was a rebuild of the Republican party. And he exposed the Dems, leftist media, & SJWs for what they are. They can't put the mask back on.

    I agree he's accomplished more in two years than Obama in eight. Harris, Booker, warren and whoever else they can dig up between now and 2020 have very little chance of beating him, IMHO. Just for the fact of what he's done already. Another 2 years like the past two, he's a lock to win again. The left is terrified of losing again. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I am not quite sure. According to Trump and his followers, we have an immigration crisis of massive proportions. 


    and also according to Trump, we already have a wall in place and that has been fully renovated or built.


    So logic dictates a wall does not work..or he is lying..which one ya got?



    I would go with you're full of *****.


    Six more years of Daddy Trump!! You'll never make it. Lol!!!!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    True, Trump should stop demanding this that and the other thing and sign the Bill the Senate republicans came up with. Pelosi's House is ready to pass it. 


    And remember, Mexico will pay for it!! 

    Will the illegal immigrants be allowed to keep their own doctor?

  8. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Do you understand how global markets work and the effect of tariffs? My gut tells me no. 


    Based on your statement, you believe somehow the US economy is insulated form world markets. God bless ya son, I guess ignorance teulybis bliss. Go back to being happy!


    Can you show me proof tariffs are to blame and not the product or the management at Apple?


    Why should we (the American people) care about Apple and there profits if we're not effected by it?


    I put country first, do you?

  9. 43 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    And so it begins. Trump is so xenophobic and childlike in his thoughts , i am not 100% sure he understands the global economy at all. I sure as hell hope he gets this mess figured out fast. 



    What does this have to do with Trump? Apple is a business. Like all businesses, they need to adjust or be run out of business. 

    They expected 89 billion in profits but only made 84 billion. My heart bleeds for them.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I'll gladly add to the list. But to be clear, my list is something most not Trump voters would care about. Obviously the Trumpers only care about one thing with Trump. 


    1) The constant lying about everything is corrosive to our democracy/republic 


    2) His ignoring of global warming 


    3) Warehousing of babies at the border was just sickening 


    4) Shutting down the government over his stupid boarder wall thing Mexico's is suppose to pay for 


    5) Tariffs were mentioned, but not taken far enough. Not joining the Trans Pacific Partnerships keeps us out of certain markets, which is just stupid as hell. 


    6) After all the bemoaning of budget deficits and then blowing up the budget has to be seen but some as a screw up, right? 


    7) All the cheering by the right wingers over his withdrawing from global leadership is wrongheaded and its nice to see Mattis and other criticising this pro-Putin foreign policy. 


    8 His attempt to crush Obamacare, with nothing to replace it, as he said he would, was evil. Trying to take healthcare away from 30 million people just to give tax cuts to the wealthy. 


    9) Scapegoating of immigrants as rapists and murderers is just plain evil, ignorant and repugnant


    10) All the corruption from his cabinet members that in itself is a level unprecedented in modern US history. 






    All those feelings must keep you up at night. All you have is opinions. No facts. 

    You're still a loser, try harder next time.

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