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Posts posted by outsidethebox

  1. 3 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    My candidate lost (Johnson) but I don't want to impeach anyone unless it can be proven they committed a high crime or misdemeanor.  I think the whole impeach over Russia thing is dumb. It does feel like Ds are doing it because they lost to a reality show TV star.   Please don't confuse me with a yellow dog democrat.  I judge candidates and ideas on their own merit.


    OK, I answered your question, now I have one for you.


    Do you think it is a good precedent to set that if a president and congress can't agree, the president can stop paying people and still make them work which will trickle down and out through the economy?  Would you be OK if a D prez said "I'm not signing a funding extension unless it includes Medicare for All?"


    Thanks for answering. As for your question,  no, I don't think the president or any single politician should have that much power. I didn't like it when Obama rammed Obamacare down our throats and I voted for him twice.

    I am just really tired of the politics on both sides of the aisle. I'm sure you probably feel the same way.

    I firmly believe our nations security trumps (pun intended, lol) political parties.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    i hate to admit, but I like this post. ?


    I agree, and have continually..this is a political ploy by both parties. They both suck and are scum suckers, including the POTUS. I don't think you have seen many of us anti-Trump folks say we are against a wall.. I am not sure if it will help or not, but i don't think it can hurt in either case, and for $20B get it done.


    For $5B and only a political win,  and being in the same place next year ...screw it.No kinda pregnant here. BUild the wall and fight for full funding, not a talking point of I got wall funding( for 1/3 of a wall at best)

    oh..yes. I do believe the Military Times is not the MSM or a liberal mouth piece



    Unless I missed it, All I read was it would be approved in 2019. No specific date was given. 


    So this is the line in sand your willing to take? Oppose border security over that? Really?


    What's the difference between what your doing and a little kid holding his breath until he gets his way? 

    9 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    Be careful B-Man. 


    Is this really a precedent that we want to set?  The prez can hold 800,000 government workers, their families, and all the supplier of said government work jobs and their families hostage over what the president and congress disagree on?


    How would you feel if the next D prez that comes along says "I will not sign a funding extension until it includes Medicare for All?"


    I can see both sides of this wall thing.  Wouldn't bother me either way.  However, the idea that a precedent will be set that a president can hold American citizens hostage to black mail congress into passing what (S)he wants gives me chills.  If Trump gets away with this, future presidents will as well and I don't think we want to go there.

    How do you feel about impeaching a president because your candidate lost?

  3. Just now, Doc Brown said:

    Only Tom Brady.  I said I think he's doing the righ thing to try and force Congress to get more serious about the border.  The "wall" will never be completed because of the massive amount of lawsuits to come,   I just think it's a ridiculous take that human traffic is a "personal" issue for Trump as there's too many people on here with rose colored glasses when it comes to Trump.  

    And vice versa. So many people on here just hate him because he won. 

    Feelings need to be put aside when it comes to the security of our great nation.


    I agree about Brady. Lol

  4. 3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    He just lied to the troops on the trip at Christmas on a 10% raise, they had not seen in a decade, it was the largest etc. I mean cmon, those are just facts he flat out lied about. There can be zero debate on that..and I do mean zero.

    Now if he can lie to the troops, he can and will lie to anyone.


    I love when the left rides there high horse.

    1 minute ago, plenzmd1 said:

    dont understand,,,was the "I got you guys a 10% raise " a factual statement?

    Was, you can keep your own doctor a lie when Obama said that?

  5. 17 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    Which is great like I said if it leads to better border security to combat it, but a great passion of his is stretching it as all the evidence throughout his life tells me the only personal issue he cares about is his reputation.

    So your willing to put people in harms way because of your feelings? 

    You act like "lieing" is something new in politics when Trump came along. 

    I'm sick and tired of the f'n politicians from all parties putting themselves and their party ahead of the country.

    There are a lot of bad people who would love to see this country sink. We, as a nation need to keep out those who mean us harm. If that means building a wall, then build the damn wall.

  6. Just now, plenzmd1 said:

    Dude, you losing me with some of these posts that are all opinion and you state them as fact. Where in the world in that article does it have any facts to back up that claim in your link title? That 60,000 people retweeted it is indicative of...what exactly??? That Trump's followers retweet his tweets? I am not even saying the premise is wrong, just that article has absoluely no evidense to support it.


    You did this as well with "Fact" guy as evidence why a wall would work...and there was not one explanation or proof based claim in that video. 

     Now, while I love your memes and cartoons and such, I also  want to keep clicking your links but will not if they do not support your claim in the title.



    We have to build the wall to see if it works.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    Damn .....You guys sure wanna drop 5B in a completely inefficient manner.....I thought the Mexicans were gonna pick up the tab.....oh that’s right.....it’s in the “billions” pouring in from new NAFTA...which hasn’t even been put into law yet ....or the “billions” in tariffs that the “Chinese” ....errrr I mean you....pay to import Chinese goods.....LOL

    Would you rather have our border security drastically upgraded to keep America safe.  Or would you rather have twice as much given to foreign "aid" (donors pockets)?



  8. Just now, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Nawww they couldn't a few pages back when I asked. They certainly aren't going to come up with something good today. 

    This really disgusts me. How can this be justified? 

    What exactly is foreign aid? Why is it more important than defending our border?

  9. 1 minute ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Federal government.  Department of Army.  We are funded through 2019.

    Like I said. Cushy job.  When was the last time you actually had to work? Government jobs like yours is one small step up from welfare. 

    Who did you know to get that job? Was there a test to determine if you could mentally and emotionally handle doing nothing for how many hours you have to be there?

    They Must let any idiot off the streets to work on the canal. I'm definitely not going to sleep better knowing the type of people handling that job.

  10. 8 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    And you would know?  What's with the name calling... Easy Bro...

    You have to excuse EII, he's been in a cushy state job so long he's reverted back to childhood. Poor guy has some deep mental and emotional problems. I actually pity him.

  11. 29 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    It depends what comes out of the Mueller investigation.


    I am a lib.   I hope that Muthaph...er really committed something!


    He's immoral and the people that voted for him are equally culpable.

    Yes.  He's immoral, a dangerous demagogue... Then nail him.  That's what our system is suppose to do.


    Sorry you were duped.  Get over it.

    I'm sorry you're an immature flake. Grow up traitor. 

  12. 1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Remember, impeachment has always been part of The Process®.  The Constitutional Process.  It's NOT just your vote.  Our vote can be questioned. Congressional Districts, Constitutionally are more "dialed in" than say: Electoral College>Popular Vote & then...( >Congressional Districts.)


    No laws need to be broken.


    I know it's the HuffPost... But please read.  It's pretty straightforward:




    Glean the X's & O's, if nothing else:


    "...It’s Not A Criminal Prosecution

    First off, the president doesn’t need to have violated a federal law ― or any other law ― for the House to file impeachment charges and for the Senate to convict him.

    This has been further confused by ongoing media discussion about whether a sitting president can be indicted while in office, something about which there is considerable debate among legal scholars, because the Constitution doesn’t address it. The Justice Department has issued several memorandums on the subject over a period of decades, including the last one almost 20 years ago, which concluded that a sitting president cannot be indicted because it would “unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch.”

    Incoming House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff recently said he believes it is constitutional to indict a sitting president and that the Justice Department should “re-examine” its guidance. (Ultimately, it might take the Supreme Court to decide.)..."


    "...But again, criminal charges are a separate matter from impeachment. Presidents can be impeached for actions that are in fact a violation of the law, though it doesn’t mean they always should be impeached in those instances. And they can also be impeached because they’re believed to have abused their power, even if a criminal charge doesn’t apply. It’s up to Congress to decide what rises to an impeachable offense, defined by a term in the Constitution, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” that has always been up for grabs.


    It’s Up To Congress

    So, President Bill Clinton was impeached by the GOP-controlled House on two charges: perjury (lying to the FBI) and obstruction of justice. Both are also violations of U.S. law, but because the charges surrounded his lying about a private sexual matter, the Senate failed to meet the two-thirds threshold required to convict him on the charges and remove him from office. As Gerhardt notes, a substantial number of senators later explained their not-guilty vote by saying that the actions didn’t rise to an impeachable offense — punishment for which can only be removal from office, nothing less — and many pointed to the partisan agenda of House Republicans.


    Conversely, impeachment charges can be brought for actions that aren’t illegal. President Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached, after the House Judiciary Committee had drawn up articles of impeachment. One of those articles charged that Nixon ordered the FBI and the IRS to torment his political enemies. A president directing the heads of agencies to take various actions is not illegal, but ― like Trump calling for investigations of his political enemies ― it was certainly an abuse of power, which the House Judiciary Committee at the time believed to be an impeachable offense..."

    Is this the game the left wants to play? Your candidate lost, so lets impeach him. This is seen by anyone with a brain purely political. They have absolutely no chance of impeaching him. The left is acting like a bunch of babies with a diaper rash. 

    I wish they would go in and try to fix healthcare, schools, infrastructure. Instead they want to impeach the president and end the electoral college. 


    No political agenda there!

    1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    I think they (the righties here, AKA: "The Timmy's) are having a hard time with reading comprehension.  They simple are living in their "Timmy Bubble" NOT fully understanding the power built into the U.S. Constitution to handle dangerous, authoritative demagogues.


    We fought a Revolution to remove a King... NOT to brings one back!


    Grow up. You're just living up to the stereotype of the leftwing emotionally challenged Democrat.


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