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Posts posted by outsidethebox

  1. Hey Todd, Thanks. I have been lurking for a while and just started posting again. I think the last garbage plate I had was with you guy's :lol: . I definatly need to have one soon :lol:


    side note, I just bought three boxes of girl scout cookies from a girlscout who just came to my door :lol:


    I love garbage plates and girlscout cookies! <_<

  2. I heard Coy Wire on WGR on the way home from work today, I just caught some of it, but I think I got what he was trying to say.


    He said he doesn't really care what the opinion outside the Bills locker room is, that "they" (I think he means the fans) don't "understand" what is going on with the Bills because they are not part of the team.


    When I hear crap like that it really pisses me off! I do not need to be a football player or coach or GM for that matter to know lousy football when I see it. I hate the arrogance the players and coaches show towards there fans amd the media to some extent. I think they forget it's the fans who buy there tickets, buy there shirts,hats and whatever else they sell with the team logo on it.


    Why must they act like it is a secret society that a simpleton like us fans would never understand? I resent the remarks the players, coach Mularky and Donahoe make when they are asked a question on the performance of the Bills. Why can't they just level with us instead of feeding us this "were going to stay the course" or "were close" or the always popular "were not making changes because we are not going to ruin our continuity" quotes.


    I was so glad when I heard good old Ralph Wilson lit into the GM and coaching staff yesterday. Do you think they showed Mr. Wilson the same arrogance they show there fans? I seriously doubt it.


    Anybody else ever get tired of that crap?

  3. Just curious, all the people who support President Bush. How many terrorist where there in Iraq before the war? This is the one issue that is really bothering me. I am not trying to be a smarta$$, really. But when I hear people say we are fighting a war with Iraq because we are fighting terriosism, how many where there?


    I honostly believe there are/were, more terriost in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Libya then there were in Iraq at the start of the war.


    If you say we went to war because of WMD, what, if there were WMD in Iraq, what would they do with them? Sell them to terrorists? Use them on there own people?

    I am not sure what Hussein would do with them if he had them. If he had WMD's, then I would agree that going to war with Iraq was a good move. I could understand that.


    Just to clear things up. I support the war on terror 100%. I just think if we are really trying to win the war on terror, Iraq was not a major hotbed for terrorism before the war. I think they are after the war.

  4. Itis a little to late to overhaul the team. Or a little too early to give up on them. I, like most, wanted to bench everyone after the Pats game. We have to remember we were playing the SUPERBOWL Champs! If we play like that against the Dolphins or the Cardinals or the 49ers. Then yeah, lets make some drastic changes. Until that happens, our best shot at winning is with the current starters.

  5. The first thing I would do is let drew Bledsoe know he is still the QB. Let's face it, he is our best shot at winning.

    Then I would let Travis Henry know he is on a short leash. He needs to pick up his game or his playing time will decrease. I would still somehow work Willis into the game one way or another. I believe he should have between 10-15 touches a game.


    Then I would start Lee Evans over Josh Reed. I am not ready to give up on Reed just yet. I think he is a great athlete who has not been used properly. Remember he was voted the best collage receiver his senior year. The talent is there.


    As far as the TE position is concerned, I would check the roster to see if Mark Campbell is still on the team! I think Campbell is at worst an average TE, at best a pretty good one. He has improved his blocking, he has pretty good hands when he doesn't have to climb a ladder to catch the ball thrown to him. Which leaves him wide open for some serious injuries. I would work Euhas into the game plan as well. I think he has all the tools to be a very good TE.


    As far as the O-Line is concerned, I think they need time to jell. No, I am not very pleased with there play so far but I think with more time, they can be solid. With Teague getting injured, it kind of throws a monkey wrench into the plan. I would start Tucker over Sobieski (sp) based on experience. I thought we should have addressed this problem of not having a true backup at center in the off season.


    As far as the defense is concerned, I wouldn't change too much. I still think we have a top 10 defense. I feel Mcgee will handle the position just fine untill Vincent comes back.


    I would definatly sit Coy Wire. I think Pralouei (sp?) is a definate improvement over Wire. I would also work Kevin Thomas into the lineup. He seems to have been forgotten at times. I am really high on Thomas and Mcgee.


    We need to run the ball more. Not just preach it, actually do it! I would also use the screen pass a couple of times a game just to keep the defense honost.

    As shown in this past weeks game , Drew can still throw the best deep ball in the league. I believe he is most dangerous with pass routes about 15 yards out or longer. This is why they MUST commit to the running game. That is the only way to keep the defense from just blitzing the hell out of you.


    O thoink we match very well against the Jets. I am not that impressed with there ability to stop the run. The Bills should ram TH down there throats and bring in Willis with Henry in the backfield. That way you could hand off to Willis or use his him for a screen pass.


    I think if the Bills can pull off this victory, then face miami and Baltimore, this team can definatly can go 3-3. Then it is anyones ballgame for a wildcard spot. I hope Mularky is also learning from the mistakes, not just the players.


    There is too much talent on this team to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. We will beat the Jets, squish the Fish and pu;; an upset over the Ravens. We are due for the ball to bounce our way.



    Go Bills................

  6. Welcome Ryanland. If you have been watching the Bills lately, we have been showing signs of life. My prediction for there record this year is 8-8. I am hoping with the new coaching, the players will adjust quickly to there system and start kicking some a$%.


    Are a Bills fan or a Texan fan? Once again welcome. Don't be shy :w00t:

  7. I liked his "I bet you were something before electricity" comment he made to an old woman in Caddyshack. Great movie, even better comedian. I just saw him on a new tv sitcom last monday night. I thought he looked sick in that scene. now I know why.



    He will be missed.

  8. Thanks for the kind words Simon. I wasn't sure if I was going to get slammed. I also agree, all the pinheads who complain about the same thing time after time.


    I respect your opinion and I would never say I'm right and your wrong. I'm just a shmuck with an opinion :w00t:


    I hope your right, I really do.


    Hey it could be worse, we could be 49er fans ;)

  9. Sorry Simon, I wish I shared your thoughts onthe Bills. I just don't see it. I see them making the same mistakes game after game after game.......


    I see a patriot team with less "star players" than the Bills outhustle, outperform and most importantly, outthink the Bills time after time after time.


    I see a GM who makes poor draft choices, poor head coach choices (I am willing to give MM the benefit of the doubt). This team did NOT need another rookie head coach! We needed a coach who has experience. There are too many players on this team who will not be here when MM finally gets the experience he needs to coach a WINNING ballclub.


    There are to many hotdogs, hotheads and just plain poor leaders on this team for a rookie coach to handle. I sure hope to hell we start winning again and I will gladly eat some crow. But at this point, I think we will be lucky to reach 8-8.


    Let me say that I have been a Bills fan for over 30 years. I sat through some bad times (the 70's for example) and the great times. I will ALWAYS support this team win or lose. I just don't like being called a fairweather fan just because I think i see the team for what it really is, not a very good team :w00t:


    But like every week, I will hope for the best, but expect the worst. I hope you don't see me as a fairweather fan. I love this team too much to be called that.

  10. I agree jahnyc, I blame TD for this mess. He went cheep on the coach, cheep on the O-Line. How good would Pete Kendall be looking right now on our O-Line? Didn't TD say Kendall is not the kind of player he wants on his team? SO he would rather have L. Smith at guard than Kendall?



    Hey TD, if you are listening...... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  11. Did anyone listen to the post game conference by Mularky? Did he mention that the Bills made alot of correctable mistakes? That has been his excuse for the first two games.


    If the players keep making the same stupid mistakes game after game, when does it become incorrectable? I heard that same crap from the last coach that was here.


    So, did anybody hear his postgame conference?

  12. I also agree. What did TD think he was getting with a rookie coach? I still believe if we had a good coach we would be 2-1 at the least. I think Mularky might be a good coach someday, this team does not have 3-4 years it will take for that to happen.



    Hey TD :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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