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Posts posted by outsidethebox

  1. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/02/...ain576332.shtml


    Kerry and Bush are both members. I realize most already know. Makes you wonder at times that despite all our passion towards a given political party, it really doesn't matter. The 1 % has ALL the power and they fill the rosters of both parties.  :blink:


    Are we just chum in a giant feed tank with little chance of changing anything ? :P




    You have it right MarkVI. We are all just pawns for the rich. It's just a game for them. You have the Democrates and The Republicans, they are like identical twins argueing which one is prettier.

  2. One of the big questions that I have coming out of this election is what impact this overwhelming win will have on the liberal left. Lets consider these points:

    1) The hollywood elites and entertainemt industry went ALL out to effect the election, and apparantly people ignored them. messages such as "Vote or Die" did not have the impact they expected.


    2) The 527's such as move on .org etc. backed by the likes of george soros took it n the chin big time. They spent millions, and essentially got nothing for it.


    3) The fear tactics of topics such as the draft, and social security did not resinate with the American people. These were long standing winners for the liberal left.


    4) Raiseing taxes on the "rich" has seemed to lose its luster. Has the class warfare attempts finally come to an end?

    These are just a few of the tactics that did not seem to have the effect that the liberal left had hoped. These are staples of their party...what message did the resounding and crushing victory send them? My guess is they will have to seriously re-examine their approach for the next election. There is no doubt that they cannot continue to lose senate and house seats at this rate.


    having said that, can the liberal wing of the democratic party continue to set the agenda for them? hasn't the pattern that started over 10 yeras ago taught them anything, or will they still be singing the same tune 10 years from now when they have only one or two advoctaes in either house?


    Interested to hear everyones views on this.




    If there were no liberals left, then who would be left for you to feel superior over? Oh yeah, there are still the gays :P

  3. 1. This type of move should be made in the off-season, not in the middle of the season.  You don't just shift the line around and hope for the best...it takes some time...and believe it or not the line is actually making positive strides.  Make some moves like this and its back to the drawing board.  If Mike is moved (which isn't a bad idea in and of itself) it should be done next training camp.


    2. Again, this is a move that shouldn't be attempted in midseason.  Not only that, but it's a bad idea right now.  We're much thinner at CB than we are at S.  If Vincent is moved to S then we have McGee starting opposite Clements...and McGee isn't a viable option right now as a starter.  Not only that, we have Thomas as our Nickle...in a 3WR set the idea of having McGee and Thomas on the field covering a team's 2nd and 3rd best WR scares the hell out of me.  Don't move Vincent to S until we have somebody who can be put at CB that is more than a stop-gap.


    3. Edwards is playing very well, but the guy doesn't deserve to start over Pat or Sam...who both are playing very well as of late.  Not to mention that Edwards pass rush is his forte right now and he gets in there on obvious passing situations as it is.  I feel much more comfortable with Pat and Same clogging the middle on first and second down than I would with Edwards in there.


    4. I'm all for starting JP once his leg is ready...in-so-long as Bledsoe is still playing like complete crap when that time comes.  If Bledsoe (by some miracle) manages to turn it around before JP's leg is ready, then he shouldn't be pulled.  Otherwise, give him the ol' heave ho and lets see what the youngers got.


    Most of your ideas seem to be change-for-change-sake ideas.  The D should be left alone, period.  It's doing its job for the most part and once Vincent is healthy our secondary is no longer a weakness.  The O-line and QB are the major problems with this team right now, but you really can't start moving people around mid-season on the line without having negative consequences...and yes, even worse than what we've seen thus far.





    MDH, what do you think of MM using Bannon and Adams on the O-Line yesterday? I agree with Ice on most of his points. I think moving Williams now and putting Vincent at safety( I think Mcgee and clements are more than holding there own) would have our 4 best DB's in the game all the time.

  4. Glad to see us win going away with bad QB play.  This certainly decreases the pressure to rush JPs development along at a harm to him as a productive QB.


    Our Defense has played great all year. I am excited to see our running game finally get going. I don't care if JP or Drew is the starting QB, just as long as they don't commit turnover after turnover and mistake after mistake.

  5. I'm not excited because "Drew beat a sub .500 team."


    I'm excited because our D played well, our STs were dynamite, and our O ran the ball effectively and scored 2 rushing TDs against a D that had yet to surrender a rushing TD.


    Did you see the game differently?




    I see his point Campy. I too believed after the Dolphins game that the Bills turned the corner. Next thing you know, we get clobbered by the Ravens. Even though I think we could have won the game if we didn't commit 4 turnovers.


    I am not an eternal pessimist, I just want to see them beat a decent team, at home or on the road.





    GREAT WIN ALSO! :lol:

  6. I see a bunch of American Mensa Members are replying!



    Why do they feel the need to answer him like that? That stevestojan is bringing this board down. I wish the moderaters would take some action against the same group of posters who feel it neccesary to insult someone if they don't go along with there thinking. Bad behavior should be banned, even if they have a million post count.

  7. I'm impressed, that is a impressive list of cut and paste. That still doesn't answer my question. Do you feel SAFER with Saddam out of power?


    Do you really think Saddam would let Al Queda into his country willingly? I do not doubt Al Queda may have been in Iraq. Having a few Al Queda in Iraq is still a long stretch in saying Iraq and Al Queda were conspiring together to bring down The United States.


    If you really wanted to make an arguement for countries supporting AL Queda, then I think Saudia Arabia would be a more logical arguement.

  8. It is my opinion that Iraq was not a threat to the United States when Bush decided to invade. I believe Bush put capturing BinLaden on the back burners while he went after Saddam.


    It is my opinion that Saddam was not as big as a threat as some scumbag terrorist who ordered 4 planes to Rosen into buildings killing as many people as he can.


    Can you explain AD why you think it was more important to go after Saddam instead of making Al Queda it's #1 proirity?


    Do you feel safer at night knowing the "axis of evil" that was Iraq is now defeated while OBL is still out there making threats?

  9. To say Bin Laden supports Kerry is one hell of a stretch. I don't think anyone on the U.S gymnastics team could stretch as far as you just did. He states in the tape that voting for EITHER canidate won't keep you safe!


    I think letting oin laden off the hook to go after the "real" terrorists in Iraq is a HUGE mistake that I hope this country has to pay for. You can spin the truth anyway you want, but letting them off the hook, so to speak, is something that falls squarely on the shoulders of Bush.

  10. I am the only Red Sox fan at my job. I am surrounded by at least 20 yankee fans. I have been hearing how great the Yankees are for quite awhile now. So when the Sox came back and defeated the mighty Yanks from a 3-0 deficite. The greatest comeback in the history of major league baseball. It was VERY tempting to rub it in there faces. But, knowing full well how it feels to have your team do a total collapse, I did not give in to the temtation. ;)


    I was rather surprised at how these Yankee fans, my friends, could not find it there hearts to wish the Red Sox luck. So I asked them, we have been your ugly step sister for many, many years, why so much hostility towards the Red Sox?

    I could not get a straight answer from them. All I could get in response were "we won 26 titles' you only won one". My response to them was is will always be, this one little World Series is all I need. Yeah, it would be nice if we won another Championship. But this Red Sox fan does not need it.


    I think that is what seperates Yankee fans from fans of other teams. The Yankees and there fans can't seem to see the forest for the trees. They are so into winning it every year, that winning a 100 games and having a great season is mute, because they did not win the series.



    I look forward to another great rivalry between these two great organizations in 2005.




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