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Posts posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. This is where I tend to find myself siding with the righties on the board. The fact that a teacher or school could be sued for decorating a "Christmas" tree is just plain stupid. In this case, hats off to Texas. It's sad there had to be a law past to allow a teacher to say Merry Christmas to a student.

  2. I like how people on either side act like this is either total murder cut and dry or in the alternative completely justified. it was clearly a nasty and tragic event where George made a number of retarded moves that ended up producing a dead kid...whether ot not and to what extent hr should be resoonsible is now at trial. passionate defenders of george and passionate lynchers are both retarded


    I don't think what happened was murder. I did at first but as more information about the case came out I think GZ should be charge with manslaughter not murder. He didn't get out of the car intending to kill TM, but following TM after being asked not to escalated the situation.

  3. Damn, you are an idiot. You deleted every one of your frenzied, bs posts. They are there for you to see because every one of your laughable posts got published as quotes by others. No wonder you want this thread to die.


    You're retarded as hell. Go back and look. They're all there. Try posts 56 and 75 for starters. You and Tom seem to be cut from the same cloth sometimes. You're confusing what happened with what you wish happened.


    Your mistake count has now reached 9194.

  4. Bigfatbillsfan, on 21 March 2012 - 11:18 AM, said:


    I don't find it absurd that Holder would get involved with the case when it seems that a cold blooded killer is going to get away with murder. It would be one thing if he was standing hs ground, it's another for him to go chasing.



    Bigfatbillsfan, on 22 March 2012 - 02:50 PM, said:


    The hook would be the fact that he followed the kid down the street while muttering a racial epitaph to the dispatcher. Had the local police done their job the DoJ wouldn't have to get involved. This is an obvious racial killing given the evidence we have at this point and if the local police are going to let it go on grounds of "self defense" it's time for the big kids to come in.


    The odds of them being able to prosecute a case are pretty long given their limitations in the case but at least they are letting the black community know they are being heard.



    Nice attempt at deleting these posts. I don't blame you, but when you say stupid schit, people quote you in their response. You can't delete other people's posts. Moral of the story, since you don't get do overs, don't say stupid schit.


    Your argument would make sense if I tried to delete those posts. However, I didn't. My position still has not changed much. Other than the part about this being a cold blooded racial killing I still stand by what I said.


    Edit: Your mistake count just went up to 9193

  5. http://www.guardian....ina-bad-polling


    Here we go again. This is going to be fun. Once again we have people who can't weight their demographics properly telling us that this Sanford turd, and he is a turd, was going to lose by 9, 2 weeks before the election. Trouble is: Sanford won by 9. :o That's a massively skewed poll, and, importantly, this time it comes from both right and left leaning pollsters.


    Specific reason for PPP failure:


    Specific reason for RRH failure:


    Given the 2012 electorate, we would think these assumptions would be valid. But really, this is just more evidence that 2012 was an outlier. Even with turd-boy Sanford, the black and women vote was overstated = an 18 point swing. It wasn't until a few days before that these guys had the D up by 1. Still wrong by 10 pts.


    The worst part? This time the internals couldn't even get it right. They had the D up by 2-3. So I will say it again: we cannot trust anybody's polls right now, because as you can plainly see, it's more about getting lucky and guessing at the makeup of the electorate, rather than scientifically proving it. Somebody has a lot of work to do(ahem, Gallup) on getting a proper demographic model together, so that polls can be weighted correctly. I strongly suggest that they start by throwing out the 2012 data.


    This race tells us nothing about what is to come. This is simply what happens when you try to elect Nancy Pelosi 2 in South Carolina. And, a Nancy Pelosi 2 that was an even worse public speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Apparently, yes, that is possible. It's the only truly shocking thing to come of this. :lol:)


    There was never any way Sanford was down by 9, but, if you listened to these polls, and are a marginal R voter, there's a chance you stayed home, and that may also be part of why Sanford only won by 9, and not 13+ too. That is my chief concern regarding all of this. Polls are supposed to give us the score, not create the score.


    But the polls are obviously not creating the score. If Pelosi II had won and in the aftermath we find that the only reason she did win was because Marginal R voters stayed home believing their vote was meaningless due to the polls showing that Sanford was going to loose we could argue that the polls are creating the score.


    This is a good example of the how you can't skew a poll to manipulate the outcome of an election.

  6. Eh, not really. He's a bit overrated. Honestly, if he didn't have ALS, you never would have heard of him. You've probably never heard of Yukawa, Bethe, Dirac, Tomononga, Gell-Mann, or Wheeler. All at least as smart as Hawking, if not smarter.


    Which is not to say he's not brilliant, mind you. I'm just saying that you're an ignorant moron who lacks any perspective on the world.


    My guess would be Yukawa would be the person behind the name of the Yukawa potential. Bethe I believe German physicist. He taught at Cornell if I'm not mistaken. I think you meant to write Tomonaga, not Tomononga who was also a physicist. The other 4, no I've never heard of them. But considering that the 3 I did know are physicists I would gather that the rest are also.


    Yes I may lack some perspective as to who is smarter than who in physics. But I'm also not trying to bull **** my way thru the thread like I do have perspective.


    And maybe some of the other people you listed above were/are as smart or smarter than Hawking. That doesn't change my statement. Hawking is one of the smartest Mofos that has ever lived.

  7. As I recall, you were the one who posted bull **** about correlation equaling causation. Then you threw the "I have a degree" thing in everyone's face. Then you brought up CCM. Then you pretended that I did all that. Bullshitting, to "argument to authority," to strawman, to denial. I mean, the thread's still here...anyone can go back and verify that.


    So again...what the hell thread were you reading?


    The one where you went from bullshiting to straw man to "I'm right because my degree is in a real science" to pouting.


    BFBF--some friendly advice--know the players---Chef doesn't cook spaghetti anymore, except at home. He now cooks the books at work. You have to understand the art of dissing on your own, it's not something that is easily explainable so unless you are willing to invest more than you should, I'm not willing to bring you up to speed. Regardless, thanks for the many shout outs here. I'm glad you are thinking of me.


    I think I recall him having having something to do with investing. Doesn't matter. He can still cook spaghetti. :D


    Edit, and enjoy the shout outs while they last. I'm home recovering from surgery. Soon I will disappear back into the ether again. :rolleyes:

  8. For some reason BFBF is enamored with him. I just don't understand it myself. I never thought the guy was even very smart. He made a bad political move in blowing off the Esthetician thingy, and shouldn't be cut any slack.


    The Estheticians should be cutting him some slack. It's not every day you land a guy like Hawking! ...you know, to come in a talk about skin care and ****. :flirt: :flirt:

  9. This douche bag is now an "expert" on world politics in addition to being so smart that he knows there is no God? Lolololol. How does he explain GvG? :doh:


    His hubrosity knows no bounds. If he is so damn smart why can't he invent a voice synthesizer that doesn't sound like a character on Lost in Space? I'll tell you why. Because this robot voice of his has been getting him laid for years.


    Just try to imagine him talking dirty to his wife with that robot voice. :sick:

  10. I'm pretty sure the feeling isn't mutual.




    That? That's just a correlation. But a very strong one, so it's causation, so he respects you because you're all idiots.


    I can't believe I tried to have an intelligent discussion with this kind of idiotic nonsense. When not able to put forth an argument of correlation relative to causation vs propter hoc correlation induced by variable flooding you went from bullshitting, to to straw man, to "I'm right because my degree is in a real science", to pouting, and now we seem to be to the pouting phase.


    It's embarrassing for me just to watch. I can only imagine what what you must be going thru.


    So you have respect for idiots? Hmm, I think this says more about you these socalled idiots.


    Be happy that I can have respect for idiots. Or I wouldn't have any respect or people like you and 3rd. And now that my song is over and our moment of "getting along" is over why don't you shut the !@#$ up and go cook some spaghetti!

  11. *Bigfatbillsfan walks to the front of the forum with a guitar case. He pulls a guitar from the case and begins the process of of strapping it around his neck and checks the tuning. (He then has to squirm away from 3rd as 3rd tries to cram his hand up his ass while saying "But, I just want to make you my sock puppet!") He then begins the slow strumming of Kumbaya.


    Much like the famous Christmas Eve truce of WWI the members of PPP stop their arguing one by one and start to join in until all are singing together in one voice. And for one shining moment, there they all were, not divided, but one in the knowledge of their freedom the argue their viewpoints, however different they may be.


    When the song is over he silently unstraps the guitar places it back in the case and without saying a work leaves the forum. (as he's leaving 3rd shouts out: "But... I thought we were going to play 'sock puppet'!)*

  12. That's just a smoke screen. He's been missing out on a lot of conventions lately. Just last week he was a no show at the National Council of Esthetician's little get together in Des Moines.


    The last time I saw him "speak" (not in person, it was a web video) he looked really bad. It seemed like he couldn't move more than his eyelids. I hope he's not on his way out. I'm pretty sure he's one of the smartest mofos that ever lived.

  13. Yes, this is why we have, or at least try to have, real discussions about this here.


    IF it wasn't for those charts, then you'd be treated like conner and his "Lincoln(the creator of Corporate America) would be a Democrat today" threads.


    However, those charts don't account for why, and let me direct your attention to this link, from yours, which is under the third heading (Annual Land and Ocean Mean Temperature Change) and referred to as "page 2" http://www.columbia....ure/T_moreFigs/


    the mean temps are flat, while the increase in CO2 over that period of time has been exponential. Look at the 4th chart from the top. Any reasonable person can see that it is flat. Is it supposed to be? No. Not if we believe Al Gore.


    IF the correlation, never mind causation, was there, then we should expect to see an exponential increase relative to the exponential increase of CO2 (that is coming from India and China, and not us, btw.)


    We do not.


    So, any scientist, or anybody who is familiar with deductive reasoning, would be correct in saying "CO2 therefore cannot be the only causal factor here. There must be either a more complex set of factors, or, something that is being missed, or, CO2 has at best a small relationship to mean gloabal temp."


    All of these, reasonable, conclusions indicate that exactly nothing is "settled" about this. Therefore, to make a political case for inflicting socialism on the entire world, based solely on something that clearly is NOT settled, is the height of buffoonery.


    Edit: I have a correlation for you. In the 2nd chart of your/my link you can see that land temps rise a little, and ocean temps stay the same. How about this: more pavement and development on land...and 0 on the ocean? The major straightline increase started right around the same time as Communism died. Imagine...Communism dies, Globalization starts, and what do you know, more development means higher temps on land. I am shocked. :lol:


    I agree that a reasonable person can conclude that the issue isn't settled. In fact there have been some pretty good models making pretty good cases for Climate Chang that is not, or not completely due to human activity. But remember what stated: the issue is not settled. And therefore we cannot rule out human activity. Claiming that we should not act on what we know at this point is like saying that a person should not cut salt out of their diet after being diagnosed with high blood pressure because they aren't sure if salt is the reason their BP is elevated. And yes, I agree that Al Gore is an alarmist.


    Now we also cannot just look at one chart and ignore the rest when arguing the point. Not to mention if we are looking at the same chart: (is it the one with the the 1, 12, 60, and 132 month means? correct me if I'm looking at the wrong chart.) The only line I see on the chart that is relatively flat is the 12 month mean. Even that would looks like it would show a small uptick in temperature anomaly if it were plotted and the high +/- trend is indicative of quite a bit of noise in the data.


    What you want to pay most attention to when looking for the best long term indicator are the 60 and 132 month anomaly indicators. Both those show a marked increase in anomaly and the 132 month indicator is almost completely devoid of background noise.


    The idea of more development on land causing higher surface temps is one of the better models that tries to take CO2 out of the equation. However, replacing CO2 with land development does not take human activity out of the equation. And if human activity is enough to tips the scales to the point of runaway greenhouse effect we end up in the same place we were before.


    The major difference between land an ocean temps is more due to the complex system of convection and currents that take place in the oceans that do not take place on land.


    The best argument against CO2 = Climate Change is the exponential amount of CO2 in the atmosphere without the exponential increase in temperature anomaly. Either our earlier models CO2/anomaly models are in need of updating, or there is lag between CO2 release and temperature uptick.

  14. How about you quit playing the victim and/or mucking about with the distractions, and address the question, about the substance of this thread, that has been put to you 4 times?


    How do you explain the data showing not-warming? We'll get to why, and what could be the reason, or, we will get to who's been lying, and why, and how this could have happened, but not before we acknowledge that the DATA doesn't support the(your?) assertion.



    Here are some charts depicting global temperature readings up to about 2008. Take a look and tell me how you make the claim that the data is showing that the Earth is not warming. The data clearly shows a warming trend.



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