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Posts posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Honest football question here and I'd love to hear some rationale from people who know better.


    I understand that the book says that you feed Freddie at the line in a short yardage situation.


    But what are you giving up by having a two-back set down there? Not getting to have TJ Graham on the field?


    Please, someone explain to me why Gailey and now Marrone like to take one of our finest weapons off of the field in the red zone.


    Freddy has more power plain and simple. Spiller is great in open space. But when you need a power runner you look to Freddy. Not to mention CJ is a little beat up right now and putting him in at the goal line is a good way to get him hurt worse.


    Spiller should not be eliminated from all goal line situations-he is a weapon that needs to be used. Pitch it out to him to the wide sde of the field-what is the probability that he is going to get into the end zone? It is a high number. Same with a QB that can run, especially Thad or even Tuel. Fake the handoff, roll them out to the wide side and have Chandler run toward the corner of the end zone on that side to keep the D honest. Peyton can do it but Thad or Tuel can't? This is the second time that poor play calling and use of personnel on first and goal have cost the Bills the game, and it is on the coaches.


    While I still hold to my above post I do agree that Spiller should not be eliminated from any goal line situation.

  2. Id say instead of taking snaps from our rookie starting qb, ideally we'd find a backup that needs less reps to be ready. Obviously things didnt work well this year, but....


    If a QB needs less snaps to be ready I would argue they would be more likely to be a starter than a serviceable backup. There's something coaching sees in Tuel that they want to develop otherwise he'd have been on the street after his performance in Cleveland. If they believe they can develop him into a serviceable backup he's going to need more snaps with the first team. But as Pearl pointed out: How do we do that without taking snaps away from our starter?


    Like I said, the Bills are in a much bigger mess at the QB position more than Bills fans realize! Your post just proved it.


    There's no question the Bills are a mess at QB. I have a feeling the reason we're so far under the cap is they are using this year as a rebuilding year to see where that money needs to be spent in the future. At least that's the only reason I would think they would be so far under the cap. I think it's obvious some of that money needs to go to the QB position in the next off season.

  3. Worst thread of the day.


    Poor opinion, with incorrect facts.






    Sounds like half your posts in PPP LOL. Just kidding with ya B-man. You know I love ya!.


    I still think the Bills are the improving team while the jets struggle to stay consistent with their play.

  4. I love the continued delusion on this board. Once again, the Jets beat a quality team that previously beat Buffalo, they are two games ahead, yet the blind homers still insist the Bills are a better team. Unreal.


    Yes, but the jets are not consistent. Plus I think they are looking at things on paper. The Bills have better players... on paper. The jets have a better team. While the Bills seem to be improving, albite very slowly, the jets are great one week and suck then next. I think the Bills are going to be the better team in the long run. And EJ was the right pick.

  5. Sorry i screwed up this posting earlier but here's to trying again.


    I think we all agree that Tuel had a much better showing today than he did against Cleveland. Though it is obvious that he still has a long way to go. I agree that part of the problem in Cleveland was weather/hostile stadium. But how much was it due to him not getting enough snaps with the first team in practice the week leading up?


    I know that we need to develop EJ Manuel as much as possible but should that come at the expense of developing decent and serviceable backups in people like Tuel?


    So the main point of this thread is how much of a back QB's performance comes from the amount of snaps in practice with the first team. How can we expect a backup to come in a win a game for us if they don't have the timing and gel that they need with the first team?

  6. But they won't be able to see a doctor because they won't have insurance because they will be working part time. So the number of people without insurance could likely climb. And not only that they will be making less so there will be less money flowing to the economy. This is what happens when you cram something like this through without floating any trial balloons. Well they passed it and we're finding out what's in it alright.


    If this leads to a single payer system all the better. Because that's what this abortion of a bill should have been. A single payer plan.

  7. Then let's try this:


    It's not a translation, you !@#$ing tool. It was written in English.


    Written by a person who spoke English as a first language? Or Russian? Or Japanese? Because all the people in this article do not speak English as a first language we know there has to be some translating going on. And therefore a possibility that something is lost in translation.


    You know when a thread has completely gone off the !@#$ing rails when the sanest post is gatorgirl's kitten/puppy dog/rainbow farting unicorn post about solar power.


    Talk to Tom about that one. I didn't drag it off the rails.

  8. I addressed your argument just a few posts up.


    I find it to be tenuous at my most generous, and I explain why, through the beauty of sarcasm.


    I know you did. That's why I actually have to think before replying to your post. Tom already halfway down the river.

  9. The fact that it's not a Russian site, but an English one, addresses your bull **** assumption about translation. You don't know, you haven't bothered to check, you're just being ornery in throwing out an unfounded hypothetical in a misguided and thoroughly unsuccessful attempt to put me in my place. Vy mudilo.


    This still does not address my argument. Keep asserting the straw mans Tom. :thumbsup:


    God? :wub:


    Tom seems to think he's God...

  10. Then you should know it's an English language site.


    I believe you're the first person on the board her to demonstrate functional illiteracy in more than one language. Amazing. :lol:


    Though I'm enjoying going on this straw man tangent to see what bull **** you're going to assert you still haven't addressed the fact that my argument is that what the article claims is lost in translation. Not whether or not The Voice of Russia is or is not a Russian site. And by the way, it is a Russian site.


    Then you should know it's an English language site.


    I believe you're the first person on the board her to demonstrate functional illiteracy in more than one language. Amazing. :lol:


    Oh, and I almost forgot: you're the first person on the board her to demonstrate functional illiteracy in more than one language. Amazing. :lol:

  11. Enough Russian to know the difference between termoyiaderniye and piroforniye. Vy debil.




    The fact that you don't even know it's not a Russian site is even more relevant.


    "The Voice of Russia" is not a Russian site. Wow go figure.


    Wow you are really an idiot. And a !@#$ing moron. And a Wednesday.

  12. A straw man like "lost in translation?"


    Point of note: it's an article written in English, based on a transcription of an interview conducted in English, where the English-speaking "expert" used the English word "thermonuclear." Most of us who can think would realize that it being posted on a Russian site is completely irrelevant. And most of us who can think and know some Russian couldn't find the Russian-language copy of that article on the site, anyway.


    Try having some idea what the !@#$ you're talking about next time.


    Holy ****, Now you know "some Russian" now? :w00t: :w00t:



    You're either a regular Einstein or a total poser and liar. You can guess which one I'm leaning towards can't you.


    The fact that it was posted in English on a Russian site is very relevant.


    Solar power is the future, and not that far off from being a major player!


    Wait, are you telling me that we can somehow "catch" energy that falls from the sky?

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